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The Circle Executive Committee meeting prior to the 7th biennial Circle Conference was held at P&T House, Thiruvananthapuram on 15-02-2024. Com.K Mohanan, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com.N Guruprasad , Circle Secretary welcomed . Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary inaugurated the meeting with a brief speech explaining the latest dvelopments in respect of pension revision. Thereafter, Com.N Guruprasad presented the draft biennial report to the Circle Conference being held on February 24-25, 2024. Com.N Vikraman Nair, Treasurer presented the audited accounts. All the district Secretaries and most of the Circle office bearers actively participated in the discussion and the report was adopted with some minor changes. Com.P Surendran, General Convenor of the Reception Committee of the 7th Circle Conference reported on the arrangements being made for the successful conduct of the conference at Alappuzha.