Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the Kerala Circle Executive Committee Meeting held online on 07-11-2020. He started his inaugural address reminding the importance of the day, 103th Anniversary of the great October Revolution and its impact on world countries. Com. V A N briefly spoke on the important issues confronting the workers, pensioners and the people at large and appealed to extend solidarity to the general Strike on 26-11-2020 called by the central trade unions and independent federations.

Coms. K R R Varma and E P Unnikannan, Vice Presidents controlled the proceedings. Com. N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary welcomed all the participants and presented the report for the intervening period.

Com.P V Chandrasekharan, Patron in his address highlighted the struggles conducted by AIBDPA for the settlement of important demands like pension revision and non-payment of medical bills and allowance. He streesed for further agitation despite some of the pensioners organisations seeking legal remedy for pension revision.

Speaking on organisational issues, Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary dealt on the serious national situation, general strike on 26-11-2020 and decision of National Secretariat of NCCPA to hold solidarity Dharna on 25-11-2020 in which pensioners issues like DR freezing, Option 1, pension revision of BSNL pensioners, denial of medical facilities to BSNL retirees, restoration of Railway concession are also included. He also appealed to strengthen the organisation by enrolling more retirees despite the Covid-19 pandemic situation. General Secretary also congratulated the Kerala Circle Branch for ideal and systematic functioning, taking up the issues of the pensioners with right earnest and settlement through continuous efforts. The relief fund collection to the Chief Minister’s distrees relief fund is also praiseworthy.

Coms.S Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President, R Muraleedharan Nair, AGS, R. Aravindakshan Nair, CHQ Treasurer, C Santhoshkumar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and Lucy Isac, Convenor, Circle Womens Sub Committee also addressed the meeting. Thereafter, all the District Secretaries and most of the Circle Office bearers participated in the discussion. The discussion mainly centered on non-payment of medical bills and allowance, CGHS issues and pension revision. General Secretary and Circle Secretary replied to the queries raised in the meeting.

The meeting decided to conduct Solidarity Dharna on 25-11-2020 in maximum centres in support of the General Strike on 26-11-2020, adhering to Covid-19 protocol . 40 comrades participated in the meeting and concluded with vote of thanks by Com.K J Sanalkumar, Circle Treasurer. 


As directed by the CHQ the online meeting of AIBDPA AP CIRCLE CEC held on 05/11/2020

.Com.KG Jayaraj , General Secretary in his inaugural address explained the present national situation, Pension revision and medical bills payment.He congratulated AP Comrades for successfully conducting the programmes and directed to observe NCCPA programme of standing Dharna on 25/11/2020  on pensioners demands and to actively support the general strike on 26/11/2020 called by the central trade unions.

Com.P.Asokababu Vice-President CHQ explained in detail the present position of BSNL and demands of the pensioners and requested the pensioner community to participate in strike call given by BSNL Unions on 26/11/2020.

Com.K.Ramadevi Vice-President CHQ BSNLEU thanked the pensioners for participating in all programmes of AUAB and requested to extend the same co-operation on26/11/2020

.Com.K.S.C.Bose CS congratulated all DSs for making the calls of the CHQ successful and gave brief report on the organisational position in AP Circle.Com.MSNReddy, Treasurer submitted financial report.7 circle office bearers and 7 DSs participated in discussion on organisation and problems.2 DSs could not join due to connectivity problems.CS replied on the points raised during discussion and requested the members to make NCCPA programme on 25/11/2020 and to support the general strike on 26/11.The CEC concluded after Com.T.Nageswararao proposed Vote of thanks.


The National Secretariat Meeting of NCCPA was held online on 02-11-2020. Representing AIBDPA, Coms. V A N Namboodiri (Patron), K G Jayaraj (Deputy Secretary General), S Mohandoss (Asst. Secretary General) and S S Maurya (Organising Secretary) participated. Participating in the discussion, Com.K G Jayaraj wanted to include the genuine issues of the pensioners, viz, impounding of DA/DR, Change in base year of Consumer Price Index, Suspension of Railway Concession to elders, Denial of Pension Revision to BSNL pensioners due from 01-01-2017 and Non-payment of medical bills and medical allowance to BSNL pensioners since 2018-19. He also suggested one hour Standing Dharna on 25-11-2020 as the Solidarity in support of the general Strike on 26-11-2020. Com.S Mohandoss also participated in the discussion and proposed half day Dharna as Solidarity.

Considering all the suggestions , the Secretariat decided for Dharna/ Demonstration as the Solidarity action and to include the genuine demands of the pensioners.

Accordingly NCCPA has issued the following circular and all our units are requested to implement the decisions in its true spirit.

13-C Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi.110 001
: Email.             Dated: 03/11/2020
President: Com. Shiv Gopal Misra, 9717647594
Secretary General:Com. K.K.N. K utty 9811048303
Dear comrades,
The National Sectt. of the NCCPA met on 2nd November, 2020 through video network at 3.00PM. The meeting was presided over by the National President, Com. Shiv Gopa Misra,. The meeting was convened to discuss the following agenda:
1. Support and solidarity action for the one day general strike call of the Working class;
2. Anyother issue of importance with the permission of the President.
The members who participated in the discussions were unanimous of the opinion that the NCCPA must support the strike action as the anti-worker policy of the Government was resonsibile for the decision to deny the dearness relief to pensioners for 18 months and the recent one to change the base year for the computation of the Consumer price index. The meeting noted with concern that there had been no consultation with the trade unions or the employees representatives, when the government takes decision concerning the service matters of the workers.
The meeting also inter alia took note of the serious and unabated spread of corona virus covid 19 in the country and the difficulties to be encountered by the senior citizens. The consequent decision of the Government to restrict mobility especially of senior citizens have made them to be virtually under house arrest. Despite the intense desire to be a participant in the struggles, the meeting noted that the imposed restrictions and the non- availability of public transport in certain areas will constrict them from participating in assembly of people. The genuine apprehension of being a victim of the deadly pandemic was also expressed at the meeting. Taking all those into account, the meeting decided to call upon its affiliate and state units:
(a) To organise sit in dharna or demonstration programme on 25.11.2020 with as many number of comrades as could be mobilised in all important urban agglomerations and State capitals and at the end of the programme send the following message to Ms. Nrmala Seetaraman, Finance Minister, Government of India, North Block, New Delhi through e mail.
Her e mail address is given hereunder:-
Text of the message:
Dear Madam,
We support the one day general strike of the working class in the country and request you to settle the issues they had projected. We also request you to kindly concede the following important demands of the pensioners urgently;
(a) Release the Dearness Relief impounded;
(b) Implement Option No. 1 of pension fitment formula as third option.
(c) Reimburse the medical expenses of all pensioners and clear the pending medical bills of BSNL pensioners
(d)Implment the pension revision from 1.1.2017 to BSNL pensioners;
e) Revise the pension of PNB employees without further delay;
(f) Restore the rail travel facilities to senior citizens.
(g) Sanction festival gant of 20,000 to pensioners/family pensioners.
Those who could not attend the dharma programme due to difficulty of travel etc, may send the above message by e mail to the finance minister on 25th November 2020
(b) Ensure that the wall posters, play card etc. are exhibited at the dharma venue depicting that NCCPA support for the one day general strike on 26th November, 2020
(c) It was also decided that the NCCPA CHQ will issue a press Statement in support of the strike. The same will be placed on our website as also conveyed to all affiliates and State Committees through whatsaps.
The demand for festival grant or advance was raised and the President was requested to take up the issue with the Finance Secretary. Com. President said that the workers have not appreciated the conditions imposed by the Government for the festival advance. Demanding the advance will amount to acceptance of the same conditions, which would make it worthless. However, he agreed to take up the issue of festival grant for the pensioners as a special case in view of the pandemic.
Com. V.A. N. Namboodiri, who had to leave the meeting halfway due to technical problems wanted the NCCPA to ask the Railways to rescind their decision to withdraw the Senior Citizen Facilities. The NCCPA will forward a resolution in the matter to the Railway Board Chairman. The copy of the Press Statement and the resolution demanding restoration of the senior citizen facilities will be sent to you separately.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N Kutty
Secretary General.


Conspiracy deepens to kill BSNL.

Conspiracy deepens to kill BSNL.

The committee that has been formed by the government, in the aftermath of the cancellation of BSNL’s 4G tender, for suggesting the roadmap for BSNL’s 4G service launching, has reportedly submitted it’s recommendations. The suggestions of the Committee clearly indicate the government wants to convert BSNL into a sick company, by delaying it’s 4G launching.

As per media reports, the DoT Committee has recommended that a system integrator will build and manage BSNL’s 4G network. The “system integrator” will be an Indian Company, which will be given the responsibility of procuring the hardware and software from different vendors and to assemble them.

It is important to note that, all the private telecom operators have built their networks by a single vendor, through turnkey contracts. According to the “turnkey contract”, a single vendor will manage the networks, under Managed Services Agreement. However, in the “system integrator” model, multiple vendors will be involved, which will lead to technical problems. 

As regards the “system integrator model”, the ET Telecom has published the following news item on 12th October, 2020:-

“Any move to adopt the system integrator model, with a preference to home-grown vendors, for building BSNL’s 4G network, will result in cost inefficiencies, hurting the telco’s capability to compete in the market, industry experts and analysts said. They said that the System Integrator (SI) model and expertise of local players in building a 4G network, including both radio and core products, are largely unproven.

All these only shows that the conspiracy to kill BSNL, is deepening. All the unions and associations have to come together, to stop it

( Courtesy: BSNLEU website)


Tamil Nadu Circle has also held its Circle Executive Committee Meeting virtually on 27-10-2020 most successfully. The meeting started at 1015hrs and continued upto 1800hrs and almost all the District Secretaries and Circle Office Bearers participated.

Com.C K Narasimhan, Circle President presided over the meeting. Rich tributes were offered to those passed away during the intervening period, including Coms. Manual Paulraj, District Secretary, Madurai, Com.Radhakrishnan, District Secretary, Karaikudi and Com.D Gopalan, District Secretary, Tirunelveli. Com.M Selvaraj, Asst Circle Secretary welcomed the participants.

Inaugurating the CEC, Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary dealt on the current national developments of passing the Farmer Amendment Bill and 3 labour codes replacing the 46 labour laws in a most undemocratic manner, intended to suit the interests of Corporates . The atrocities against the minorities and Dalits are increasing day by day and not a single day passes without rape and murder of minor girls, particularly in UP. Modi government has completely failed to address the post Covid-19 pandemic situation which has rendered lakhs of workers jobless and no real relief extended to them. The privatisation spree of PSUs is continuing unabated which warranted the workers of Ordnance Factories to decide for a three days strike, though postponed temporarily. It is under this situation that the Central Trade Unions and Independet Federations have given a clarion call of a country wide Strike on 26th November, 2020, putting forward the demands of all sections, including pensioners. AIBDPA has already declared its support and solidarity. General Secretary also explained the present position with regard to the important issues of denial of medical facilities to BSNL retirees and Pension Revision. Even after successful conduct of Standing Dharna on 19th August, 2020, the CMD , BSNL is continuing his arrogant and discriminatory stand without allotting fund to clear the pending medical bills, payment of medical allowances and one time subscription paid to CGHS. Regarding pension revision due from 01-01-2017, we have to continue our efforts, though some of the pensioners organisations have approached CAT, New Delhi for legal remedy and the outcome being unpredicatable. CHQ will take a decision for another phased program of agitation at the appropriate time. Meanwhile BSNLEU has decided for a phased program of agitation culminating in a Strike in November, 2020 demanding immediate launching of 4G services by BSNL, Pay Revision and Pension Revision and AIBDPA is committed to support and participate. General Secretary also answered the queries raised in the meeting.

Com. Babu Radhakrishnan, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and Com.Vinodkumar, Circle Secretary, BSNL CCWF greeted the CEC meeting.

Com.N.Kuppusamy, Circle Secretary presented the report on activities and Com Nataraja, Treasurer briefed on the financial position. All the District Secretaries and most of the Circle Office Bearers participated in the discussion. Summing up the discussion, Com.S. Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President spoke on the tasks to be undertaken for the advancement of the organisation. Com.K.Pankajavalli, CHQ Asst Treasurer though present could not address the meeting due to some technical snag. The decisions of the meeting , based on the discussions and speeches of General Secretary and CHQ Vice President, were presented by Com.N Kuppusamy, Circle Secretary and approved.

Tamil Nadu Circle is known for its systematic functioning and taking up the issues of the pensioners in right earnest. CHQ heartily congratulates Tamil Nadu Circle Branch for holding the CEC meeting online in compliance of CHQ directive.


Ministry of Finance

Extension of due date of furnishing of Income Tax Returns and Audit Reports

Posted On: 24 OCT 2020 2:27PM by PIB Delhi

In view of the challenges faced by taxpayers in meeting the statutory and regulatory compliances due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Government brought the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 (‘the Ordinance’) on 31st March, 2020 which, inter alia, extended various time limits. The Ordinance has since been replaced by the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Act.

The Government issued a Notification on 24thJune, 2020 under the Ordinance which, inter alia, extended the  due date for all Income Tax Returns for the FY 2019-20 (AY 2020-21) to 30th November, 2020. Hence, the returns of income which were required to be filed by 31st July, 2020 and 31st October, 2020 are required to be filed by 30th November, 2020. Consequently, the date for furnishing various audit reports including tax audit report under the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) has also been extended to 31st October, 2020.

In order to provide more time to taxpayers for furnishing of Income Tax Returns, it has been decided to further extend the due date for furnishing of Income-Tax Returns as under:

(A)       The due date for furnishing of Income Tax Returns for the taxpayers (including their partners) who are required to get their accounts audited [for whom the due date (i.e. before the extension by the said notification) as per the Act is 31st October, 2020] has been extended to 31st January, 2021.

(B)   The due date for furnishing of Income Tax Returns for the taxpayers who are required to furnish report in respect of international/specified domestic transactions [for whom the due date (i.e. before the extension by the said notification) as per the Act is 30th November, 2020] has been extended to 31st January, 2021.

(C)      The due date for furnishing of Income Tax Returns for the other taxpayers [for whom the due date (i.e. before the extension by the said notification) as per the Act was 31st July, 2020] has been extended to 31st December, 2020.


Consequently, the date for furnishing of various audit reports under the Act including tax audit report and report in respect of international/specified domestic transaction has also been extended to 31st December, 2020.

Further, in order to provide relief to small and middle class taxpayers, the said notification dated 24th June, 2020 had also extended the due date for payment of self-assessment tax for the taxpayers whose self-assessment tax liability is up to Rs. 1 lakh. Accordingly, the due date for payment of self-assessment tax for the taxpayers who are not required to get their accounts audited was extended from 31st July, 2020 to 30th November, 2020 and for the auditable cases, this due date was extended from 31st October, 2020 to 30th November, 2020.

In order to provide relief for the second time to small and middle class taxpayers in the matter of payment of self-assessment tax, the due date for payment of self-assessment tax date is hereby again being extended. Accordingly, the due date for payment of self-assessment tax for taxpayers whose self-assessment tax liability is up to Rs. 1 lakh has been extended to 31st January, 2021 for the taxpayers mentioned in para 3(A) and para 3(B) and to 31st December, 2020 for the taxpayers mentioned in para 3(C).

The necessary notification in this regard shall be issued in due course.