The 4th District Conference of Kolkata Telecom Factory has been held on 22-01-2025 at the Telecom Factory Union Office. Com.Sekhar Bhattacharjee, President presided over the conference. Com.Asis Das, Circle Secretary inaugurated and explained the issues confronting the pensioners including pension revision. Coms. Omprakash Singh, Circle President & CHQ Organising Secretary, Sujoy Sarkar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU also addressed the conference. Shri. Sunil Bitkhar, DGM, Telecom Factory attended and greeted the conference.
Com.Prasanta Roy, District Secretary and Com. Sitaram, Treasurer presented the biennial report and audited accounts, respectively and were adopted after active discussion. Thereafter in the unanimous election of office bearers, Com.Binoy Bose, Prasanta Roy and Com.Sitaram were elected President, Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.