20th May, 2024.
A virtual meeting of the Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations was held at 4 PM on 20-05-2024.
The following representatives of the constituent organisations participated.
AIBDPA : V A N Namboodiri, Advisor
K G Jayaraj, General Secretary
M R Das, President
BDPA(I): D D Mistry, General Secretary
Thomas John, President
M R Vasisht, Ex President
AICGPA HQ PUNE : H F Chaudhari, General Secretary
K. Raja, AGS
MREWA : R K Mudgal, General Secretary
J R Gangawar, AGS.
MREWA Mumbai : V K Gangwar, General Secretary
Com. G. L. Jogi, General Secretary , SNPWA could not attend due to hospitalisation of his wife. Though Com. D. C Sharma, Vice President was entrusted to participate, he also could not attend.
Com. Rajendra Prasad, General Secretary, MSEPA had sought leave.
Com. S P Kokhriyal, General Secretary, MDPA could not attend being unwell.
Com. V A N Namboodiri presided over the meeting. Com. K G Jayaraj, Convenor welcomed all and narrated the developments on pension revision after the last meeting on 14-02-2024. DoT has taken a very negative approach during this period. Pensioners have become restive and no longer prepared tolerate. Of course no programme of action is possible during general elections but we can decide some programme to be implemented after the formatiion of the new government.
Coms. V A N Namboodiri, R K Mudgal, Thomas John, H F Chaudhari, D D Mistry, M. R Das and J R Gangawar participated actively in the discussion that followed. All of them generally agreed to the proposal put forward by the Convenor.
Finally, the following programme of action was decided.
- Demands Day on 02-07-2024- Submission of Memorandum at all levels
- March to CCA Offices in August,2024.
3.Chalo Delhi in September,2024.
The dates of the second and third programme will be decided in the next virtual meeting after the Demands Day.
The meeting concluded at 05.30 PM with vote of thanks by Com. V A N Namboodiri and K G Jayaraj.