
Dear Comrades,

The farmers in the country are in a do or die battle against the anti-farmer policy of Modi government. They are compelled to March to the National Capital against the three agrarian acts, adopted by the Parliament in a most undemocratic manner. Modi goverment is repeating the rhetoric that the these bills are intended to benefit the farmers as claimed in the cases of monetisation, GST and change in the base year of CPI. Modi government mercilessly rejected the demand of the farmers for Minimum Support Price for their products. The farmers are fully convinced of the dangerous impacts of the provisions of these new acts; The Multi national Corporations are given freedom to dictate terms of farming, purchase, processing,storage and marketing. They naturally apprehend that in effect it will finish freedom to do farming, will increase input burden, debts, losses, farm suicides and displcement of land.

As far as the people are concerned, they will have to suffer due to the hoarding, black marketing and increased price of food products and a freedom for the corporates to exploit the maximum. As you are aware repeal of farm laws was one of the main demands of the Cetral Trade Unions for the 26th November Strike.

The farmers struggle is being spearheaded by the All India Kisan Sangarsh Co-ordination Committee in which several organisations, irrespective of political affiliation are included. Modi government tried its level best to crush the struggle by preventing them from entering Delhi. Police and Army were deployed and barricades, concrete blocks, trucks, water cannons, teargas shells were used against the farmers. They braved all these repressions and stand determined. Finally, the government had to relent and called them for negoitiation but with condition that the farmers should move to a maidan. It was rejected by the struggling farmers and the discussion held with the government on 01-12-2020 failed as the government took an adament stand. The only offer from the government was that they will appoint a committee to examine the issue which was rejected by the farmers forum.

Meanwhile more and more farmers are coming to Delhi from various states and the five highways to Delhi are almost blocked by the farmers. So the government seems to be in a sticky wicket and has called for another discussion on 03-12-2020.

This is one of the biggest struggles, the country has witnessed and gaining huge support from almost all section of the society. Comrades, the farmers are the backbone of the country and they are feeding the entire people. So we cannot reamain a silent spectator to this great struggle.

AIBDPA calls upon all its units to organise Solidarity Dharna/ Demonstration with maximum participation, preferrably on 04-12-2020 according to local conditions and adhering to Covid-19 protocol.


Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (2016=100) – October, 2020

The All-India Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) for October, 2020 increased by 1.4 points and stood at 119.5 (one hundred nineteen and point five). On 1-month percentage change, it increased by (+) 1.19 per cent between September and October, 2020 compared to (+) 0.93 per cent increase between corresponding months of previous year.

The maximum upward pressure in current index came from Food & Beverages group contributing (+) 1.29 percentage points to the total change. At item level, Arhar Dal, Poultry (Chicken), Eggs (Hen), Goat Meat, Mustard Oil, Sunflower Oil, Brinjal, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Chillies Green, Gourd, Lady Finger, Onion, Peas, Potato, Electricity Domestic, Doctor’s Fee, Bus Fare, etc. are responsible for the increase in index. However, this increase was checked by Wheat, Fish Fresh, Tomato, Apple, etc., putting downward pressure on the index.

At centre level, Doom-Dooma Tinsukia, Patna and Ramgarh recorded the maximum increase of 4 points each. Among others, 3 points increase was observed in 9 centres, 2 points in 24 centres and 1 point in 33 centres. Rest of 19 centres’ indices remained stationary.

Year-on-year inflation based on all-items stood at 5.91 per cent for October, 2020 as compared to 5.62 per cent for the previous month and 7.62 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, Food inflation stood at 8.21 per cent against 7.51 per cent of the previous month and 8.60 per cent during the corresponding month a year ago.

Key Points:-

All-India CPI for Industrial Workers (2016=100) for October, 2020 increased to 119.5 points compared to 118.1 points for September, 2020.

In percentage terms, it rose by 1.19% w.r.t. previous month mainly due to Food group items having a share of 39.17% in the total weight which recorded a rise of 76% between these two months. During the period, increase in prices of food items viz. Arhar Dal, Poultry Chicken, Goat Meat, Egg, Mustard Oil, Onion, Potato, Brinjal, Peas, Doctor’s Fee, Bus Fare, etc., had greater impact.

Year-on-year inflation based on all-items stood at 5.91 per cent for October, 2020 compared to 5.62 per cent for September, 2020 and 7.62 per cent during the corresponding month of the previous year. Similarly, Food inflation stood at 8.21 per cent against 7.51 per cent of the previous month and 8.60 per cent during the corresponding month a year ago.

Y-o-Y Inflation based on CPI-IW (Food and General)

All India Consumer Price Index Number for October 2020

The next issue of CPI-IW for the month of November, 2020 will be released on Thursday 31st December, 2020. The same will also be available on the office website www.labourbureaunew.gov.in.

The Labour Bureau, an attached office of the M/o Labour & Employment, has been compiling Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers every month on the basis of retail prices collected from 317 markets spread over 88 industrially important centres in the country. The index is compiled for 88 centres and All-India and is released on the last working day of succeeding month. The index for the month of October, 2020 is being released in this press release.


CHQ is saddened to report the untimely demise of Com. N N Das, District Secretary and Assistant Circle Secretary, Kolkata Telephones. He was admitted in the hospital for Corona Virus infection a few days ago. His condtion became worse for the last two days and breathed his last on 27-11-2020.

Com.N N Das was a sincere and dedicated Comrade who has played an important role in strengtheing AIBDPA in Kolkata. 

AIBDPA pays rich tributes to Com.N N Das and conveys heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and comrades of Kolkata.


The countrywide General Strike called by the 10 Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations on November 26, 2020 turned to be the largest Strike in the world. It is reported that more than 25 crore workers have participated in the Strike. The strike was responded by all sections of the workers and farmers and in some of the states like Kerala it was complete Bundh. So the working class in the country has created another history and it will be marked as a great milestone in the struggles of the country.

In BSNL also the strike , called by the 8 unions under the leadership of BSNLEU ,was held successfully. AIBDPA salutes all the participants in the strike.

The pensioners under the auspices of NCCPA have organised Solidarity Dharna very successfully all over the country in support of the General Strike. All the units of the affiliated pensioners organisations have also sent email to the Finance Minister supporting the Strike and raising the important pensioners issues on 25-11-2020.

The General Strike was necessitated due to the anti-worker, anti-farmer and anti-people policies of the Narendra Modi Government. The Government completely neglected the genuine demands raised by the Central Trade Unions and never took the initiative for a negotiated settlement.  This has cleralry exposed the undemocratic stand of the ruling class. 

No doubt, the spectacular success of the strike is a befitting warning to the Modi government and more intensified struggles may continue to be waged, if not the just demands are not conceded.


Diego Maradona Set to Revive Coaching Career in Argentina After FIFA World  Cup 2010 Debacle, Signs Deal With First Division Club Gimnasia y Esgrima

One of the greatest footballers in the world, Diego Armando Maradona has passed away on 25-11-2020 due to a massive heart attack. He had just celebrated his 60th birthday and the end came at his home at Buenos Aires.

Maradona came into World prominence after he won the World Cup Football as the Captian of his country, Argentina in 1986. He was simply magical with the  ball and people worshiped him as a God. He has also played for the Italian Club, Napoli and helped the underdogs to victory in the Italian League twice. But he was not included in the 1994 World Cup team of Argentina due to doping. However , once again he led the country to victory in the 2008 World Cup, this time as a coach. 

Maradona is known for his allegiance to Che Guevara, the great revolutionary and had good relationship with Fidel Castro of Cuba. He was definetely an anti-imperialist and supporter of socialist leaders in the world.

AIBDPA also joins millions of people to mourn his untimely demise and pays respectful homage to the football genius.