Additional 6.1% IDA fallen due w.e.f. 01/01/2021 and Total Frozen Amount reaches 11.6%.

As per latest AICPI(IW) numbers released by the Labour Bureau on 31.12.2020, total IDA admissible on 2007- pay scale as on 1st January 2021 becomes 171.5%.
IDA is frozen at 159.9% by DPE (Govt. of India) to Executives and Non. Unionised Staff of CPSE.

Hence, additional frozen amount due is 6.1% and total frozen amount stands at 5.5% (Oct.’20) + 6.1% (Jan.’21) = 11.6% w.e.f. 01/01/2021.


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AIBDPA Team led by Com.Tejpal, District Secretary, Karnal, Haryana visited the farmers on struggle for the last 33 days at Singhu border on 28-12-2020. They met the leaders of the farmers and expressed the support and solidarity to the struggle against the three anti- farmer laws and Elecrticity (Amendment) Act, 2020.


Image may contain: 3 people, including G.S. Chandran, text that says "cwi-rbhc-dko 수 ...VANNamboodiri VAN Namboodiri r L 9 others"

Chhattisgarh Circle has held its Executive Committee Meeting online on 26-12-2020 successfully. Com. P C Tiwari, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com. R P Atmapoojya, Circle Secretary welcpmed all the participants and presented the report and accounts for the interim period. In the report the implementation of struggles conducted demanding pension revision and non-payment of medical benefits, observance of AIBDPA formation Day and Pensioners’ Day were narrated.

Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the CEC meeting and briefed on the important issues of the pensioners including pension revision and denial of medical benefits. The continuing efforts efforts and struggles by CHQ for settlement were also explained. He also stressed the importance of the glorious stuggle of the farmers.

Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary in his elaborate address, dealt on the anti-people and ant-worker policy of Modi government. Though three stimulous packages were declared to tide over the grave economic situation in the country, the corporate and the richest are the real beneficiaries. The anti-worker labour codes and the anti-farmer agrarian acts reflects the pro corporate stand of the government. The workers have shown their protest and anger through a historic strike on 26-11-2020. The farmers struggle is unparrallel and the biggest the country ever witnessed. General Secretary also explained the struggles and continuing efforts of CHQ for a satisfactory settlement on important issues and now the BSNL management has allotted fund for the clearance of with voucher claims up to 31-03-2019. He emphasised on strengthening the organisation by enrolling new members and efforts should be continued to bring in more VRS retirees.

Com. S C Bhattacharjee, Circle Advisor also addressed the meeting and the issues raised by him and some other comrades were replied by the General Secretary. The meeting came to an end with vote of thanks by the President.

SBI, Union Bank, IOB mark RCom account as fraud

Mumbai: The State Bank of India (SBI), the Union Bank of India (UBI) and the Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) have marked Reliance Communication Ltd (RCOM) account as fraud, according to banking sources.

In addition to that, the SBI and the UBI have also marked Reliance Telecom Ltd (RTL) account as fraud. RTL is a 100 per cent subsidiary of RCOM.

Another RCOM subsidiary, Reliance Infratel Ltd’s account has also been marked as fraud by the SBI.

Both the companies are owned by Anil Ambani, younger brother of Mukesh Ambani, the richest person in the country and 4th richest in the world.

(Courtesy: Economic Times)


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The Circle Executive Committee Meeting of Rajasthan has been held online on 18-12-2020. Com.K P Sharma, Circle President presided over the meeting. The meeting paid homages to those members died due to Covid-19 during the intervening period.

Com. M K Nagpal, Circle Secretary presented the report and explained the present situation on the important issues; pension revision and non-payment of medical benefits. District Secretaries and most of the Circle Office bearers participated in the discussion.


Com.Raghunath Singh, National Vice President and Punjab State General Secretary of CITU has passed away on 20-12-2020 due to post Covid complications. He was a militant leader and has led many struggles of the workers. He was very close to BSNLEU and AIBDPA. He delivered the key note address in the last Circle Conference of AIBDPA, Punjab held at Ludhiana.

AIBDPA pay respectful homage to the departed leader and convey heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and comrades.