May be a black-and-white image of 1 person

7th July 2021 is the 100th Birth Anniversary of Comrade K.G.Bose, the legendary revolutionary leader of Central and P&T employees, who passed away at a comparatively young age of 54 on 11th December 1974.Comrade Krishna Gopal Basu entered P&T Department as clerk in the office of the Divisional Engineer Telegraphs, Calcutta in 1941. He became an active worker of the union from the day he joined the service.Com.K.G. along with Com.Dada Ghosh ( B.N.Ghosh) took lead in organising the P & T Strike of 1946 in Bengal and made it completely successful. He was also an active participant in the formation of UPTW in 1946. KG was arrested and dismissed from service in connection with the proposed P&T strike of 1949 and was never reinstated.

He became a full time trade union worker.KG was one of the comrades who took initiative for formation of NFPTE in 1954, merging all the different existing unions in P& T. He also took leading part in the historic strikes of 1960 and 1968.He was Circle Secretary, West Bengal of both Postal Class III & Engg. Class III Union. He was also All India President of P.III Union. He was elected as President of NFPTE in 1970 defeating the revisionist leadership and led the movement till his death in 1974.

KG was close to the workers and understood their feelings and pulse. Since 1964 All India Conference at Trivandrum, I had been fortunate to be in close contact with him and get his advice and guidance. He visited Calicut twice on our ivitation, the second time in April 1973. In the All India Conference we woked under his guidance. He inspired the workers with his sincerity and progressive ideas. He was an inspiration to the entire trade union movement.He was elected as an MLA and also functioned as a Member of the Pay Commission for state employees in W.Bengal.Com.KG Bose passed away on 11th December 1974 at a London Hospital, where he was under treatment for dreaded cancer. His death was a big blow to the P&T and Central employees movement.

His younger brother Com.Moni Bose was an important leader of P&T movement and General Secretary of E.III Union. His wife, Com Jyotsna Bose, was also a respected leader of P&T. Both have passed away.K.G.Bose Mandiram at Calicut was the first memorial building opened in memory of Com.KG, which was inaugurated by Com.Parul Bose, his wife and leader of Teachers’ Union.

BSNLEU building in Delhi is named ‘KG BOSE BHAWAN’ and was inaugurated by Com. A.K.Padmanabhan, President, CITU. The road in front of the family of KG and Moni Bose is named as ‘K G BOSE SARANI’in memory of the legendary leader.It is understood that W.Bengal comrades have decided to organise various memorial programmes in connection with the birth century of Com.K.G.Bose. Good decision.Revolutionary Greetings on the 100th Birth Anniversary of the legendary leader Com K.G.Bose! Red Salute!

  • V A N Namboodiri.


Solidarity to Defence Workers and Opposition to Government’s Ordinance



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021

Website: mail:

13.c Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi. 110 001


SECy. GENERAL:          COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)

Dated: 3rd July, 2021.

Dear Comrades,


The Defence workers united forum had decided to embark upon the deferred indefinite strike action from 26th July, 2021 onwards, having failed to elicit any response from the Government for a negotiated settlement on the issue of corporatisation of the 41 Ordnance factories. These factories which have served the Nation for more than two centuries had been instrumental in meeting the defence needs or enabling the country to be self-reliant, presently await the decision for dismantling to be  put into operation.  The change of ownership which is to be effected through the process of corporatisation  is not necessitated by the viability or profitability question. No allegation has been made either of  the quality of its products or the cost of operation.  Ostensibly the decision was taken to enable the cronies of the ruling party to take over the lucrative business. 

At the last meeting of the JCM National Council held on 26th June, 2021, the issue came up prominently in the discussions.  In a subtle comment, the Cabinet Secretary had indicated that corporatisation being a policy decision is well within the province of the Government and therefore unquestionable.  On the question of the fate of the workers in the event of the structural and ownership change, there had been unfortunately no response but a stony silence. 

Envisaging that the ensuing strike action will receive the fullest support and cent par cent participation of the workers and the factories might come to a grinding halt, for even the ruling party led Federation has decided to join the struggle, the Government have now decided to invoke the dreaded ESMA and make use of its draconian provisions to threaten the leaders and cadres of the movement. 

Both the NJCA and Confederation have called upon its affiliates to support the struggle of Defence workers and be part and parcel of the Black day protest action on 8th July, 2021. NCCPA calls upon its affiliates and through them every member to publicly denounce the Government’s decision to invoke ESMA to suppress the movement of Defence workers who have decided to fight for the greatly reasonable demands.  The Units may kindly get in touch with the Associations of the working employees of the respective stations and take suitable decision as how to organise the protest day demonstration. 

The units may also send the following email message to the Secretary, Defence, Government of India, South Block, New Delhi and to the Defence Production Secretary New Delhi through the email IDs: and

With Greetings,

Comradely Yours,


(KKN Kutty)

Secretary General

Signature of the Secretary and name of the unit.  



CHQ notes with joy and satisfaction that AUAB, strengthened with almost all the unions of Executives and Non-Executives, has held a physical meeting in New Delhi on 1st July, 2021 and taken encouraging and important decisions to protect BSNL and achieve the genuine demands of employees and pensioners. AIBDPA wholeheartedly congratulates the AUAB and welcome the decisions. CHQ request all our units to get in touch with the AUAB counterpart to ensure our maximum participation in all the programme of struggle and make it a grand success.

The details are available in the Circular issued by the AUAB is given below;


: UA/2021/25 03.07.2021



General Secretaries, Constituents of the AUAB.

Dear comrades,

A physical meeting of the AUAB was held at New Delhi on 01.07.2021. The AUAB has invited all other applicant Unions and Associations also for this meeting. Totally, General Secretaries/Representatives of 13 Unions and Associations attended this meeting. Many Unions and Associations have expressed their inability to attend this physical meeting, due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation. The list of participants are as follows: – BSNLEU: Com. P. Abhimanyu, GS & Convenor, AUAB. NFTE: Com. Chandeshwar Singh, GS & Chairman, AUAB. AIGETOA: Com.Md. Wasi Ahmed, GS. SNEA: Com. K. Sebastin, GS. AIBSNLEA: Com. S. Sivakumar, GS. SEWA BSNL: Com.N.D. Ram, GS. BSNL MS: Com. Suresh Kumar, GS. SNATTA: Com.Deepak Sharma, Dy.GS. AITEEA: Com.Manoj Singh, GS. BSNL ATM: Com. Rewati Prasad, AGS. TEPU: Com. Rashid Khan, AGS. BSNL OA: Com.H.P. Singh, GS. BEA: Com.Ghanshyam Ahirwar, GS.

Com.P.Abhimanyu, Convenor, AUAB, welcomed everyone and explained about the background in which the meeting was being conducted. Com.Chandeswar Singh, Chairman of the AUAB presided over the meeting and delivered his presidential address. Serious discussions took place on the revival of BSNL. All the representatives expressed their deep concern over the anti-BSNL policies of the Government, as well as the total failure of the BSNL Management to take effective steps for the revival of the Company.

After detailed deliberations, the meeting decided to organise phased agitational programmes / campaigns, demanding immediate steps for the revival of BSNL and also for the redressal of the grievances of the employees.

Charter of demands

(1) Immediate launching of 4G service by way of upgradation of the BTSs and also steps for moving towards the launching of 5G service.

(2) Immediate disbursement of the salary for the month of June, 2021 and also disbursement of salary on the last date of every month.

(3) No Monetisation of BSNL’s Towers and optical fibre as is being planned by the Finance Ministry / Government of India.

(4) Immediate settlement of the dues to BSNL, amounting Rs.39,000 Crore, by the DoT. (5) Immediate steps to off-set BSNL’s debt, through the Monetisation of lands.

(5) Immediate settlement of the dues to BSNl, amounting to Rs.39,000cr by DoT.

(6) Complete review of the Cluster based Outsourcing System.

(7) Immediate settlement of 3 rd Pay Revision, pension revision and Enhancement of Superannuation Benefits (SAB) to 30% of the Directly Recruited Employees.

(8) Speedy measures to improve the quality of BSNL’s FTTH service.

(9) Prompt maintenance of BTSs, proper up-keep of the power plants, as well as availability of Batteries.

(10) Strengthen the transmission networks.

Programme of Action.

(1) Immediate submission of Memorandum to the MPs by the District Secretaries of AUAB.

(2) An immediate meeting is to be sought by the AUAB with the Secretary, Telecom.

(3) Placard Showing Programme in front of Sanchar Bhawan, by the General Secretaries on 15.07.2021. This programme is to be simultaneously organised at the Circle, BA and SSA levels also.

(4) Hunger Strike at Corporate Office, Circle and SSA levels on 28.07.2021.

(5) Further action will be decided by the AUAB after the above mentioned programmes.

The meeting decided to seek the support of the BSNL Pensioners’ Organisations for the programmes to be organised for the revival of the Company.

The meeting also held serious discussions on a number of issues, connected with the Company and the employees. It was decided to take up the following issues with the Management and the Government, by writing letters. (1) After delaying for more than one and half years, the BSNL Management has finalised it’s proposals for the Restructuring of Manpower. The proposals are detrimental to the future of the Executives and Non-Executives.

(2) Despite the unanimous insistence of all the Unions and Associations, demanding Compassionate Ground Appointments to the dependents of the Covid victims, the Management is shirking it’s responsibility in this regard. Only provision of CGA will give permanent relief to the families of the Covid victims.

(3) Non-settlement of the E2 and E3 pay scales of JTO/JAO and SDE/AO equivalent grade (part of 2 nd PRC) by the Management and the DoT, is causing extreme hardships to the employees. Steps should be immediately taken to settle this issue without further delay.

(4) BSNL Management is making indiscriminate and arbitrary deployment of more and more ITS officers in BSNL. Many big BAs are remaining without a GM. At the same time, concentration of ITS officers are there in smaller BAs.

(5) Delayed remittance of SAB Pension Contribution by the BSNL Management is causing a permanent loss to the employees due to lost interest of the period. As of now, SAB Pension Fund contribution pending since Apil-2020.

. Chandeshwar Singh P.Abhimanyu

Chairman, AUAB Convenor, AUAB

IDA TO INCREASE BY 3.2% FROM 01-07-2021.

As per the Consumer Price Index released by Laour Bureau of India, the IDA will increase by 3.2% from 1st July, 2021. So the total IDA as on 01–07-2021 will be 173.6%. ( 170.4% on 01-04-2021 + 3.2% = 173.6%).

But we are not getting IDA due from 01-10-2020 ,01-01-2021 and 01-04-2021based on the so called freezing of IDA by the government vide DPE OM dated 19-11-2020. AIBDPA has rightly taken a stand that the IDA freezing is not applicable to BSNL pensioners as the OM does not cover non-executives and pensioners of CPSEs. CHQ took up the issue with the Hon’ble Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises for intervention for payment of the IDA installments. Kerala High Court in a writ petition filed by FACT Employees Association, after hearing the Assistant Solicitor General that DPE OM is applicable only to Executives and Non-Unionised Supervisors of CPSEs, gave a positive order directing the FACT management for payment of IDA to the workmen. This has clearly vindicated our stand and we again wrote to the Minister for necessary action by DPE. However, DPE forwarded the letter to DoT, being the administrative Ministry for further action. But nothing happened and therefore we filed a writ petition in the High Court of Kerala and got an interim order on 26-02-2021. The order was dult sent to both DPE and DoT but to no avail. We again moved the High Court for the final judgment and the court ordered on 30-04-2021 that no further order is required at this juncture.

Due to the pandemic situation and the resultant lockdown, the High Court has limited its functioning by hearing only important cases of urgency. Still our Advocate is trying to get the case posted for final judgment.

Meanwhile, the DPE as stated in the OM dated 19-11-2020, has to resume the IDA from 01-07-2021, without arrears. We may have to wait for sometime for the order of DPE in this regard.

Regarding the Dearness Relief of Cental government pensioners which has to be subsumed from 01-07-2021, the government has not yet taken a decision. The reply given by the official side in the National JCM meeting held on 26-0602021 is that the Expenditure Department will try to get the approval of the Cabinet for resumption of DR.


26.06.2021 JCM National Council Minutes



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021

Website: mail:

13.c Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi. 110 001


SECy. GENERAL:          COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)

Dated: 26th June, 2021.

Dear Comrades,

              The 48th meeting of the National Council JCM was held today under the  chairmanship of the Cabinet Secretary.  As a member of the  Standing Committee, National Council, the undersigned participated in the meeting.  The decisions taken on various issues raised are contained in the letter of the Secretary, Staff Side, JCM, Com.Shiv Gopal Mishra, who is also our President.  On expenditure department related items, the official side has offered to hold a bilateral discussions with the Staff Side.  As you are aware, most of the issues are pending disposal at their end. 

              The question of DA/DR was raised by the Staff Side expecting some positive response from the Government.  As expected the orders, if at all agreed by the Cabinet, will only be issued in September 2021 as I s the practice with the release of July related Dearness allowance/Relief. The Health Ministry has promised to hold a bilateral discussion with the staff side in the matter of health insurance scheme.  Now that our proposal is with the government we may expect a fruitful discussion on the issue.

              With greetings,

Yours fraternally,



Banks must issue Pension Slip with details of pension amount, other credits and deductions if any

No. 1(4)/2021-P&PW(H)-7223
भारत सरकार /Government of India
कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
पेंशन और पेंशनभोगी कल्याण विभाग/Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare

8 वीं मंजिल, बी-विंग, 8th Floor, B-Wing,
जनपथ भवन, जनपथ, Janpath Bhawan, Janpath,
नई दिल्‍ली – 110001 /New Delhi-110001
Dated: 22nd June, 2021


Subject:- Issue of Pension slip by Pension Disbursing Banks on monthly basis.

In order to ensure “Ease of Living’ of the Pensioners, a meeting was held with the CPPCs of Pension Disbursing Banks on 15.06.2021, wherein the issue of providing the breakup of monthly pension to the pensioners was discussed. The banks were impressed upon to undertake this welfare measure, as this information is required by pensioners in connection with Income Tax, Dearness Relief payment, DR arrears etc. The banks welcomed the idea and expressed their willingness to provide the information.

  1. Accordingly, the undersigned is directed to request all Pension Disbursing Banks to issue pension slip to pensioners after credit of pension on their registered mobile numbers through SMS and email (wherever available) also. Banks may also use social media apps whatsapp etc in addition to sms and email. The pension slip should provide complete details of monthly pension paid along with break-up of the amount credited and tax deductions etc. if any.
  2. The CPPCs of Pension Disbursing Banks are requested to ensure compliance of the above instructions for improving the “Ease of Living” for pensioners.

(Naresh Bhardwaj)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


Encouraging meeting of the AUAB held online yesterday.An encouraging meeting of the AUAB was held online on the 21.06.2021. General Secretaries / leaders of BSNLEU, NFTE, AIGETOA, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, FNTO, SEWA BSNL, BSNL MS, BSNL ATM, TEPU and BSNL OA participated. Non-disbursement of salary on the due date, heavy delay in BSNL’s 4G launching, issues related to BSNL’s revival and other issues of the employees were discussed. It is decided to convene one physical meeting of the AUAB at New Delhi on 01.07.2021 for finalising the charter of demands and programme of action. It is also decided to invite all the applicant unions and associations for that meeting. The circular issued by AUAB on yesterday’s meeting is enclosed herewith.

View circular

( BSNLEU Website)