One of the Pensioners organisations widely campaigns that BSNL absorbee Pensioners are central government Pensioners and therefore eligible to get CPC fitment in pension revision.

BSNL Pensioners have retired from a CPSE, registered under Company Act .So we are PSU retirees but with Special Status of getting pension from the Central Government.

Whether BSNL pensioners are covered under CCS( Pension) Rules.

Yes, we are covered under CCS (Pension) Rules but with certain conditions.

Why the conditions and why not consider at par with central government Pensioners?

Because we have retired from a CPSE with combined service of both government and PSU. We are at par with central government Pensioners by virtue of Rule 37A of CCS(Pension)Rules,1972 barring pension and dearness allowance. We are getting higher pension due to IDA pay scales. Also we are having dearness allowance based on IDA being granted quarterly, that is four times in an year which is more beneficial. Whereas central government Pensioners are getting Dearness Relief based on CDA and only twice in an year.

These are the basic differences between central government Pensioners and BSNL pensioners.

Whether any provision in PRC for pension revision?

No, but we got our pension based on IDA pay scales from 01-10-2000 and again got our pension revision from 01-01-2007 as per 2nd PRC fitment. We also got the benefits of 78.2% IDA fixation only based on PRC.

Apart from the above benefits non-executives are also getting IDA instalments though there is no mention about them in the orders being issued by DPE.

Whether BSNL pensioners associations demanded 7th CPC for recommendations for BSNL pensioners pension revision.?

AIBDPA submitted a memorandum and had a discussion with 7th Pay Commission along with Com.S K Vyas, Secretary General, NCCPA on all the issues other than pension, dearness allowance and medical benefits.


We had a definite understanding of the issue that we are better placed on these three issues.

Is there any recommedation of pension revision of BSNL pensioners by the the 7th CPC?


Then, is there any chance of government agreeing for CPC fitment.?

No. This point was elaborately clarified by the government in the discussion Member (Service) had with various Pensioners organisations on 17-10-2022 despite tall claims of acceptance of the demand of CPC fitment by one of the Pensioners organisations.

We can dream big and lavishly. But reality will be different and hard. But certain people refuse to come out of the world of dreams and illusions only to delay the settlement.

Thousands of our fellow pensioners have already expired without getting the benefits and it is continuing every day. So let us think practically and strive for early achievable settlement unitedly.


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One more District branch has been formed in Odisha. A meeting of BSNL and DoT pensioners was held at BSNL Bhawan, Berhampur on 30-10-2022. Com.A Dhupal, CHQ Vice President controlled the proceedings. Com.J Kameswar Rao, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU welcomed one and all and stressed the necessity to form the district branch of AIBDPA at Berhampur. Com.S R Das, Circle Secretary gave a good account of the functioning of AIBDPA, the struggles and achievements. Com.A Dhupal in his presidential address appreciated Com.J K Rao for his sincere efforts for the formation of AIBDPA branch at Berhampur and spoke elaborately on the issues of medical benefits and pension revision and the breakthrough achieved after the historic Sanchar Bhawan March. Thereafter , the district branch was formed with the election of office beraers with Com. Kailash Mallick (President) Com.Pravanjan Kumar Panigrahi (District Secretary) and Com.Laxminarayan Panda (Treasurer).


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May be an image of 7 people, people sitting and people standing

Kerala Circle Executive Committee meeting held on 29th October, 2022 at K G Bose Bhavan, Ernakulam started with paying rich tributes to Com.P V Chandraseharan, the legendary leader who effectively guided and led AIBDPA to a militant organisation. The meeting also remembered the valuable services of Coms.M R Chandran and K Krishnan and other leaders who passed away during the intervening period. In his encouraging inaugural address, Com.V A N Namboodiri, Advisor gave a good account of national situation and the issues of the workers, peasants and the pensioners. He also highlighted the militant functioning of AIBDPA during the last thirteen years filled with numerous struggles on genuine issues of the pensioners, latest being the historic Sanchar Bhawan March on 24-08-2022. Com.K Mohanan, Circle President presided. Com.N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary welcomed and presented the report on activities.

Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary reported on the latest developments on medical benefits and pension revision as a result of our sustained struggles, including the great Sanchar Bhawan March. He also appealed to help the Reception Committee of the AIC to make the Myssuru conference a great success. Com.R Muraleedharan Nair , AGS spoke on the excellent arrangements made by CHQ for the Sanchar Bhawan March and a fitting farewell and homages to Com.PVC during his last journey from Ernakulam to Thiruvananthapuram. All the district Secretaries and most of the Circle Office beares participated in the discussion. The meeting took important decisions including agitational programme against the unhelpful and negative stand of certain officers in most of the BAs in utilizing the allotted medical fund.


The 14th Foundation Day of the mighty organisation, AIBDPA has been observed befittingly throughout the country on 21-10-2022. The 13 years of militant functioning with numerous struggles and achievements were well explained in the meetings held. Flag hoistings , distribution of sweets etc were also marked the day.

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May be an image of 4 people
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May be an image of 8 people, people standing, tree and outdoors
May be an image of 4 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor
May be an image of 8 people and people standing
May be an image of 9 people and people standing
May be an image of 9 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor
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May be an image of 10 people, people sitting and people standing
May be an image of 5 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor
May be an image of 7 people, people sitting and people standing
May be an image of 2 people, people sitting, people standing, indoor and text that says "Samsung Quad Camera balu melethil"
May be an image of 10 people, people sitting and people standing
May be an image of 10 people, people sitting, people standing and tree


A meeting of pensioners associations of BSNL/MTNL was held at Kidwai Bhawan, New Delhi on 18-10-2022. An invitation to this meeting was extended to AIBDPA by Com.Prahlad Rai, General Secretary, AIRBSNLEA in the night of 17-10-2022, which was reported to be to decide on future course of action on pension revision issue jointly. We readily agreed and Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary and Com.R S Chouhan, AGS participated. However, some of the constituent unions of 9 organisations, including Com.G L Jogi, General Secretary, SNPWA did not participate. The meeting started with the introductory speech of Com.D Gopalakrishnan, Vice President, AIBSNLPWA who presided the meeting. Then, Com.K G Jayaraj was invited to speak. He stated that in the meeting held with DoT on 17-10-2022, it has been made clear that the demand of 7th CPC fitment is rejected according to the slides shown as part of observations/stand of DoT and DOP&PW. Therefore we have to move forward jointly for 15% fitment and pressure has to be exerted in the form of a protest action. Com.H F Chaudhary, General Secretary, All India Central Government Pensioners Association H Q Pune, Com.D D Mistry, General Secretary, BDPA(I), Com.Thomas John and Chandrasekhar also said that the only practical solution is 3rd PRC fitment.

But, Com.D Gopalakrishnan stated that they still stick on their demand of 7th CPC fitment and he does not think that DoT and DOP&PW have rejected their demand. Com.Prahlad Rai also aired the same views. So even after much discussion of both sides, no unanimity could be reached and finally Com.Gopalakrishnan stated that let us agree to disagree and disperse. Then Com.Thomas John intervened to say that let all the associations think over for a few days and meet later. Thus the meeting was concluded.

We are reproducing below the slide exihibited by the DoT in the meeting held on 17-10-2022 based on which Com.K G Jayaraj spoke in the meeting.