The Circle Executive Committee meeting of Tamil Nadu was held at the Conference Hall of GM office, Pondicherry on 19-06-2024. Com.C K Narasimhan, Circle President presided over the CEC meeting. Com.V Ramakrishnan, District Secretary of the hosting Pondicherry District delivered the welcome address. Com.R Rajasekar, Circle Secretary also welcomed all and presented the report of activities for the intervening period followed with the audited accounts by Com.S Nataraja, Circle Treasurer.

Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary inaugurated the CEC meeting explaining the issues in detail covering the TUI (P&R) 3rd Congress, Parliament election results, NCCPA memorandum on various issues of the pensioners, particularly CGHS issues, BSNL MRS, status of pension revision and the agitational programme by Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations starting with the Demands Day on 02-07-2024. Coms.S Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President, V Venkatraman, CHQ Organising Secretary and V Seethalakshmi, CHQ Assistant Treasurer also addressed.

In the discussion that followed, all the District Secretaries and Circle Office Bearaers actively participated and several issues were raised. Circle Secretary and General Secretary replied to the points raised in the discussion. Resolutions on important issues were adopted unanimously. With concluding speech by Com.C K Narasimhan and vote of thanks by Com.LParameswaran, Circle Assistant Secretary, the meeting was concluded at 6.30 PM.


A delegation of TUIP&R) consisting Coms. Quim Boix, General Secretary, Anda Anastasaki , Deputy General Secretary and Bachir Hakem, Secretary, Organisation have participated in the ILO Conference in Geneva and Com. Bachir Hakem had delivered the speech in the conference on behalf of TUI (P&R).

The leaders utilized the opportunity to hold the meeting at Geneva with participation of other functionaries virtually from 2.30 to 4.30 PM (IST ) on 13-06-2024.

Com. Anda Anastasaki controlled the proceedings. Com. Quim Boix initiated the meeting and gave a good account of the functioning of TUI (P&R) and narrated the history of pension and the attacks by the capitalism. He emphasised the importance of joint struggles of both workers and retirees.Com. Bachir Hakem presented a brief report after the successful 3rd Congress held at Athens in April, 2024.

Then leaders of various organisations of Columbia, Senegal, Sri Lanka, African Coordinator Com. A. Drissi etc spoke.

From India two comrades who were part of AITUC delegation to ILO Conference also addressed the meeting on the ill effects of NPS.

Finally Com. K G. Jayaraj spoke on the Indian situation after the general elections and stated that the organizations are committed to continue the struggle for restoration of OPS, BSNL and Bank pension updations and resolution of other pending issues. Com. K. Ragavendran could not speak due technical problems. Com. D. K. Debnath, General Secretary, AIPRPA also participated in the meeting.


Com. T. Seshaiah, a sincere and devoted leader of telecom unions in Hyderabad shouldered the responsibility of District Secretary, AIBDPA, Hyderabad after his retirement. He was only 73 and passed away at 4.25 PM on 13-06-2024 after a brief brain related illness. It is a great loss to our organization.

CHQ pays homages to the departed leader and conveys hearfelt condolences to the bereaved family and comrades.

WFTU statement on the World Day Against Child Labour 12 Jun 2024

The World Federation of Trade Unions, the militant voice of 105 million workers who live, work, and struggle in 133 countries of the 5 continents, reaffirms that the class-oriented trade union movement is fundamentally opposed and timelessly struggles against the capitalist exploitation and particularly the inhumane and bloody child labour.

On the occasion of June 12th, World Day Against Child Labor, we strongly condemn the barbaric exploitation of children as cheap labor force all over the world. Even in the most advanced economies, underage exploitation is a fact, and childhood is stolen from children. The big capital monopolies, driven by their endless thirst for profits exploit the children as cheap labor. Especially amid the capitalist crisis and the deepening of intra-imperialist rivalries, the exploitation of children is intensifying even more, always with a view to maximizing the profits of multinationals. Child workers are mainly employed in the sectors of agriculture, fishing, and mining, while other children work even as modern-day slaves.

As the world’s class-oriented trade union movement, the WFTU organizes with unwavering commitment our struggle for the abolition of child labour and for the total protection of ALL children’s rights:

– The children’s right to proper nutrition and healthcare in a world where thousands of children die daily, because of lack of food and while hunger is responsible for half of child deaths in Africa.

– Public free and compulsory education for all children.

– Recreation and access to leisure activities that develop the children’s personality and talents.

We demand all the necessary measures to be promptly taken for the adequate protection of children from child labor, as well as for the covering of all of their contemporary needs. The international class-oriented trade union movement intensifies its struggle and initiatives against child labour and all forms of exploitation.


In the webinar held from 8 PM to 9.45 PM on 12-06-2024, Prof. Beranice Remirez Lopez presented the subject ” An Approach to the current situation of retirement systems. ” In the one hour speech, she presented the pension systems in various countries, mainly in Latin America. The presentation was impressive and educative with facts and figures in tables and graphics.Almost all the countries barring a few have switched over to contributory pension and private pension as part of the attacks on workers by the capitalism. So the working class along with the retirees are fighting against this onslaught.

Coms. K G Jayaraj, K Ragavendran and D K Debnath participated from India.

IDA TO INCREASE BY 1.4% FROM 01-04-2024.

Labour Bureau has at last released the Consumer Price Index for three months, ie February, March and April, 2024 on 07-06-2024. Actually, as per the usual practice , the February Price Index was to be released on 28-03-2024 based on which the IDA from April,2024 is to be determined. Though, Labour Bureau has not mentioned any reason for the unprecedented delay in releasing the CPI monthly, it is presumed that it may be due to the Model Code of Conduct of the Election Commission.

As per Consumer Price Index numbers of February,2024, released by Labour Bureau on 07-06-2024, IDA Rate on 2007-Pay-Scale & Pension is likely to INCREASE by 1.4% w.e.f. 1st April 2024 i.e. 215.4% (existing) + 1.4% (increase) = 216.8% (from April, 2024.

Payable only after DPE issues necessary orders.