Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary and Com. M G S Kurup, Treasurer have met Shri. S P Singh, PGM( Admn), BSNL Corporate Office on 21st August. The representatives handed over the letter addressed to the CMD, BSNL on waiving of upper ceiling limit for outdoor treatment in respect of Ms. Neha Banik, daughter of Shri. Gautam Banik, Retd JE, Telecom Project, Kolkata. Unfortunately, CMD was busy with some important meeting. So the delegation requested the PGM to reconsider the case on highly humanitarian grounds. The PGM asked the delegation to advise the retiree to migrate to CGHS which will be more beneficial to him and agreed to examine the case.

May be an image of ticket stub, magazine, poster and text


.*Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary has met Shri. Saurab Tyagi, PGM ( Estt) BSNL Corporate office on 18th August, 2023 and discussed in detail the issue of denial of retirement benefits to ST VRS retirees of Maharashtra.

Actually, General Secretary along with Com. M I Jakati, Circle Secretary, Maharashtra had tried to meet him in the last week of July to furnish the list of the VRS retirees, still denied the retirement benefits, as required by the PGM. Unfortunately on both the occasions the PGM happened to be in meetings. Therefore the list of 219 ST VRS retirees was sent to him by email and registered post. General Secretary handed over him the copy of the letter dated 24-07-2019 and sought his response. He agreed to have received the letter and may be the first time, contested our contention and stated that only the ex-gratia remains to be paid. General Secretary strongly disagreed and stated that PGM is depending on the wrong report of CGMT, Maharashtra. He also brought to his notice some cases of denial of gratuity and even leave encashment. CAT judgments in favour of the retirees are not being implemented. PGM replied that almost all the court orders are implemented. He also asked the General Secretary why some of the VRS retirees have not applied for the caste revalidation as others have done. General Secretary argued that the caste certificate verification is not to be done after the retirement and clear rules and procedures are already in force issued by the DOPT and DOP&PW. He also stated that if at all the official has produced a fake caste certificate, it is the responsibility of the administration to get it revalidated. PGM then clarified that in Maharashtra the rule is different and only the individual is entitled to apply.So now we have to collect the exact position with each ST VRS retiree as what are the benefits still to be paid in each case.

Medical Payment by end of the month.

There are many complaints from certain circles regarding nonpayment of Medical benefits. The concerned GM was not available and the section officer has stated that no payment was made in July, 2023 and probably the pending bills will be paid by the end of August, 2023.


General Secretary at CHQ

.*Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary has joined CHQ on 16th August, 2023. He will be available at New Delhi up to 27-08-2023. Please note the contact number, 99467 15983.

The urgent task was to arrange accommodation for the Comrades coming from the far away circles to participate in the two days Dharna on 24-25, August, 2023 at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi demanding pension revision. This is the third and last phase of the agitation called by the Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations. The job is almost completed and the details of the accommodation arranged for each circle will be intimated to respective Circle Secretaries shortly


General Secretary has visited Sanchar Bhawan in the evening on 17th August, 2023. Shri. Apurva Chandra, who is posted with additional charge of Secretary, DoT is yet to resume duty. Member (Services) on leave and will be available on 21st inst. Member (Finance) and DDG (Accounts) happened to be in a meeting. General Secretary then contacted CGCA on phone and she is at Bhubaneswar and will be back on 21st.

General Secretary had a nice meeting with Director (Finance), Shri. GP Capt Atul Pokhiriyal. The issue discussed was advance payment of pension for August, 2023 to the BSNL pensioners of Kerala in view of Onam and pension for the month of September, 2023 to BSNL pensioners of Maharashtra in view Ganapathy Festival. General Secretary brought to his notice that the Department of Expenditure has already issued the orders in this regard and necessary endorsement is to be issued by DoT. The Director (Finance) responded very positively and quickly downloaded the DoE orders and assured early action.

Meeting with Shri. R M Rao, Deputy Secretary.

General Secretary met Shri. R M Rao, Deputy Secretary, DoT and discussed the family pension case of Smt.K Vijayalakshmi, widow of missing Telecom Mechanic Shri, Panduraju, Vijayawada. The Deputy Secretary stated that the annulment of the dismissal order is being processed .

Meeting with DDG( Rectt), DoT.

General Secretary also met Shri Surya Prakash, DDG ( Recruitment), DoT to ascertain the progress on the annulment of dismissal imposed illegally on Shri. ( late) Ramachandra Laxman Zamdade, Ex Telecom Mechanic, Satara, Maharashtra. The DDG ( Rectt) replied that BSNL has been asked for the report after receipt of which further action will be taken.

All reactions:1Pardeep Kumar


Kerala Circle has held its Executive Committee meeting online on 14-08-2023. Com.K Mohanan, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com.N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary welcomed one and all and presented the report. Com.V A N Namboodiri , Advisor formally inaugurated the CEC with a brief speech as he was travelling. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary spoke elaborately highlighting the agitational programmes for pension revision by NCCPA and Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations, medical issues, 2nd Asia Regional Conference of TUI(P&R) on October 1, 2023 at Thiruvanathapuram. Coms, R Muraleedharan Nair, AGS and M G S Kurup, CHQ Treasurer also addressed. All the District Secretaries and most of the Circle Office bearers participated in the discussion. The CEC took important decisions.


The two days All India Conference of BSNl Casual Contract Workers Federation has been held at Kolkata on 12-13, August, 2023. Com.Animesh Mitra, Secretary General welcomed the gathering. Com. V A N Namboodiri, President presided . Com. K Hemalatha, President, CITU delivered the inaugural address. Coms. P Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, Sanjib Banerjee, AGS, AIBDPA , Anadi Sahoo, State General Secretary, CITU addressed. Office bearers were elected unanimously with Coms. P Abhimanyu (President), Animesh Mitra (Secretary General) Tapas Banerjee (Treasurer).


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Hindi Translation of CHQ circular.

एआईबीडीपीए परिपत्र संख्या 9/2023

.7 अगस्त 2023.

प्रति,सभी सीएचक्यू पदाधिकारी, सर्कल सचिव, जिला सचिव,और सभी सहयोगी

।प्रिय साथियों

,*24-25 अगस्त, 2023 को जंतर मंतर, नई दिल्ली पर दो दिवसीय धरना आयोजित किया गया है।*

सीएचक्यू को उम्मीद है कि आप सभी ने 6 अगस्त को जारी बीएसएनएल-एमटीएनएल पेंशनर्स एसोसिएशन के संयुक्त मंच के परिपत्र को देखा होगा, जिसमें उस स्थिति का वर्णन किया गया है जिसके कारण 5 दिनों के धरने को 2 दिनों के धरने में बदलना आवश्यक हो गया। तदनुसार, *जंतर मंतर, नई दिल्ली पर धरना 24 और 25 अगस्त, 2023 को होगा।

*इसलिए जिन सर्किलों को 21, 22 और 23 अगस्त को भागीदारी का कोटा आवंटित किया गया था, उन्हें बदलकर पुनः आवंटन किया गया है। तदनुसार, आवंटन निम्नानुसार किया जाता है :

*24-08-2023.* कर्नाटक -50, तेलंगाना -50, एनटीआर -50, गुजरात -50, उत्तर प्रदेश (पश्चिम) -100, केरल -50, महाराष्ट्र -50, पंजाब -50, मध्य प्रदेश -50, पश्चिम बंगाल -50, कोलकाता टेलीफोन -50, CORTO -25, छत्तीसगढ़-25, ओडिशा-25.

*25-08-2023* – तमिलनाडु -50, चेन्नई टेलीफोन-35, आंध्र प्रदेश-50, उत्तर प्रदेश (पूर्व)-50, असम -25, एनटीआर-50, एएलटीटीसी-10, उत्तराखंड -10, हरियाणा -100, राजस्थान -50 , जम्मू और कश्मीर-05

.इसके अलावा, वे दूर-दराज के सर्किल जिन्हें 24 अगस्त को भागीदारी के लिए पुनः आवंटित किया गया है, वे 25 अगस्त को भी भाग ले सकते हैं। इसलिए गुजरात, केरल, महाराष्ट्र, पश्चिम बंगाल, कोलकाता टेलीफोन आदि से अनुरोध है कि वे तदनुसार टिकट बुक करें। सीएचक्यू ऐसे साथियों को दो दिन का आवास उपलब्ध कराएगा। कृपया दूर-दराज के सर्किलों के उन साथियों के आगमन/प्रस्थान विवरण को 10-08-2023 से पहले सूचित करें जो आवास चाहते हैं।

सीएचक्यू अप्रत्याशित परिवर्तन के कारण हुई असुविधा के लिए गहरा खेद व्यक्त करता है जो हमारे नियंत्रण से परे था। सीएचक्यू को पूरी उम्मीद है कि आप सभी स्थिति को समझेंगे और सहभागी बनने के मौके का फायदा उठाएंगे।साथियों, यह बताने की जरूरत नहीं है कि यह सत्तावादी सरकार को यह दिखाने का महान अवसर है कि हम पिछले 79 महीनों से लंबित पेंशन संशोधन की अपनी जायज मांग के लिए लड़ने के लिए कितने प्रतिबद्ध हैं।

आइए एकजुट होकर आगे बढ़ें।अंतिम जीत हमारी होगी

.हार्दिक शुभकामनाओं के साथ,

*के जी जयराज**महासचिव।*


A meeting of the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations was held online at 4PM on 06-08-2023.The following comrades attended the meeting.

AIBDPA: V A N Namboodiri ,Advisor, M R Das ,President, K G Jayaraj (General Secretary) and Convener

.BDPA(I): D D Mistry General Secretary, M R Vashisht,Ex President

SNPWA: G L Jogi General Secretary,D C Sharma Vice President

AICGPA HQ PUNE: H F Chaudhari, General Secretary, K S Kulkarni, AGS

.MREWA DELHI: R K Mudgal General Secretary.

MREWA MUMBAI: Vijay Singh, President.

The representatives of other two organisations could not participate and had conveyed their consent for the decisions taken by the meeting.

Com.V A N Namboodiri presided over the meeting. Com.K G Jayaraj Convener welcomed all the participants and congratulated all the leaders for the resounding success of the two agitations held on 6th and 31st July,2023. The call for the three phased agitational program demanding settlement of pension revision, pending for the last 79 months, has enthused the pensioners all over the country and responded massively. Now we have to focus on the 5 days Dharna at Jantar Mantar New Delhi from 21-25, August,2023.

Coms. G L Jogi, D C Sharma, R K Mudgal stated that permision from Delhi Police is not possible for 5 days Dharna and they may grant permission only for one day. Com.H F Chaudhari suggested that a two days Dharna be held. Com. Vijay Singh also wanted two days Dharna.All the leaders participated in the serious discussion and finally it was decided to hold the Dharna for two days on 24th and 25th August,2023.

The inconvenience caused due to the change, certainly beyond our control, is deeply regretted.

So we have to mobilize maximum pensioners on these two days of 24th and 25th August,2023 and make it a historic success. K G JayarajConvener.

Hindi Translation of the Circular.

*06-08-2023 को आयोजित संयुक्त मंच की बैठक के महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय।

*बीएसएनएल-एमटीएनएल पेंशनर्स एसोसिएशन के संयुक्त मंच की बैठक 06-08-2023 को शाम 4 बजे ऑनलाइन आयोजित की गई।बैठक में निम्नलिखित साथियों ने भाग लिया।

*एआईबीडीपीए* – साथी वी ए एन नंबूदिरी, सलाहकार, साथी एम आर दास, अध्यक्ष, साथी के जी जयराज, महासचिव और संयोजक।

*बीडीपीए (आई)* : साथी डी डी मिस्त्री महासचिव, साथी एम आर वशिष्ठ, पूर्व अध्यक्ष।

*एसएनपीडब्ल्यूए:* साथी जी एल जोगी, महासचिव।साथी डी सी शर्मा, उपाध्यक्ष।

*एआईसीजीपीए मुख्यालय पुणे:* साथी एच एफ चौधरी, महासचिव, साथी के एस कुलकर्णी, सहायक महासचिव।

*एमआरईडबल्यूए दिल्ली:* साथी आर के मुदगल, महासचिव।

*एमआरईडबल्यूए मुंबई:* साथी विजय सिंह, अध्यक्ष।

अन्य दो संगठनों के प्रतिनिधि भाग नहीं ले सके और उन्होंने बैठक में लिये गये निर्णयों पर अपनी सहमति जता दी थी।बैठक की अध्यक्षता साथी वी ए एन नंबूदिरी ने की।

संयोजक साथी के जी जयराज ने सभी प्रतिभागियों का स्वागत किया और 6 और 31 जुलाई, 2023 को आयोजित दो आंदोलनों की शानदार सफलता के लिए सभी नेताओं को बधाई दी। पिछले 79 महीनों से लंबित पेंशन संशोधन के समाधान की मांग को लेकर तीन चरणीय आंदोलन कार्यक्रम के आह्वान ने पूरे देश में पेंशनभोगियों को उत्साहित किया है और बड़े पैमाने पर प्रतिक्रिया दी है। अब हमें 21-25 अगस्त, 2023 तक जंतर-मंतर नई दिल्ली पर होने वाले 5 दिवसीय धरने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना है।

साथी जी एल जोगी, साथी डी सी शर्मा, साथी आर के मुदगल ने कहा कि 5 दिनों के धरने के लिए दिल्ली पुलिस से अनुमति संभव नहीं है और वे केवल एक दिन के लिए अनुमति दे सकते हैं। साथी एच एफ चौधरी ने दो दिवसीय धरना आयोजित करने का सुझाव दिया। साथी विजय सिंह भी दो दिवसीय धरना चाहते थे। सभी नेताओं ने गंभीर चर्चा में भाग लिया और अंततः *24 और 25 अगस्त, 2023 को दो दिनों के लिए धरना* आयोजित करने का निर्णय लिया गया।

परिवर्तन के कारण हुई असुविधा, निश्चित रूप से हमारे नियंत्रण से परे है और इसके लिए गहरा खेद है।इसलिए हमें 24 और 25 अगस्त, 2023 के इन दो दिनों में अधिक से अधिक पेंशनभोगियों को जुटाना है और इसे ऐतिहासिक सफलता बनाना है।*के जी जयराज**संयोजक.*


May be an image of 12 people, dais and text that says "BSHL DOT PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION DISTRICT BRANCH BARIPADA ODISHA CIRCLE TELECOM DISTRICT realme ShotonTealme C21Y"
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Com. A Dhupal, CHQ Vice President and veteran and charismatic leader of Odisha is taking allout efforts to widen the organisation in Odisha. Now, another new District Branch is formed at Baripada. A meeting of the pensioners was held at Sai Sagar Mandap in Karanjia was held on 06-08-2023 under the presidentship of Com.Jagadish Chandra Naik. Inaugurating the meeting, Com.A Dhupal explained in detail about the functioning of AIBDPA, pension revision, medical issues and the ongoing agitational programme by the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations. Com. Ananda Ch Jena, District Secretary, Keonjhar also addressed. The pensioners raised several issues which were replied appropriately by Coms. A Dhupal and Ananda Ch Jena. Thereafter the new District Branch was formed and the following are the important functionaries of the office bearers elected unanimously; Com.Jagadish Chandra Naik (President) Com.Sunil Kumar Naik (District Secretary) and Com.Ghasia Bindhani (Treasurer).