Com. A Dhupal, CHQ Vice President and veteran and charismatic leader of Odisha is taking allout efforts to widen the organisation in Odisha. Now, another new District Branch is formed at Baripada. A meeting of the pensioners was held at Sai Sagar Mandap in Karanjia was held on 06-08-2023 under the presidentship of Com.Jagadish Chandra Naik. Inaugurating the meeting, Com.A Dhupal explained in detail about the functioning of AIBDPA, pension revision, medical issues and the ongoing agitational programme by the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations. Com. Ananda Ch Jena, District Secretary, Keonjhar also addressed. The pensioners raised several issues which were replied appropriately by Coms. A Dhupal and Ananda Ch Jena. Thereafter the new District Branch was formed and the following are the important functionaries of the office bearers elected unanimously; Com.Jagadish Chandra Naik (President) Com.Sunil Kumar Naik (District Secretary) and Com.Ghasia Bindhani (Treasurer).