May be an image of 4 people, office and text that says "A BSNLD DOT PENSIONERS ASSOCX DISHA NESWAR CIRCLE BHI n"
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Almost all the District Secretaries and Circle Office bearers actively participated in the Odisha Circle Executive Committee meeting held at the Telephone Bhawan premises, Bhubaneswar on 24-09-2023. The meeting was chaired by Com.P K Nayak, Circle President. Com.P K Panigrahy, Circle Secretary welcomed and presented the report and accounts. Inaugurating the CEC, Com.A Dhupal, CHQ Vice President narrated the important developments on pension revision, medical benefits, CGHS issues and the powerful agitational programmes by the Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations and NCCPA. He also reported on the ensuing 2nd Asia Regional Conference of TUI(P&R) at Thiruvananthapuram on 1st October, Central Executive Committee meeting at Pune on 19-20, November and AIC of NCCPA on 13-14 December at Chennai. GM (Finanace) ,CGMT office greeted the CEC meeting and assured all cooperation in settling the issues. With vote of thanks by Com.Sreedhar Mallick, ACS , the meeting came to an end.


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The Circle Executive Committee meeting of Chennai Telephones was held under the presidentship of Com.V Kuppan, Circle President at BSNLEU Office, Flower Bazar Telephone Exchange on 13-09-2023. Com.K Govindaraj, Circle Secretary and AGS welcomed and presented the report for the intervening period. He explained the issue of pension revsion and the strong struggles by the NCCPA and Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations on pension revision and other important issues. 26 comrades participated in the CEC and most of them actively discussed various issues. Com. V Rajendran, Former advisor of SEWA joined AIBDPA in the meeting and was honoured. The CEC took important decisions to enroll more members, particularly the left out VRS retirees, observe the International Day of Pensioners and Retirees on 01-10-2023 and to closely associate with the Reception Committee for the 5th AIC of NCCPA being held at Chennai on 13-14, December, 2023..

Pension Revision, Court Case and Voice clips

Voice clips are being circulated by the leaders of certain associations stating that the CAT Bench has delivered judgment allowing pension revision of BSNL pensioners w.e.f. 01-01-2017. The details are not given as the copy of the judgment is yet to be received, according to them.

But one thing they say that the Court has allowed delinking of the pay revision and pension revision.As far as delinking of pay Revision and Pension Revision is concerned, it has already been decided by the DOT as communicated to all the 17 pensioners’ associations, including those filed the case, which participated in the meeting with the DOT on 17-10-2022 . This is nothing new. It is an already decided matter.

The question was only how much percentage of fitment is going to be given. AIBDPA and some other organizations have strongly demanded that 15% fitment as recommended by the III PRC should be given. The justification for the same with facts, figures, rules were furnished. DoT had stated on 21-03-2023 that all the consultations within DoT on the proposal ompleted. Whether any decision by the DOT in the matter was delayed due to court case is not known.

A few days before the meeting of the DOT with the unions on 17-10-2022, voice clips were widely circulated by the same leaders stating that government has already taken decision to grant pension revision on the basis of the VII CPC as demanded by them and orders are being issued. But in the meeting on 17-10-2022, DOT clearly told that they are only thinking pension revision on the basis of the III PRC. These leaders were ridiculed even by their own members for circulating false, unfounded messages that too accusing other associations that they may try to get credit for the same.

Protesting against the delay in grant of pension revision, AIBDPA alone, jointly with other 7 BSNL-MTNL Pensioners organizations, as also by NCCPA, had organized three Parliament / Sanchar Bhawan Marches, submitted memorandum to Prime Minister, Communications Minister and also to DOT demanding early pension revision with 15% fitment as per III PRC with effect from 01.01.2017, delinking wage revision . Many of our comrades were taken in to custody while demonstrating before Sanchar Bhawan as part of the Sanchar Bhawan march on 25th of August, 2023 for violating the prohibitory orders in the area. Thousands of pensioners marching and organizing dharna in the capital on these demands had certainly a strong effect on the DOT and the government.

Any way, let us wait for the copy of the judgment. A favourable judgment will benefit all pensioners. The petitioner associations , it is stated, has already filed caveat , since they feel that the government may go on appeal against the judgment. As usual any appeal by the government may further delay matters. We are not sure whether the govt and DOT have been delaying the matter of pension revision due to the present CAT case, but any appeal by government will certainly further delay the decision by the government. Let us wait.


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Kota District Branch in Rajasthan has held its District Conference on 18-09-2023 at the Community Hall in P&T Colony, Kota. Com.S K Goswami presided over the conference. General Manager Shri.Gupta greeted the conference. Coms. Ashok Pareek, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, M K Nagpal, Circle Secretary, Com.Hari Narain, CHQ Organising Secretary, All the leaders explained in detail on the important issues and struggles on pension revision, medical benefits, the present situation in BSNL . Coms.S N Nagal, Circle Vice President , Paramanand, District Secretary, BSNLEU and Harish Babu Sharma, ACS also addressed. Super seniors of more than 80 years were felicitated in the conference. 37 new members who joined AIBDPA were welcomed with flowers. Office bearers were elected unanimously with the following important functionaries;

Com. K K Saxena (President) Com.Sridhar Lal Goswami (District Secretary) Com.Jagadish Prasad (Treasurer).


May be an image of 9 people, poster, dais and text that says "ऑल इंडिया बीएसएनाएल डी. ओ. टी पेन्शनरस असोसिएशन महाराष्ट्र AIBDPA Maharashtra 3d CeC Meeting Pune महाराष्ट्र भूमीची शान वाढलीच पाहिजे! आापले महापुरुषांचे स्वाभियान जगलेच पाहिजे! 13" 2023"
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Maharashtra Circle has conducted the Circle Executive Committee meeting on 13-09-2023 at Emerald Hall, Pune . Com. Appa Saheb Ghagare, Circle Vice President presided over the meeting. Com. M I Jakati, Circle Secretary welcomed one and all and narrated the important developments during the intervening period, particularly on the agitatations , efforts for the settlement of the issues, caste revalidation of ST VRS retirees and the initiatives to achieve the target of 10,000 members in the circle. Com.Nagesh Kumar Nalawade, CHQ Vice President and Circle President of BSNLEU was the main speaker who spoke elaborately on all the issues of the pensioners and BSNL. He also gave valuable suggestions to improve the membership of AIBDPA in the circle and assured all the cooperation in this regard.Com. Ganesh Hinge, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU in his to strengthen the organisation by ensuring more involvement of all the leaders. Com.Yusuf Hussain, General Secretary, MHBSNLCWU and AGS, BSNLCCWF also addressed and highlighted the importance of Coordination Committee of BSNLEU,AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF. Coms.Pushpa Pharate, AGS and Santhosh A Soni, CHQ Organising Secretary also addressed the CEC.

The report of Circle Secretary and accounts presented by Circle Treasurer, Com.Arun Ingale were passed after discussion.


May be an image of poster, magazine and text that says "What we enjoy today are the fruits of the Martyrs' uncompromising struggle of sweat and blood and the tears of their family members LONG LIVE MARTYRS OF 1968 SEPTEMBER 19 ONE DAY HISTORIC STRIKE വ O"

Red Salute to the Martyrs of 19th September 1968 Strike!

It is on 19 th September 1968 that the Central Government Employees went on a Historic One Day Token Strike demanding Need Based Minimum Wage, DA as per increase in cost of living index etc. participated by lakhs and lakhs of workers forcing the central government to a standstill.

Instead of discussing and settling the issues, the Indira Gandhi government used all its repressive machinery in suppressing the workers. More than 80,000 were arrested and jailed, including those M. P. s and other leaders who supported the strike. Tens of thousands were dismissed and terminated.17 valiant comrades became martyrs being shot / beaten to death by the police / RPF/ CRPF.It took years to vacate the victimisation.

The movement can be proud that each and every worker could be reinstated although punishments continued.55 years are over after the historic struggle.

New and serious attacks continue against the working class including the CG employees as well as PSU workers. Hard won rights like pension, EPF, job security etc are under attack. About 9 lakh vacancies in Central govt, including in Railways, are unfilled causing serious safety concerns and accidents. PSUs are being handed over to corporates for less than half their worth.

Conspiracies are being hatched to destroy the secular fabric and democratic federalism enshrined in the Constitution. Communal tensions are being created by the central rulers themselves. The situation is worse than during the dark Emergency days of 1975-77.Of course, united and joint forceful struggles continue against the anti – people, anti working class government. As in the dark Emergency days of 1975 -77, united mighty struggles are being organised by workers, kisans and other sections of the toiling masses.

The political scene has also become vibrant with opposition parties coordinating for the next Parliament elections.It is at this critical juncture that we are observing the memory of the One Day Token Strike of 19th September 1968. It will give strength and inspiration for our future struggles for the emanicipation of the working class.Red Salutes to the Martyrs of 1968 Strike!

V A N Namboodiri


Reception Committee for the successful conduct of the All India Conference of NCCPA to be held on 13-14, December, 2023 at Chennai has been formed in the meeting held on 16-09-2023. Com.C K Narasimhan, President of NCCPA, Tamil Nadu presided. Com. P Mohan, State Secretary, NCCPA welcomed. Com.K Ragavendran, Secretary General inaugurated and highlighted the importance of the conference. Representatives of AIBDPA, AIPRPA, DRPU, ITPF etc spoke and assured all the cooperation. The following are the important office bearers of the Reception Committee. Com.C K Narasimhan (Working Chairman) Com.P Mohan (General Secretary) Com.A Murugesan (Treasurer).