The 3rd biennial District Conference was held at Agricultural Univeresity Hall, Motibag on 17-12-2024 , with celebration of National Pensioners Day. The Open Session was held jointly with BSNLEU and Com. D R Vachhani, District President controlled the proceedings. A host of leaders including Coms. V P Prajapati, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Md Attaulla, ACS, AIBDPA, Amit Chauhan, Circle Treasurer, BSNLEU, Asha J Dave, District Secretary, Amreli, R P Koria, ACS, H D Chhatrala, Org Secretary ,Shri.P K Joshi, GM, BSNL, Shri.J D Bhatt, DGM(Finanace) addressed the conference. In the subject session, Com. K B Vyas, District Secretary and Com.N K Rathod, Treasurer presented the report and accounts, respectively and were adopted after discussion. Office Bearers were elected unanimously with Com. B K Bakutra (President) Com. H S Chugha (District Secretary) Com.N K Desai (Treasurer). Seniors above 80 were duly honoured in the conference. With vote of thanks by Com.B K Bakutra, the conference came to an end.