The 3rd biennial Circle Conference of Bihar was held at Katihar on 25-09-2024 with good participation of pensioners from all over Bihar.

The open session was inaugurated by Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary. He explained the issues on which agitations are being held under the banner of Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations and NCCPA. He appealed to observe October 1, the International Pensioners Day by all our units jointly with other affiliates of NCCPA, whereever possible. Prof. Ramprakash Mahto, Ex. Bihar Education Minister was the Chief Guest who delivered an inspiring speech appreciating the efforts being taken by AIBDPA for the cause of the pensioners and exposed the anti -PSU stand of Modi government. Shri. Shantosh Prasad Yadav, RJD leader also addressed the open session. Com S P Azad, Circle Vice President presided over the conference. Coms. N K Srivastava, Circle Secretary and B K Singh, District Secretary, Katihar and Convenor, Reception Committee welcomed all the participants

.In the subject session held in the afternoon, Com. N. K. Srivastava presented the report and audited accounts which were adopted after discussion. All the district Secretaries and some of the Circle Office Bearers participated in the discussion. Com. N. K. Srivastava, Circle Secretary explained well all the issues raised in the discussion.

The election of office bearers was unanimous and Com. B. K. Singh ( President )Com.N K Srivastava ( Circle Secretary ) Com. B. N. Rai (Treasurer ) are the important functionaries.

May be an image of 5 people, flower and temple
May be an image of 3 people