The General body meeting  held on 04-08-2019 under the presidentship of Com.Dipak Sarkar has revived the district branch of Raiganj which had been defunct for some time. Com.Pijush Chakraborty, Circle  Secretary, inaugurating the meeting, dealt with the current issues and the socio-political situation in the country.

Com. Susanta Ghosh, Circle President delivered a special address focusing on organisational issues. Other speakers were Coms. Mukulendu Chakraborty(Yuktamancha), Sisir Dasgupta (12th July Committee), Sandip Ghosh (CMU) and Satyananda Mondal.

Coms. Sudhanshu Das, Gautam Kanti Ghosh and Bikash Pradhan were unanimously elected as President, District Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.