Top officers of the Management should set an example to the lower level employees by implementing austerity measures – Decides AUAB.

The AUAB meeting held yesterday the 26.06.2018, noted with serious concern that the facilities of the lower level employees are being withdrawn by the Management, citing the financial crisis that the Company is undergoing. At the same time, the luxuries being availed by the top officers of the Company, and also the lavish expenditures being incurred by them, are not being restricted. Any austerity measure or restriction in facilities, should be implemented right from the top upto the bottom. It is unfair that the facilities of the lower level employees are curtailed, while the top officers continue to enjoy all the luxuries and indulging in lavish expenditures. This has to be stopped. Hence, as a first step, the AUAB meeting, has decided to give a letter to the BSNL Management, demanding immediate implementation of austerity measures for the top officers. If this is not done, the AUAB will take recourse to other measures.

(BSNLEU Website)