Indian Dollar Millionaires increased by 20% in 2017.

As per the study of the French Tech Firm, Capgemini, the number of High Networth Individuals (HNI) in India has increased by 20% in the year 2017. An High Networth Individual is defined as the one who is having investable assets of over 1 million US Dollars. According to this report, the number of such Dollar Millionaires in India comes to 2.6 lakh people. Their asset worth is a whopping 1 trillion US Dollars! It is also worth mentioning here that, the International Rights Group, Oxfam, has reported that in India, 73% of the wealth created in 2017, has reached the hands of the top 1% of the population, whereas the bottom 67 crore Indians have got only 1% of this wealth. This is how the Narendra Modi government is serving the poor people of this country. (Courtesy: BSNLEU website)