Padma Shri Milkha Singh, the great athlete and legendary sprinter has passed away on 18-06-2021. He was battling Covid 19 for the last one month and the end came in a Chandigarh hospital. He was 91 and his wife had died just a few days ago, also due to Covid-19 complications. Milkha Singh, nicknamed “Flying Sikh” has won many medals for India and he reached 4th place in the 1960 Rome Olympics. He was a source of inspiration for many atheletes.

AIBDPA pays respectful homage to Shri. Milkha Singh and conveys heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

"In the passing away of Shri Milkha Singh Ji, we have lost a colossal sportsperson, who captured the nation’s imagination and had a special place in the hearts of countless Indians. His inspiring personality endeared himself to millions. Anguished by his passing away," PM Modi tweeted.(HT Photo)




The DOPT has sent the list of Agenda Items to be discussed in the 48th meeting of National Council JCM convened on 26.06.2021. The Agenda Items are reproduced (Captions only) for the information of our Comrades. Comrade KKN Kutty is also participating as a member of NC JCM and Standing Committee and Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra the President of NCCPA is participating as the Staff Side Secretary of NC JCM – KKN Kutty Secretary General NCCPA.

1.      Reimbursement of expenses on indoor treatment to Pensioners living in Non-CGHS towns.

2.      Grant of Medical Advance to the Central Government Employees.

3.      Reimbursement of additional charges paid on account of overstay in the hospitals.

4.      Hospital Patient Care Allowance for C.G.Employees working in Hospital.

5.      Statement of following COVID-19 related issues.

6.      Evolve a Health Insurance Scheme for all employees and pensioners to cover up all pensioners who are outside the ambit of CGHS.

7.      Revival of all PSUs closed down or privatized, which are capable of manufacturing vaccine in the background of acute shortage of vaccine and oxygen units.

8.      GPF for those who have been recruited on or after 1.1.2004.

9.      Introduction of productivity linked bonus in place of Adhoc Bonus: Raising the minimum ceiling for the purpose of payment of Bonus to 18,000 in accordance with 7th CPC.

10.  Revision of Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme.

11.  Withdrawal of orders of DA / DR Freeze.

12.  Option to switch over to 7th CPC from a date subsequent to 25th July 2016 on the ground of lock down due to COVID-19.

13.  Settle all 7th CPC Anomalies represented by Staff.

14.  Grant of Compassionate Allowance to the widow of Employees dismissed / removed from service.

15.  Withdrawal of New Pension System (NPS) and restoration of Defined Pension Scheme under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 to the employees who are recruited on or after 1.1.2004 at par with Armed Forces Personnel.

16.  Exempt transport / running allowance from income-tax.

17.  Exemption from payment of income-tax  to Pensioners who have attained the age of 80 years or more.

18.  Policy formulation for direct appointment of Trained Trade Apprentices of Central Government Industrial Establishments like Railways, Defence etc.

19.  Withdraw the decision to Corporatize the Railway Production Units and Ordnance Factories.

20.  Grant of Gazetted Status to Senior Section Engineers of Ministry of Railways.

21.  Grant Recognition to all employees organizations fairly and transparently – restore function of departmental and office councils in terms of the JCM Scheme.

22.  JCM Coverage to all PB-1 and PB-2 Officials by treating them as deemed Group C only.

23.  Litigation cases on service matters to be extended to all.

24.  Eradication of injustice to Casual, Contract and Outsourced workers: providing them the right to form a Union in terms of Article 19. 1(C) of the Constitution of India.

25.  Fill up all vacant posts in all grades.

26.  Grant of 5 (five) effective upgradation to all Group B&C employees in entire service life.

27.  Undertake cadre review of all Groups – B&C Cadres in every five years before the cadre review of Group A Cadres.

28.  Grant of Risk Allowance to the Employees involved in permanent and perennial recognized Risk Operations.

29.  Grant of Night Duty Allowance in 7th CPC scale without any basic pay ceiling limit.

Quick Settlement of family pension with minimum Essential Document

Pension paying branches of Banks are directed to obtain only the minimum essential details/documents from the claimants of family pension, and to ensure that they are not subjected to any harassment by seeking unnecessary details and documents.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Pensions and Pensioner’s Welfare

8th Floor, B Wing
Janpath Bhawan, Janpath
New Delhi-110001
Dated 16th June 2021

The CMDs /CPPCs of all Pension Disbursing Banks

Expeditious settlement of family pension cases by banks.


I am directed to say that instances have been brought to the notice of this Department where, on death of a pensioner, the spouse/family members of the deceased pensioner are asked by the Pension Disbursing Banks to submit details and documents, which are otherwise not required for commencement of family pension. This amounts to harassment of the spouse and family members and often leads to avoidable delay in commencement of family pension by the Banks.

  1. The spouse/family member, whose name is included deceased pensioner, is required to submit commencement of family pension to him/her:

I. In cases where deceased pensioner and spouse were holding a joint account:

  • A simple letter/application for commencement of family pension
  • Death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioner
  • Copy of PPO issued to the pensioner.
  • Proof of age/date of birth of the applicant

The spouse/family member is not required to submit the details in Form 14 to the Bank for commencement of family pension.

II. In cases where the spouse did not have the joint account with the deceased pensioner:

  • Application in Form 14 bearing the
  • Death certificate in respect of the deceased pensioner
  • Copy of PPO issued to the pensioner, if available
  • Proof of age/date of birth of the applicant

Form 14 is not required to be attested by a Gazetted officer, etc. The paying bank will identify the spouse/family member based on the information given in the PPO and its own “Know Your Customer” procedures.

III. In cases where, on death of the pensioner and spouse, family pension has to pass over to another family member;

  • If the other family member has been co-authorized for family pension in the PPO, the same procedure as in sub-para II above shall be followed.
  • If the name of the other family member is not included in the PPO, he/she may be advised to approach the office which the Government servant/pensioner last served, for issue of a fresh PPO.
  1. You are requested to issue suitable instructions to the CPPC(s) and the pension paying branches of your Bank to obtain only the minimum essential details/documents, as mentioned above, from the claimants of family pension, and to ensure that they are not subjected to any harassment by seeking unnecessary details and documents. The details of family members, other than the Applicant, are not relevant for commencement of family pension by the bank and the same should not, therefore, be sought from the Applicant under any circumstances.
  2. A half-yearly statement on the progress of sanction of family pension may be submitted to this Department latest by 15th of October and 15th of April, in the enclosed format.
  3. This may be treated as MOST URGENT.

(Naresh Bhardwaj)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India


Dear Comrades,

The central trade unions have decided to observe June 26 as ” Save Agriculture- Save Democracy Day” in support of the Farmers Struggle against the anti-farmer laws of Modi Government. The historic and heroic struggle has already passed 200 days and no effective efforts are being taken by the government for a reasonable settlement. It is in this context that the Central Trade Unions have jointly taken the decision for the solidarity action.

All our units are requested to extend full support and solidarity to this program.

The joint statement of the CTUs in this regard is reproduced below.

K G Jayaraj

General Secretary

The CTUs to observe June 26th across the Nation In solidarity with Samyukta Kisan Morcha as a “Save Agriculture-Save Democracy” Day

On 14th June, 2021, the Farmers’ agitation, led by Samyukta Kisan Morcha completed 200 days of continuous protest on and occupation of main highways leading into national capital Delhi, for their demands to repeal three farm laws, taking back the Electricity (Amendment) Ordnance, 2021 and legal guarantee for the MSP. They have not only faced bone-chilling cold and winter, destructive storms, scorching summer and now, the onset of rains, have sacrificed almost 500 comrades, but mainly, the out-and-out pro-corporate Central Government that is bent on pushing these laws as well as the four hated labour codes.

June 26th marks the completion of seven month long struggle. There are several struggles, including this farmers’ agitation, against the undeclared emergency and authoritarian BJP regime that the country is experiencing today. Even those inhabiting the small island of Lakshadweep are up against these authoritarian ways of the BJP, what to talk of the complete mess they have made in countering the devastating second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It is worth noting that June 26th is also the death anniversary of the legendary farmer leader Swami Sahajanand Saraswati. The protests on June 26th will include sit-ins at Raj Bhavans in various states in addition to district/tehsil level protests all over India.

The CTUs appeal to all their members to reach out to all the sections of people to join hands in this nation-wide action on 26th June.

We, the CTUs demand that

  1. Four labour codes, the three farm laws, the Electricity (Amendment) Ordnance, 2021 be repealed;
  2. Minimum Support Price (MSP) for farmer produce be legally guaranteed;
  3. Universal free vaccination within a specific time frame;
  4. 10 kg free food grains per person per month to all needy and Rs.7500/-pm to every non income tax paying family every month;
  5. Take back the policy of privatization of Public Sector enterprises and Government Departments;
  6. The Govt. and PSU employees working day and night in the COVID-19 like  Railway and Road transport ,Coal, Defence, SAIL, BHEL, Telecom and Postal service’s, Banks and Insurance, Electricity, Water, Education and Health services,  EPFO, Port & Dock etc be treated as frontline staff and compensate accordingly;
  7. Rs 50 lakh insurance to all frontline workers including ASHA, Anganwadi employees, sanitation workers; adequate compensation to the families of the workers who died due to Covid 19.

       INTUC                    AITUC                   HMS                     CITU                      AIUTUC

      TUCC               SEWA                     AICCTU                    LPF                   UTUC


May be an image of 2 people, phone and screen

Tamil Nadu Circle Executive Committee meeting has been held online effectively on 17-06-2021. Com.C K Narasimhan, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com.P Ramar moved the condolence resolution. Com.Kudiarasu, Assistant Circle Secretary welcomed one and all.

Inauguarating the CEC, Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary congratulated Tamil Nadu Circle for its systematice functioning and timely holding the CEC meetings .He explained the issues in details. Inept and callous handling of the pandemic situation by the Narendra Modi government which warranted the intervention of Supreme Court, attacks on workers, farmers and the people at large, all time slowdown of Indian economy and GDP plunging to MINUS 7.3% and at the same time the billionaires florishing; Adani alone increased his assets by 174.8% exposing the corporate wooing of Modi government. General Secretary also gave a good account of the recent developments, including formation of Coordination Committe of BSNLEU,AIBDPA & BSNL CCWF at CHQ level, continuing negative and discriminatory stand of BSNL management on payment of medical benefits to the retirees, our justified stand and continuous efforts for pension revision, status of the case in the Kerala High court for payment of IDA installments due on 01-10-2020 and 01-01-2021, our demand to include pensioners also in the proposed BSNL medical insurance scheme. Finally he emphasised the importance of struggles to achieve our genuine demands and resist the onslaught of the government.

Com.S.Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President in his address narrated the anti-worker, anti-farmer and anti-people measures being implemented by the Modi government and appealed to contine our support and solidarity to the historic farmers struggle and agitations of central trade unions. Com.K Pankajavalli, CHQ Assistant Treasurer also addressed the CEC meeting.

Com.N Kuppusamy, Circle Secretary presented the report and Com.Nataraja, Treasurer submitted the accounts. All the District Secretaries participated in the discussion and the report and accounts were adopted. Resolutions on the important issues presented by Com.Muthukumarasamy, Circle Vice President were adopted. With vote of thanks by Com.Soundarapandian, ACS, the meeting came to an end.


May be an image of Adv Bhageeradhan KR and standing

CHQ is saddened that veteran leader and our Odisha Circle Advisor Com.P R Das has passed away. He was under treatment for sometime for cancer and sucumbed to the draconian disease at 12 noon on 08-06-2021.

Com. P R Das was a respected leader, good orator and contributed immensely for the growth of telecom movement in Odisha. He served the union as the Circle Secretary of E III Union and was also the founder Circle Secretary, BSNLEU.

CHQ pays respectful homage to Com.P R Das and conveys heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family, friends and comrades.


CHQ is regretted to inform that Com.Mirian Dakhar, wife of Com. Gopaldas, Circle Secretary, NE-I has passed away. She was ailing for sometime long and the end came in the form of cardiac arrest on 04-06-2021 at Shillong.

CHQ pays respectful Homages to Mrs.Mirian Dakhar and conveys heartfelt condolences to Com. Gopaldas, his family members and Comrades.