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CHQ is saddened to know that veteran leader Com.Shibdas Banerjee (90) is no more.
He was ailing for the last few months and the end came in the night of 17th July,2021.
Com.Shibdas Banerjee was the Circle Secretary of AITEEU CLASS III, West Bengal for a long time. He played an important role in the fight against revisionist policies of Com.O.P.Gupta under the leadership of legendary leader, Com.K.G.Bose. Com. Shibdas Banerjee was always in the forefront in the deliberations in the All India Conferences and Central Working Committee meetings as one of the strong leaders of the progressive section. Actually, this continuous ideological fight within the organisation brought a turnaround in the 1991 Bhopal AIC, resulting in the defeat of Com.O.P.Gupta and his group.
The immense contributions of Com.Shibdas Banerjee will ever be remembered.

AIBDPA dips it’s banner in respect of Com.Shibdas Banerjee and conveys heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and Comrades.
Red Salute Comrade Shibdas Banerjee.

6Sasiappan N, Kali Prasad and 4 others7 commentsLikeCommentShare


General Secretary, Com.K.G.Jayaraj had a detailed discussion with Shri.P.K.Saha, Director, Department of Public Enterprises, New Delhi on today, the 16th July,2021. General Secretary asked him whether the orders for the restoration of the three frozen IDA instalments along with the additional instalment due from 01-07-2021 is being issued in the wake of government decision to restore the frozen DA and DR for the period from 01-01-2020 to 30-06-2021 with effect from 01-07-2021 for the central government employees and Pensioners. The Director has stated that they are waiting for the formal orders of the government in this regard. Once they get the orders, they will start processing the case and issue the orders restoring the frozen IDA instalments along with the additional instalment due from 01-07-2021.So, we have to wait for some time more.


The first program of agitation called by All Unions and Associations of BSNL, Placard Showing on 15-07-2021, has been responded massively all over the country. The agitating participants stood before the BSNL offices with placards covering the demands put forward by AUAB. The main demands are Revival of BSNL, Wage revision, 30% Superannuation benefits to BSNL recruited Employees and Pension Revision. AIBDPA members joined the agitation in almost all places as per the directive of CHQ. In New Delhi, the program was held before Sanchar Bhawan and leaders of AUAB, including Com.P Abhimanyu, Convenor and Com.Chandeshwar Singh, Chairman participated.


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The Central Government has decided to restore the frozen DA/DR instalments from 01-01-2020 to 30-06-2021 of central government employees and pensioners. The Cabinet meeting held on 14-07-2021 while restoring the three instalments of frozen DA/DR of 11% , made it clear that arrears of the frozen instalments of DA/DR will not be paid. Now, the total DA/DR upto 30-06-2021 will be 28%. No decision on the DA/DR due from 01-07-2021 is taken as the exact per cent is yet to be determined.

Similarly, DPE can now issue the orders for restoration of the three instalments of IDA due from 01-10-2020, 01-01-2021 and 01-04-2021 along with the new additional instalment due from 01-07-2021.

Procedure for the Payment of Commuted Value of Pension-CPAO Clarification

The case in which the pensioner who has been drawing pension through the bank and has not been paid commuted value of the pension by the Head of the Office on the authorisation issued by the Accounts Officer, the payment in such case will be made by the bank.

Clarification on Payment of Commuted Value of Pension

Central Pension Accounting Office
NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/IT & Tech/Clarification/Vol-IV (P.F)(13)/21-22/125


Office Memorandum

Subject- Clarification on Payment of Commuted Value of Pension

It has been observed that the procedure for the payment of commuted value of pension is not being strictly adhered to by the Pay and Accounts Offices and the Paying Branches of the Authorised Banks for payment of pensions. All the CPPCs of the Authorised Banks and Pay & Accounts Offices are directed to sacrosanctly follow the procedure for the payment of commuted value of pension mentioned in the “Scheme for payment of pensions to Central Government Civil Pensioners through Authorised Bank’, Civil Accounts Manual, and CCS Pension. Rules. The procedure for payment of commuted value of pension is re-iterated as under-

9 1. The case in which Government servants retiring on superannuation may desire authorisation for payment of the commuted value of the pension at the time of the issue of the PPO-

a. The Accounts Officer after necessary verification shall authorize the Head of Office to draw the amount of commuted value of pension on submission of a bill to him and hand over the cheque/draft superscribed ‘Not payable before the……… (date following the date of retirement) to the pensioner.

b. The Account Officer shall indicate in both the halves of the PPO- gross pension, amount of pension commuted and the fact that the commuted value of pension has been authorised separately through DDO.

c. The Account Officer shall make a note of payment of the commuted value of pension having been made to the retiring Government servant in his Service Book.

(Para 7.8.2 of Civil Accounts Manual read with
Appendix 1 of CCS Pensions Rules)

  1. The case in which the pensioner who has been drawing pension through the bank and has not been paid commuted value of the pension by the Head of the Office on the authorisation issued by the Accounts Officer-

a. The payment in such case will be made by the bank.

b. This will be done on the receipt of authorisation from PAO of the / Ministry/Department or the Accounts Officer of the UT Government/ Administration through a separate authority letter as shown in Annexure I (enclosed) of the CAM.

c. The payment authority will be communicated to the concerned paying branch through CPAO in accordance with the procedure indicated in the Scheme of Payment of Pensions to the Central Government Civil Pensioners by authorised banks.

d. As per Para 20 of the Scheme Booklet, the paying branch on the receipt of the paying authority will arrange immediate payment of the amount payable by crediting the same to the account opened by the pensioner for payment of pension under intimation to the pensioner.

(Para 7.8.3 of Civil Accounts Manual read with
Appendix 1 of CCS Pensions Rules)

This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller of Pensions.

(Satish Kumar Garg)
(Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech))



Hindi Film Icon, Dilip Kumar has passed away at 7.30AM on 07-07-2021. He was 98 and was under treatment in a Mumbai hospital for sometime long. Dilip Kumar is known as “Tragedy King” for his portrayal of the brooding, intense romantic in classics such as Mughal-e- Azam and Devdas. The other famous films of the enduring film legend include Ganga Jamna, Ram our Shyam ,Saudagar etc. He is survived by his wife and veteran actress Saira Banu.

He was awarded Padma Bhushan in 1991, Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 1994 and Nishan-e-Imtiaz in 1998, the highest civilian award by the Government of Pakistan.
He has entered the Guinness Book of World Records for winning maximum number of awards by an Indian actor.

AIBDPA pays respectful Homage to the great actor, Dilip Kumar and conveys heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family, friends and lakhs of fans.