7.9.2021 Dharna – Resolution to be adopted and emailed to Finance Minister!





E mail:

Dated: 4th September, 2021.

Ms. Nirmala Sitharaman,

Finance Minister,

Government of India,

North Block,

Dear Madam,

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers and the National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Association, representing the Central Government employees of the country and the Pensioners submit the following issues for your kind consideration and favourable response.  

The Dearness allowance and Dearness Relief arrears.

In the wake of the emergence of the Covid 19 pandemic, in April, 2020, the Government decided not to release the DA/DR instalment that had become due on 1.1.2020 as also those that might become due on 1.7.2020 and 1.1.2021.  The payment was deferred upto July, 2021.  Accordingly, the allowance and relief that had become due had been restored in July, 2021.  However, the arrears pertaining to 18 months have been held back or rather impounded.  We submit that the decision of the Govt. to impound the arrears was sans any legal or moral ground.  The employees and Pensioners, as you are aware, had responded to the Government’s appeal  and had contributed one day’s salary/ pension to enable the Government to reach out to the covid affected people with financial assistance. The employees and Pensioners expected that the Government would give back the arrears.  The Government is also aware of the fact that a similar order of the Government of Andhra Pradesh was subjected to judicial scrutiny by the A.P. High Court and the Court had come to the conclusion that the said decision of the A.P. Government was untenable.  It may be pertinent to point out in this connection that quite a number of employees and pensioners were affected by the Covid virus and had undergone treatment costing lakhs of rupees.  The release of the impounded arrears would be a great relief to the employees and pensioners.

Covid pandemic related problems.

Death compensation: As mentioned earlier, number of employees and pensioners died due to the covid, some at Hospitals and others at home.  Despite providing treatment costing lakhs of rupees, they could not be saved.  Their family is in distress now. The entire savings have been eaten up for the treatment.  Most of them suffer a debt burden of an unimaginable dimension.  We know that in bigger Government department, a welfare fund is in operation.  But in small department no such contingency fund exist.  It is our request that the Government decides to help these unfortunate families by way of a compensation grant of not less than 15 lakhs.

Reimbursement of hospital bills.  The affected persons had to be admitted to the hospitals.  In emergency cases, the employees and pensioners were taken to the nearby private hospitals.  The Government as per the extant rules reimburse the expenses only when the employee/pensioner is admitted to  CGHS recognised hospitals.  There are very few CGHS empanelled hospitals in the country.  Majority of them do not provide treatment for covid.  The employees and pensioners with meagre salary are not capable of paying the huge hospitalisation bills.  We request that orders may be issued to reimburse the bills of the private hospitals irrespective of the fact whether they are recognised or not, raised in connection with the covid treatment.

 To provide vaccination facility in CGHS wellness centres/clinics/dispensaries.

Presently vaccination facility is not provided for in CGHS clinics/dispensaries.  These clinics provide out-patient treatment to the Central Government employees/pensioners.  Now that the lock-out has been lifted, the employees are to attend offices and they must have priority in vaccination.  The deficiency of vaccine is felt all over the country. The primary health centres and State Government/Local body run hospitals, experience huge rush and it takes hours to get vaccinated. There is also inordinate delay in getting the slots even after registration.  It is, therefore, requested that the CGHS clinics/Dispensaries and wellness centres be made vaccination centres for CG employees/ pensioners.

Compassionate appointments. Need for removing the ceiling.  

In 1990s, the Government imposed a ceiling on compassionate appointments in all Departments except the Railways.  This was said to be to abide by a directive of the Supreme Court.  However, no such directive in specific terms had ever been made by the Supreme Court.  Despite the repeated plea made by the staff side in the forum of JCM, the DOPT stuck to their position.  There are departments, where not a single case of death in harness occur in a particular . year.  But in the subsequent years, there might have been a few cases.  The ceiling of 5% of the vacancies is highly illogical and untenable too.  But still it continued.   The covid period has taken away a number of lives of  the employees.  Their family is in distress.  The very scheme was conceived to provide relief to the suffering family members  While it must go only to deserving candidates, this can never be the way to ensure that.  In any case it has now become very necessary that the ceiling must be removed to ensure that the deserving wards of the employees who died in harness are given livelihood. We request that orders removing the ceiling may kindly be issued without further loss of time. 

Health insurance coverage for the pensioners residing in non CGHS areas.

Presently the pensioners who are residing in non-CGHS areas have no health scheme when they fall ill seriously.  The paltry sum of FMA will not even meet the OPD requirements Oft-repeated representation from this section of pensioners have gone to deaf ears.  The Government feels that the expenditure would be enormous. The successive Pay Commissions have recommended for the health insurance scheme, which is yet to be considered by the Government.  They feel highly discriminated in as much as their erstwhile colleagues are able to avail treatment from recognised private hospitals.  Insurance scheme, they know, may only be a poor substitute for the CGHS.  But it is high time that the Government to take serious note of the issue and evolve a scheme. The Pensioners in the non CGHS areas had been the worst sufferers during the covid period.  

Revise the pension entitlement of BSNL Pensioners and restore medical facilities. 

(a).The pension revision of the absorbed BSNL Pensioners was due from 01-01-2017. The last pension revision was granted from 01-01-2007 with 30 per cent fitment recommended by the 2nd PRC. The 3rd PRC recommended 15 per cent fitment from 01-01-2017. Unfortunately, the government has not implemented the pension revision, linking it with pay revision in BSNL. The fact remains that the full liability of payment of pension and pensionary benefits to BSNL absorbed pensioners lies with the Government of India according to the agreement reached with the then recognised Federations of the employees and the Central Government and amendment made in the CCS( Pension) Rules, 1972. As such there is no justification for linking pension revision with wage revision of BSNL employees which is being delayed due to various reasons including bad financial condition.

BSNL Pensioners were absorbed from Department of Telecommunications during the formation of BSNL with effect from 01-10-2000 and their counterparts , Central Government pensioners have got the pension revision from 01-01-2016 as per the  recommendations of 7th Pay Commission.

Huge loss in Pension and pensionary benefits are being incurred by these section of BSNL Pensioners due to the denial of pension revision. 

Further, the minimum pension and family pension of BSNL absorbed pensioners continue to be Rs.3,500 whereas they are entitled to draw Rs.9.000 once the pension is revised at par with Central government pensioners.

(b). Denial of medical benefits to BSNL Pensioners.

BSNL pensioners are covered under BSNL- Medical Reimbursement Scheme. (MRS) at par with the employees. But the retirees are not being paid the medical allowance in lieu of outdoor treatment from 01-04-2018. In the case of medical bills, both indoor and outdoor are pending from 01-04-2019. Naturally, the aged and ailing retirees are put in distress even without considering the pandemic situation. BSNL management is adopting a negative rather arrogant stand with the lame excuse of lack of funds.

Revision of Pension and medical facilities of Punjab National Bank employees;

The Indian Bank Association has commenced discussion with the Bank employees representatives to effect revision of the existing pension scheme. The employees are no doubt the future pensioners and they have an important stake in those discussions.  However, Pension is the entitlement of the Pensioners.  To exclude them from the ambit of negotiation is totally an unjustified action.  There are huge amounts accumulated in the pension fund of the Banks and these contributions have come from the present day pensioners when they were employees.  We request you to kindly direct the IBA to hold discussions with the Punjab National Bank Pensioners Association and reach settlement with them

Medical facilities.    The Bank employees do not have a common health care scheme.  The present health insurance scheme is highly discriminatory.  In the case of the employees, the Banks take the responsibility of making over the premia due from them whereas the Pensioners are to remit the premium from their own meagre pension.  It must be the responsibility of the IBA to make the premium payment in the case of pensioners too.  After all the insurance scheme benefits more the Banks rather than the pensioners.  This apart, there is discrimination also in the matter of the coverage of the scheme.  While family members and dependents are entitled in the case of the employees, the benefit is denied to the pensioners.  We request that the Banks and especially the IBA may be asked to hold discussions and bring about uniformity in the scheme both in respect of entitlement and contribution as also parity with the working employees. 

Thanking you, 

Yours faithfully, 

K.K.N. Kutty/ R.N. Parasar

Secretary General, Secretary General

NCCPA. & Confederation of CGE&W




This meeting of the Central Government employees and pensioners being held at the Dharna venue at …………………expresses its concern over the non- settlement of certain important issues by the Governments.   These issues have been brought to the notice of the Government on several occasions by the representatives of the Confederation and NCCPA.  

The meeting appeals to the Government to take note of the serious discontent of the employees and pensioners over the non- settlement of these issues and direct the concerned to bring in an amicably satisfactory settlement on these issues with out further loss of time.  

Release the impounded DA/DR arrears.


(a) death compensation for those who died due to covid;

(b) reimburse the hospital bills of covid patients;

©  Vaccine facility at all CGHS wellness/clinic/dispensary centres

(d) remove the ceiling on compassionate appointments

(e)   Health insurance scheme for pensioners who stay outside the purview of theCGHS;

3.    Revise the Pension entitlement of BSNL 

      Pensioners and restore their medical Facilities.

 Revise the pension entitlement of PNB pensioners and grant uniform medical facilities to them.


Dear Madam, Kindly refer to the joint letter of the Confederation of CTEs and National co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Association dated 4th September, 2021. I shall be grateful if you will kindly cause discussions thereon with a view to reach a settlement. 

E mail id to which the communication to be sent:

With greetings,

Yours faithfully,

Name & designation. 


AUAB has decided to postpone the 3 days Dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi to 21,22 & 23rd September, 2021 due to the continuing heavy rain in New Delhi. The Dharna was originally scheduled to be held on 6,7 & 8th September on the 10 point Charter of Demands. CHQ had requested the nearby Circles of NTR, Delhi, ALTTC, Haryana, Punjab, UP(W), UP(E), Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh to make arrangements for participating pensioners in the Dharna. Now, these Circles are requested to note the change and act accordingly.



AIBDPA/ CIRCULAR.4/2021 30thAugust,2021.

All CHQ Office Bearers, Circle Secretaries,

Affiliates and District Secretaries.


Hope the pandemic situation is improving in most of the states and you have taken both the vaccine. Still we have to be careful and adhere to the Covid 19 protocol, as covid afflicted cases are being reported to those who have taken both vaccine. So let us be cautious and safe

.Membership Register.

It is mandatory to keep a membership register by every unit of the organisation with all the relevant details including name, Pensioner/ Family Pensioner, date of enrollment as member, Life Member or Annual Member, Receipt No with date etc.

CHQ is experiencing some difficulties in maintaining a full fledged Membership Register due to the following reasons.1. Only very few Branches are sending the names of the members.2. Some of the branches while sending the quota are not intimating the break up figures of the amount of quota, viz life membership, annual membership, Family Pensioner membership, both life and annual. If annual, the period is not mentioned.It is therefore requested that all District Secretaries to send their membership list covering all the above details. Separate lists for Life Member, Annual Member for Pensioner and Family Pensioner. Such a full fledged list may please be sent to both CHQ and Circle. Please take it as a serious responsibility and urgency so that the list is sent by 30th September, 2021.

Agitation on Important Demands.

As you are aware, CHQ has been conducting a series of Agitation on our most burning issues of pension revision and denial of medical benefits for the last three years. CHQ is also utilizing the opportunity to take up these issues in the charter of Demands for Joint Agitation by AUAB, NCCPA and Co-Ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNL CCWF.

3 Day Dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 6,7 & 8th September,2021 by AUAB.

AUAB is holding a significant program of Agitation at Jantar Mantar New Delhi on 6-8 , September,2021 demanding settlement of the 10 point Charter of Demands including Pension Revision. AIBDPA is committed to support and participate. So, Circle Secretaries of NTR Delhi, ALTTC, Haryana, Punjab, UP(W), UP (E), Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan are requested to ensure our participation in consultation with the respective AUAB Circle Unit. Com.R S Chauhan, Asst General Secretary is authorised to coordinate with these Circle Branches to ensure the participation of AIBDPA members on all the three days.

Confederation and NCCPA Dharna on 07-09-2021 at State Capitals

.Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers and NCCPA ( National Co Ordination Committee of Pensioners Associations ) have decided to have a joint program of Agitation , Mass Dharna on 07-09-2021 for settlement of the following issues;

  1. Grant the arrears of DA/DR for the period between 1.1.2020 to 1.07.2021. held back by the Government to the employees and pensioners immediately.

2. Take immediate decision on the following covid related issues;(i) Grant compensation of not less than Rs. 15 lakhs in case of all covid affected deaths;

(ii) Reimburse the hospitalisation bills for all covid patients irrespective of the fact whether the hospital is recognised or not

(iii) Ensure that all employees are provided with the vaccination facility preferably in the CGHS dispensaries.

(iv) Provide compassionate appointments in all death cases irrespective of the 5% ceiling.

(v). Ensure that the pensioners who do not have any health care facility especially for in-patient treatment are provided with insurance coverage at the cost of the Government.

3. Revise the Pension of:(a)BSNL pensioners with effect from 1.1.2017 with 15% fitment, delinking wage revision. (b)Punjab National Bank Pensioners.

4. Grant the medical benefits to the BSNL pensioners.

A resolution is to be adopted at the meeting (dharna programme) on 7th September, 2021. Individual email also to be sent to the Finance Minister by all the members. The format of both resolution and email will be sent shortly.Circle Secretaries are requested to initiate early action to make the program successful in consultation with the constituents of NCCPA and Confederation State Secretaries.

A three phased programme of action by the Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF.

A meeting of the Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF was held on 18.08.2021. The meeting discussed and finalised the following 14 point charter of demands and a three phased agitational programme.

*Charter of demands.*

(1) Stop privatisation of the Public Sector.

(2) Payment of salary on the last date of every month.

3) 3rd Wage Revision.

(4) Pension Revision with 15% fitment, by delinking from Wage Revision.

(5) Immediately pay the wage arrears of the contract workers.

(6) Implement 30% Superannuation Benefits to the Directly Recruited Employees.

(7) Immediately hold the various LICEs.(

(8) Introduce a New Promotion Policy, to solve the problem of stagnation.

(9) Do not reduce the posts, in the name of “Restructuring”.

(10) Settle the medical bills of the serving and retired employees without delay.

(11) Implement 7th CPC pay scale for the casual labourers.

(12) Settle the Rule 8 transfers of the DR JEs and other employees.

(13) Implement E 1 pay scale for the Non-Executives, as has already been approved by the BSNL Management Committee.

(14) Re-engage the retrenched contract workers. *Dates of the* *programmes.*

The meeting fixed the dates for the agitational programmes as follows:

– (1) Demonstrations on *14.09.2021.*

(2) March to SSA and BA (Business Area) Offices on *22nd September, 2021* .

(3) March to the CGM Offices on *05th October, 2021* .

The circle and district secretaries of AIBDPA are requested to form the Circle and District level Co-ordination Committees of the three organisations and plan to organise the programmes successfully.

Hold Circle Executive Committee meetings.

It has come to the notice of the CHQ that certain circles have not held the CEC meeting despite repeated requests. So it is once again requested to hold the meeting and decisions on holding District and Circle Conferences be taken wherever is due.Exact position of Payment of quota to Circle and CHQ by each District be ascertained strictly and if in arrears should be arranged to send without delay.

Tele Pensioner.

The April -June,2021 issue of the Tele Pensioner could not be published due to unforeseen events which is regretted. However a combined issue of both April-June and July- September,2021 will be brought out shortly.

IDA due from 01-07-2021 and Arrears of frozen IDA.

Many of our Comrades are asking CHQ about the delay in issuing the order for the additional instalment of IDA due from 01-07-2021. The Department of Public Enterprises has been brought under the Finance Ministry during recent reshuffle. Earlier, being under the Ministry of Heavy Industries, DPE used to issue the IDA orders within one week of the publication of CPI ( Consumer Price Index) by the Labour Bureau of India. However, contrary to the usual practice, DPE didn’t issue the order of IDA due from 01-07-2021 when the orders for restoration of 3 frozen IDA instalments was issued. Though efforts were made for issuance of the order by CHQ , the bueaurocrats at DPE has not divulged the actual reason for the abnormal delay.

Regarding the arrears of the three frozen IDA instalments, CHQ is trying through our advocate to get a final order from the Kerala High Court as the DoT has not implemented the interim order.

Comrades, the days ahead are of serious struggles and let us rise to the occasion to rejuvenate the organisation and make the struggles a stupendous success.

( Circle Secretaries may kindly forward this circular to all the District Secretaries.)

With warm greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K G Jayaraj.

General Secretary.


May be an image of 6 people

Com.R S Chauhan, AGS inaugurated the Circle Executive Committee Meeting of UP (W) held at BSNLEU Office at Meeut on 29-08-2021. The important issues of the pensioners, the current status of each issue and the agitational programme being held by AUAB and Co-Ordination Committee were explained in the inaugural address. Com. Mohamad Israel Siddiqui, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Coms.Nareshpal, District Secretary, BSNLEU and Ramswaroop Singh, District Secretary who hosted the CEC welcomed all. Com. S S Maurya, Circle Secretary presented the report covering the developments since the last CEC meeting. Com.Ashar Ali, Circle President, BSNLEU and Com.Rajesh, Asst. Circle Secretary, NTR, New Delhi also addressed the meeting. The queries raised in the discussion were answered by the Circle Secretary.


Confederation and NCCPA Joint Dharna on 7.9.2021! Charter of Demands including DA/DR Arrears, Covid related issues, Pension Revision of BSNL and PNB pensioners and Immediate payment of medical benefits to BSNL Pensioners.


.(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021 dated 07-01-2021) Website: mail: Feroze Shah Road,New Delhi. 110 001


Secy. General: COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)

Dated: 24th August, 2021.

Dear Comrades,

One of the issues that was raised strongly and unanimously by the staff side of the National Council on 26th June, 2021 during the 48th meeting of the council was the delay in issuing orders for the grant of DA/DR which had become due from 1.01.2020. Though no assurance was held out by the official side at the meeting, it appears that the feeling of the employees was taken into consideration and the three instalments of DA/DR were granted and the orders were issued by the end of July, 2021. In April, 2020, in the wake of the covid pandemic and the consequent lock out, the Government had issued orders for freezing the payment of DA/DR which would be due from 1.1.2020, 1.7.2020 and 1.1.2021. The Government’s decision to impound the arrears for 18 months had in fact been conveyed in April, 2021 itself. Prior to the issuance of the above orders the Government had made an appeal for contribution to the Prime Minister’s relief fund to combat the situation emerging from the pandemic. The people, especially the poor segment of the society had suffered immensely during the covid period due to the loss of job caused by the lock down and the extra burden of expenditure due to the spread of the disease. Quite a number of people had died due to the virus. The employees and the pensioners responded to the appeal and almost everybody contributed a day’s income to the relief fund. The decision to unilaterally withhold the payment of DA and DR was a jolt and there had been no consultation either formally or informally with the employees’ representatives. The resentment was more about the decision to deny the DA/DR for 18 months in the name of financial stringency. The 20 trillion financial packages, the Government announced thereafter benefitted mostly the corporate houses and other business enterprises. Nothing much was done by the Government to increase the purchasing power of the people which would have benefitted the economy as a whole. Though the freezing payment of DA/DR had no prior consultation, still the employees and pensioners did not raise their objection as they felt that their sacrifice would benefit the poor people. The denial of payment of the arrears from 1.12020 to 1.7.2021 for eighteen month, however was different as it was was bereft of any legal or moral basis and the employees and pensioners apprehended that it would create an undesirable precedent. No such arbitrary steps had been taken in the past even against much greater financial crisis. The demand to pay back the withheld amount was, therefore made at the meeting on 26th, but elicited no response from the official side. The demand for the payment of arrears gathered momentum especially after the 20 trillion package announcement, as the employees and pensioners began to doubt the Government’s stand on financial strength of its coffers. They felt that their hard earned income has been donated to the business enterprises. The similar action of the A.P. Government was questioned at the High Court, which led to it being set aside. The decision of the High Court unequivocally established that the action of the Government to deny DA which is part of the salary is void and untenable The High Court’s decision portends the need for the reversal of the decision of the Government of India denying DA/DR arrears of 18 months. This and many other issues, especially the covid related problems and the sufferings of the employees and pensioners were figured in the discussions at the recently concluded National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation of CGE & Workers. The National Executive has come to the conclusion that collective action is needed to highlight the issues and decided to hold discussion with NCCPA for a joint action in the matter. It has now been mutually agreed to hold a physical dharna programme in all State Capitals on 7th September, 2021, the timings and duration can be decided by the local units of both Confederation and NCCPA. The Dharna participants will meet and pass a resolution to be submitted to the Finance Minister with copy to the Secretary, Department of Personnel. All Individual members will send a letter to the Finance Minister, the format of which will be sent later. The programme of action and the charter of demands on which the programme would be mounted is appended hereunder. As per the discussion we had in our last NE meeting, we had submitted agenda items with brief notes for discussion at the National Council. However, those issues could not be figured in the agenda for want of time. Our President, Com. Shiv Gopal Misra who is also the staff side Secretary has taken up the matter with the Secretary, Pension and Secretary Health. A meeting has been promised to take place by the end of September, 2021. The undersigned was at Delhi for a few days from 11.8.2021 to 20.8.2021. We had earlier decided to transfer the money in the joint account of the Secretary General and Treasure to a newly created bank account of NCCPA. However, this could not be accomplished as our Treasurer, Com.H.L. Sidhu had a cardiac problem and had been admitted to the hospital. He has been advised rest for atleast three months and is presently convalescing at his home. Further steps in this direction would be taken after he recovers from his illness. In the meantime, all affiliates are requested to clear their dues for the year 2019-20 and 2020-21by remitting the money to the present joint account, whose details are available on our website. Since NCCPA is now registered under the T.U. Act, we are to submit our accounts duly signed for the two calendar years 2020 and 2021 audited by a chartered Accountant.

PROGRAMME OF ACTION:And Charter of demands.

it has been decided to organise a dharna programme on 7th September, 2021 at a Central Place in all State Capitals. This will be followed by an e mail campaign, the format of which will be sent in due course. The demands that will be highlighted through this programme are as under:-

1. Grant the arrears of DA/DR for the period between 1.1.2020 to 1.07.2021. held back by the Government to the employees and pensioners immediately.

2. Take immediate decision on the following covid related issues;

3. Grant compensation of not less than Rs. 15 lakhs in case of all covid affected deaths;

4. Reimburse the hospitalisation bills for all covid patients irrespective of the fact whether the hospital is recognised or not.

5. Ensure that all employees are provided with the vaccination facility preferably in the CGHS dispensaries.

6. Provide compassionate appointments in all death cases irrespective of the 5% ceiling.

7. Ensure that the pensioners who do not have any health care facility especially for in-patient treatment are provided with insurance coverage at the cost of the Government.

8. Revise the Pension of:(a)BSNL pensioners with effect from 1.1.2017 with 15% fitment, delinking wage revision. (b)Punjab National Bank Pensioners..

9. Grant the medical benefits to the BSNL pensioners.

The resolution to be adopted at the meeting (dharna programme) on 7th September, 2021 will be sent shortly. The format of e mail to be sent to the Honourable Finance Minister by each individual employee/pensioner will also be sent along with the resolution. The affiliates and State COCs are requested to kindly make the programme a grand success by enlisting the participation of all employees and pensioners.

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N KuttySecretary General

The Story of a missing Telecom Mechanic and the long Struggle for Family Pension. – K G Jayaraj

20th June,2017 was one of the hottest days in New Delhi. While going through the mail of the day at our Union Office, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, New Delhi, there was a thick cover which was opened the last.The covering letter was by one Shri. Rajesh J Andraj, practising advocate, Pune and former BSNL employee. It was on his failed efforts for Family Pension to the wife of a missing Telecom Mechanic, Shri. Krishnappa Balappa Kumbhar of GMT, BSNL, Kolhapur, Maharashtra. On going through the copies of the representations sent to CMD,BSNL, Secretary DoT and Secretary, DOP&PW, what could be understand are as follows;Shri. Krishnappa Balappa Kumbhar Telecom Mechanic GMT Kolhapur Maharashtra went missing on 05-10-2002. The search to find out him by his family and some of his colleagues on the subsequent days didn’t succeed. Thereafter a complaint was lodged with the local police station and FIR registered on 16-10-2002. These were duly intimated to his office, GMT, Kolhapur. However, the BSNL Kolhapur administration extended no help to the hapless family of the missing employee consisting of his wife and two school going children. Instead they hurriedly issued a charge sheet under Rule 14 of CCS( CCA) Rules against the missing employee for absconding and unauthorized absence from duty. They were not prepared even to wait for the police enquiry and report. An inquiry was conducted exparte and the missing employee, virtually dead, was dismissed from service. They conveniently ignored the rules and procedures which stipulate approval of DoT to impose major punishment on absorbed BSNL employee.Meanwhile, the police enquiry also yielded no result. The family of the missing employee, having lost the head of the family and the only earning member, was slipped to utter poverty and starvation. As per rules, the salary arrears, leave encashment and GPF could have been paid to family by the BSNL Kolhapur administration as an immediate relief. But nothing was done and the family was pushed to distress. So the widow of the missing employee, Smt.Shanta Krishnappa Kumbhar started to work as a homemaid in some of the neighborhood houses to meet the expenditure to pull on the family.After one year the widow approached BSNL, Kolhapur administration for family pension. She was told to meet them after five years.The poor woman once again met the BSNL, Kolhapur administration on expiry of five years for family pension. This time, they seemed to be a bit reasonable to assure her that they will seek a clarification from the Controller of Communication Accounts Maharashtra whether she is eligible for family pension. Nothing was heard from the BSNL authorities for another six months. So she was compelled to approach them once again and was told that they have not received any clarification from the CCA, Maharashtra and it means that she is not eligible for family pension.!.It was under these circumstances that the family approached Shri.Rajesh J Andraj for help. The family was obviously not in a position to afford the expenditure to seek legal remedy. Therefore, Shri. Rajesh J Andraj prepared representations quoting relevant rules for grant of family pension and sent to CMD BSNL, Secretary DoT and Secretary DOP &PW and registered with the Grievance portals of both DoT and DOP&PW. But all these authorities simply forwarded the representation to the erred and crul BSNL, Kolhapur administration for necessary action and closed the case. The arrogant BSNL, Kolhapur administration disposed the representations sticking to their earlier stand that no family pension will be granted in dismissed cases and even dared to warn rather mocked the poor woman that no use in going to the higher authorities.All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association at that time had no Branch at Kolhapur and it was not known how Shri.Rajesh came to know about AIBDPA. Anyhow it is a matter of pride that he has selected AIBDPA as the right organisation to deal the issue.A draft letter to CMD, BSNL was prepared then and there . Actually, the issue seemed to be very serious and genuine which warranted urgent action. The agony and sufferings of the hapless and poor family of the missing,virtually dead, Telecom Mechanic for the last 15 years were beyond imagination.In the letter, the relevant rule 54 of CCS(Pension) Rules,1972 was quoted wherein the procedure to be adopted in the case of a missing employee has been laid down. Accordingly, once the FIR is registered, the family of the missing employee is entitled to get the salary arrears,if any, leave encashment and GPF as immediate relief on submission of an indemnity bond to the effect that the entire amount will be returned in the event of return of the missing employee. Subsequently, the application for death Cum Retirement Gratuity are to be processed.Issuing charge sheet against the missing employee and subsequent exparte dismissal by the BSNL Kolhapur administration also was unwarranted and violative of the rules and procedures. No words were minced in condemning the atrocious and illegal actions of the BSNL Kolhapur administration and demanded suitable action against those responsible.The letter was given to CMD, BSNL, Director (HR) and GM( Establishment) by hand. The AGM( Estt) who was to initiate action was also met handing over a copy of the letter. After one week, letter with necessary modifications was also sent to the Honourable Minister for Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension and copy sent to Secretary, DoT and Secretary DOP &PW.The AGM( Estt) , BSNL Corporate Office acted swiftly by forwarding CHQ letter to CGMT, Maharashtra and stating that the dismissal of the missing employee without waiting for the police report is primafacie illegal and report sought on action taken. But there was no response from CGMT, Maharashtra even after two months. And on our intervention Ms.Sujata T Ray, Director (HR) wrote two DO letters to CGMT Maharashtra for urgent action and extension of immediate relief to the family of the missing employee. The DoT also through CCA, Mumbai asked GMT, Kolhapur to process family pension to the widow of the missing employee. Thus BSNL , Kolhapur administration was compelled to cancel the dismissal order. However their anger for involving AIBDPA was reflected in harrasment of the family by asking for various documents time and again. The family was also asked to submit copy of the court order dated 11-03-2014 declaring the missing employee dead. When the court order was given , they asked for the death certificate from the local body. The family though approched the local body the death certificate was denied being a missing case. But BSNL, Kolhapur took an adamant stand that they will not forward the pension papers unless the death certificate is produced. The helpless family unaware of the illmotive of the administration somehow managed to get a death certificate mentioning the date of death as 11-03-2014, the date on which the court declared the missing employee dead. Actually it was a dirty trick played by the BSNL, Kolhapur administration to deny the family pension from the actual date of eligibility.Finally, CCA , Maharashtra issued the Pension Payment Order (PPO) on 19-09-2019 granting family pension to the widow, Smt.Shanta Krishnappa Kumbhar with effect from 11-03-2014.CHQ took up the issue again with DoT and DOP&PW against denial of family pension from the eligible date of FIR, 16-10-2002 and denial of family pension for about 12 years. The game plan of BSNL Kolhapur administration of convertion of missing case to death case has resulted in huge loss to the family and demanded justice according to rules. The issue was also registered with Pensioners Portal, CPENGRAMS.The Under Secretary, Pension, DoT wrote to CMD, BSNL against the mishandling of the case by BSNL, Kolhapur administration and sought intervention for corrective action. Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare also intervened. All these prompted CCA, Maharashtra to direct BSNL , Kolhapur to send revised Form No.18 for grant of family pension as per Rule 54 of the CCS( Pension) Rules, 1972. So it was an indictment against the BSNL, Kolhapur for the cruelty meted out to the poor family and was compelled to comply with the directive. Ultimately CCA, Maharashtra issued revised PPO on 13-07-2021 granting family pension from the eligible date of 16-10-2002. And an arrears of Rs.3,80,655 has been paid to Smt.Shanta Krishnappa Kumbhar.This is a great victory for the relentless efforts of CHQ to ensure justice to the family of a poor missing employee. CHQ is aware that there may be cases of similar nature with or without slight difference in many parts of the country. The main intention of this narration is that our Comrades should take initiative to intervene and settle such cases


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Important decisions are taken by the meeting of COC held on 18-08-2021. Most importantly a three phased agitation on the 14 point charter of demands including Pension Revision, Wage Revision, Immediate payment of pending medical bills and allowance, Payment of wage arrears to the contract workers, 30% Superannuation benefits to the BSNL recruited employees, timely payment of salary etc will definitely enthuse the employees, retirees and the casual contract workers. Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to take the initiative to convene the meeting of the three constituents, form the Circle and District level CoOrdination Committee and take suitable decision to conduct the agitations successfully.


A meeting of the Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNL CCWF was held online on 18-08-2021. Com.K G Jayaraj, Chairman presided over the meeting. Com.P Abhimanyu, Convenor welcomed all and presented the proposal of agitation on important issues decided by the CEC of BSNLEU. All the members, Coms.K G Jayaraj, Animesh Mitra, V A N Namboodiri, A K Bhattacharjee and Swapan Chakraborty participated in the discussion . The meeting also reviewed the decision of the last meeting to form Coordination Committees at Circle and District levels and found only little progress. Com.P Abhimanyu summed up the discussion. The meeting approved the proposal with some modifications. It was also decided to complete formation of Circle and District level Coordination Committees before 10-09-2021. The detailed circular on the demands and agitational programme will be published soon. Circle Secretaries are requested to initiate action for formation of Circle and District level Coordination Committees at the earliest for successful implementation of the agitational programmes.