On 4th April, 2024 a Trade Union Class was organised by AIBDPA WB circle at CTO Union Office, Kolkata. Com Asis Das, Circle Secretary welcomed all the members present and breifed on the necessity of Trade Union Class.

Com Dhananjay Ganguly, Veteran leader of the Telecom movement spoke on the issue of “Communalism, Separatism and Present Society”. In his speech he illustrated the issue and clarified how the communal forces in the country are poisoning the people to divide them on the basis of caste and religion.

The other speaker was Com Subhash Mukherjee, President CITU West Bengal. He spoke on the issue ” The duties and responsibilities of the employees including the Pensioners in the present situation” . In his speech he criticised the BJP govt for their anti people, anti worker policy. He said both the Modi Govt. in the centre and Mamata Govt. in the state are trying to break all the democratic norms in the country. He said that Trinamool is the brain child of RSS. This RSS led BJP Govt. is trying to implement fascism in our country. They are trying to divide people in the name of religion, race etc.and trying to demolish our constitution. Com Mukherjee also criticised the TMC govt for their enormous corruption, favouritism, nepotism and unemployment issues. He appealed to the audience present the TU class to make an end to it and for this we have to interact with our family members our neighbours and our friends. He said a great chance has come before us to end the jungle raj in the state as well as in the entire country. And for this we have to play an effective role in favour of left and democratic forces in the coming days.

Com Sujoy Sarkar, Circle Secretary BSNLEU WB conveyed his best wishes for this initiative. Com Omprakash Singh Circle President was on the chair. 60 members were present from 16 districts.

Tele Pensioner Jan- March 2024-Editorial


The General Elections to the 18th Lok Sabha has been declared by the Election Commission, and is scheduled to be held in seven phases starting from 19th April to 1st June, 2024 in various states and Union Territories.

This is a very crucial election as far as our country is concerned. Of course, we don’t have any party politics, but we are bound to take care of the interests of our pensioners. What have been the policy of Modi government to the pensioners issues.

  1. Pension Revision, the legitimate right of BSNL/ MTNL Pensioners due from 01-01-2017 is being treacherouly denied for the last 87 months.
  2. Three instalments of IDA/ DR impounded during the Covid pandemic not refunded and rather rejected despite favourable court orders.
  3. NJCM and Scova are being made a mockery during Modi regime, no settlement on any of the long pending demands, viz Restoration of commutation after 12 years, one notional increment for pension to those who completed full one year service but retired before drawal of increment, Fixed Medical Allowance of Rs. 3,000, the only non -rejected demand of the Parliamentary Standing Committee, implementation of Option 1, recommended by the 7th Pay Commission, Restoration of Railway concession withdrawn during the Covid pandemic and no decision on appointment of 8th Pay Commission.
  4. No decision on Restoration of Old Pension Scheme as NPS has already been proved to be a No Pension Scheme. Nothing is expected from the Secretary level Committee appointed by Modi government as we have seen the hostile stand of Modi government towards certain state governments which restored the OPS.
  5. All the following recommendations of Parliamentary Committee are rejected outrightly by the Modi government.

(a) Aditional pension of 5% at 65, 10% at 70 and 15% at 75.

(b) CGHS Wllness Centres in all the districts in the country.

(c). Post justified doctors, paramedical staff and nurses at the CGHS Wellness Centres.

(d) Ensure supply of sufficient medicines to the Wellness Centres.

(e) reimbursement of the full amount for treatment at the non – empaneled CGHS hospitals.


So many guarantees are still being lavishly given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during this election also. Let us examine what happened to the following ” Guarantees ” given in the past.

  1. The huge amount of black money siphoned off and deposited in the foreign banks will be brought back and Rs. 15 lakh each will be given to each and every citizen of India.

Nothing happened and the forces of black money are flourishing than ever.

  1. 2 crore jobs will be generated every year to address the growing unemployment in the country.

The available vacancies in the Central government sector including Railways, more than 10 lakhs are not being filled up. The vacancies, after a specific period is being cancelled. Only contract and casual jobs are given. In the name of Agnipadh, even postings in the armed forces are made contractual. As a result the unemployment in the country has become alarmingly high that 83% of the unemployed are the educated youth.

  1. Petrol price will be reduced to ₹ 50 per litre and LPG price also will be reduced.

In 2014, the petrol price was ₹70 and the cost of one barrel crude oil at international market was $ 136. LPG price was ₹410.

Now the crude oil price has fallen to $ 86 per barrel. But see the petrol price ₹110 per litre. What a wonderful magic? When the price of crude oil is reduced by about 40%, the petrol price hiked by 57%. How it happened? The total tax being levied on petrol and diesel is 66%, the highest in the world. Out of this ₹33 is the total of Additional Excise duty and Special Additional Excise duty which are not sharable with state governments.

Why Modi government resorted to such a cruel looting of the people?

In 2014, the Corporate Tax was 30%. In 2019,the rate of Corporate Tax under Modi regime is only 15%. As a result, the revenue income of the government fell sharply and to compensate this loss, Modi government resorted to looting the common people.

As you know, the LPG price also went high upto ₹1,100. Worse , the subsidy was withdrawn without intimaion.

  1. Women empowerment and safety.

Rape and murder of even, minor girls, particulary belonging to dalits have become rampant in many states and the victims and the witnesses are allowed to be attacked and killed. The Manipur riots purposely perpetuated by the vested interests is continuing unabated since May, 2023. Several women are paraded naked, raped and murdered.


With the Supreme Court, cancelling the Electoral Bonds declaring it anti – constitutional, and the resultant revelation of SBI, the real face of Modi and BJP is exposed. The electoral bonds and the PM Cares Fund are the biggest scams through which BJP got thousands of crores, illegally.

Demonetisation, the Himalayan Blunder.

Currencies of ₹1000 and ₹500 were cancelled by Narendra Modi on 08-11-2016 claiming to contain counterfeit, black money and terrorist activities.

What were the consequences? People were put to distress and sufferings for an year. Thousands of small scale induustries were closed and lakhs of workers rendered jobless. The national economy put under doldrums.

Whether succeeded in achieving the aims?

No, a big zero.
According to RBI, 99% of the currencies were returned.

Attacks on PSUs.

According to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, PSUs are born to die. Almost all the PSUs, including profit making PSUs with Nava Retna status are being handed over to the corporates at throw away prices. In the name of National Monetisation Pipeline, national assets including those in the strategic sectors are also being given to the corporates.

BSNL not allowed to develop.

Despite declaration of repeated ” revival packages”, nothing happened other than retrenchment of 78,569 employees. BSNL is not allowed to launch its 4G services by procuring equipments from foreign companies while there is no such ban to the private telecom companies. So lakhs of customers are deserting BSNL posing serious threat to its very existence. The real intention of Modi government is to eliminate BSNL and hand over its assets worth rupees lakhs of crores to Ambani or Adani and allow them to loot the people with exorbitant rates for telecom services. For no fault of the BSNL employees, they are being denied the rightful wage revision due from 01-01-2017.

Inequality widened alarmingly.

After 10 years of Modi rule, no doubt, the number of billionaires in India has increased in a stunning pace, thanks to the pro corporate policies. At the same time inequality between the rich and poor has widened steeply. India ranked 111 out of 123 countries in the poverty index, while 1% of the super rich cornered 40% of the national assets.

Leave alone all these, the politics of hatred and humility being pursued by the ruling party is the real threat to our freedom, peace,democracy, secularism and our great constitution.

So let us think seriously and vote conciously in the forthcoming elections.


2nd Biennial District Conference of Rajkot District Branch was held at Bharat Seva Samaj Hall, Rajkot on 29-03-2024 . Smt. N.B.Solanki District President presided over the District Conference. Shri A.K.Hindocha District Secretary welcomed one and all.

Shri M.B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary and Vice President, CHQ inaugurated the Conference with a dtailed speech covering all issues .Shri M.G.Thumar Vice President Circle and Retired Officer Madam Khajuri addressed the conference.

Shri A.K. Hindocha , District Secretary presented the report on activities of the District Branch , and Treasurer Smt.L.D. Savaliya presented the accounts. The report and account were adopted after discussion.
Rajko District Branch presented memento to Com. Manubhai Chaniyara CHQ Vice President and Circle Secretary in recognition of his excellent services.

The office bearers were elected unanimously with Smt.N.B.Solanki ( President),Shri A.K. Hindocha (District Secretary) , Smt.L.D. Savaliya ( Treasurer ) Shri V.M.Lalkiya proposed vote of thanks.


2nd Biennale District Conference of Amreli District Branch was held at Surya Gardan Hotel Hall, Amreli on 22-03-2024 .Shri D.R.Ramani District President presided over the District Conference.Miss Asha J.Dave District Secretary welcomed all invitees and members.

Shri M.B.Chaniyara, Circle Secretary and Vice President, CHQ inaugurated the Conference with covering all issues like Medical,CGHS , Pension Revision etc in his speech. Shri K.R.Joshi,Shri J.C.Patel and Shri J.M.Radadia AGM attended the Conference and addressed.

Miss A.J.DaveDistrict Secretary gave all important information and activities report of District Branch in his speech ,Treasurer Shri K.R.Joshi presented the accounts. The report and account were adopted after discussion.

The office bearers were elected unanimously with Shri R.B.Maru ( President),Smt A.J.Dave (District Secretary) Shri K.R.Joshi (Treasurer) .With Vote of thanks speech by Ssri G.A Bukhari, the conference came to an end.


The reports released on 26th March, 2024 by ILO ( International Labour Organization ) and IHO( Institute of Human Development ) says the employment situation in India has slipped to a record high. For example, unemployed youth in India has almost doubled from 35.2% in 2000 to 65.7% in 2022.

The report further says that youngsters account for 83% of India’s unemployed workforce. The educated youngsters experienced much higher levels of unemployment during the period.

Also, almost 90% of workers remain engaged in informal work, while the share of regular work, which steadily increased after 2000, declined after 2018.

There are widespread livlihood insecurities with only a small percentage being covered with social protection measures, precisely in the non-agriculture, organised sector. Worse, there has been a rise in contractualisation, with only a small percentage of regular workers covered by long-term contracts, the report said.

The lack of quality employment opportunities reflected in the high level of joblessness among young people, especially those who have achieved higher education

The country is also facing the challenges of a substantial gender gap in the labour market, with low rates of female labour force participation, the report said.

Throwing light to the growing inequalities, the report said despite tall claims of affirmative action, the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes still lag in terms of access to better jobs. They continue to be engaged in low paid temporary casual wage work and informal employment. Despite improvement in educational attainment among all groups, the hierarchy within social groups persists, the report added.

( source : The Hindu )

Let us realise the realities under Modi government, who came to power promising 2 crore jobs every year.

WFTU statement on the recent developments in Cuba: Those responsible for the situation, now pretend to be the protectors of the people!

22 Mar 2024

Once again, the imperialist circles, led by the United States, are defiantly attempting to exploit the discontent of Cuban citizens about shortcomings in the country’s internal market. They are attempting to do so, in order to escalate their attacks again and to undermine in every way the Cuban people’s revolutionary choice for their socialist future.
The World Federation of Trade Unions expresses its solidarity with the struggling people and the government of Cuba, who are once again being subjected to the consequences of the murderous embargo imposed on the country and the attempts for external intervention.

It is obvious that the well-known circles, those who are trying in every way to overthrow the Cuban revolution, are trying to take advantage of the reactions of dissatisfaction by the citizens because of the shortcomings that exist, in order to exert pressure and intensify the attacks on the socialist state of Cuba.

It is unacceptable that those responsible for the shortages and the situation, due to the criminal blockade imposed, now try to pretend the protectors of the heroic Cuban people.

The class-oriented trade union movement stands firmly in solidarity with Cuba, and supports its people’s non-negotiable right to decide for themselves for the present and future. We demand the immediate withdrawal of the anti-democratic, anti-people blockade, which for more than 6 decades is hindering the access to essential resources, limiting economic development, and impeding their right to self-determination.

पेंशन संशोधन पर प्रिन्सिपल बेंच CAT के फैसले के खिलाफ सरकार द्वारा दायर रिट याचिका – कुछ भी अप्रत्याशित या आश्चर्यजनक नहीं।

सरकार ने अपने तीन सचिवों, दूरसंचार, डीओपी और पीडब्ल्यू और व्यय विभाग के माध्यम से 21-03-2024 को दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय में एक रिट याचिका दायर की है। भारत के संविधान के प्रावधान 226 और 227 के तहत बड़ी रिट याचिका बीएसएनएल/एमटीएनएल के पेंशनभोगियों के पेंशन संशोधन पर प्रिन्सिपल बेंच कैट, नई दिल्ली के 20-09-2023 के फैसले को रद्द करने की मांग करती है।

याचिकाकर्ता संगठनों के कुछ नेताओं ने हताशा में टिप्पणी की है, यहां तक ​​कि एमओसी को धोखेबाज तक कह दिया है। कुछ का कहना है कि सरकार ने पीठ में छुरा घोंपा है। ये सब कुछ और नहीं बल्कि शासक वर्ग और खासकर मोदी सरकार का आकलन करने में नेतृत्व की विफलता है। याद रखें, इन नेताओं ने गरीब पेंशनभोगियों से भारी मात्रा में धन एकत्र करके और पीएम केयर्स फंड में दान देकर सरकार को खुश करने की कोशिश की। यह उनके अपने संगठन और सदस्यों की लड़ने की क्षमता में उनके विश्वास की कमी को दर्शाता है।

जहां तक ​​AIBDPA का सवाल है, हमने 08-11-023 को मेम्बर (एस) से मिलने के बाद बताया था कि DoT PBCAT के फैसले के खिलाफ अपील दायर करने की तैयारी कर रहा है। AIRBSNLEWA के महासचिव और याचिकाकर्ता संगठनों में से एक श्री प्रहलाद राय ने भी 08-11-2023 को संचार भवन में मुलाकात के दौरान महासचिव को इसकी पुष्टि की। बाद में, बेशक, MOC के हस्तक्षेप के कारण, DoT नौकरशाही ने एक सतर्क दृष्टिकोण अपनाया, बल्कि पेंशनभोगी संगठनों के प्रतिनिधिमंडलों के प्रति चुप्पी साध ली। फिर भी, बाद में MOC ने भुवनेश्वर में SNPWA के एक प्रतिनिधिमंडल को PBCAT के आदेश के कार्यान्वयन से स्पष्ट रूप से इनकार कर दिया। सचिव, DoT ने भी कुछ दिनों के बाद श्री प्रहलाद राय को यही बताया।

हमेशा की तरह AIBSNPWA के नेता ही लगातार यह प्रचार कर रहे थे कि MOC समेत सभी अधिकारियों ने PBCAT के फैसले को लागू करने का आश्वासन दिया है। केरल से उनके एक वरिष्ठ राष्ट्रीय नेता ने हाल ही में एक वॉयस मैसेज के माध्यम से आश्वासन दिया था कि चीजें अपेक्षित दिशा में आगे बढ़ रही हैं और PMO में बहुत अधिक प्रभाव रखने वाले एक वरिष्ठतम नौकरशाह PBCAT के फैसले के अनुसार पेंशन संशोधन के शीघ्र निपटारे के लिए एसोसिएशन से भी अधिक गंभीरता से प्रयास कर रहे हैं। पेंशनभोगियों को गुमराह करने के लिए झूठे और फर्जी बयान जारी करना AIBSLPWA की सामान्य प्रथा है।

अब, आगे क्या ? मिलियन डॉलर का सवाल है ।

दुर्भाग्य से, हम 17-10-2022 को आयोजित बैठक के दौरान DoT द्वारा दिए गए अवसर का लाभ उठाने में चूक गए। यह एक ज्ञात तथ्य है कि अदालती कार्यवाही और उसके बाद CAT के आदेश ने इस अवसर को बर्बाद कर दिया है। सरकार दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय में अपील का हवाला देते हुए समझौते से इनकार करने के लिए निश्चित है।

इसलिए हमें मोदी सरकार के पेंशनभोगी विरोधी रुख को उजागर करना होगा और अपनी वास्तविक मांग को प्राप्त करने के लिए संघर्ष जारी रखना होगा।