May be an image of 6 people
May be an image of 10 people, people sitting and people standing

The District Conference of Surat has been held on 22-12-2021 under the presidentship of Com.G M Patel, District President. Com.M K Dave, Circle Convenor, Coordination Committee inaugurated the conference with an elaborate and inspiring speech covering the issues and the current developments. Com. C U Dwivedi, Assistant Circle Secretary also addressed the conference. The report and accounts were adopted after discussion. Office Bearers were elected unanimously with the following important functionaries, President : Com.K L Sayad, District Secretary : Com.A S Dwivedi and Treasurer : Com.R M Patel.


May be an image of 4 people and people standing
May be an image of 13 people, people standing and indoor

The 2nd biennial District Conference has been held jointly with BSNLEU at Telephone Exchange Conference Hall on 21-12-2021. Com(Smt) N B Solanki, District President presided over the conference. Com.(Smt) M K Mehta, District Secretary welcomed the gathering and presented the report. Com. M B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary & CHQ Organising Secretary inaugurated the confernce explaining the issues confronting the pensioners. Com.D K Bakutra, Circle Secretary in his keynote address exposed the double standard of the central government in the revival of BSNL.Coms. V M Lalkiya, M G Thumar, Nilesh Gadvi (BSNLEU) , A U Paneri and N G Parmar (AIBDPA) also addressed. Com.A K Hindocha, former Circle President of BSNLEU and Retired Accounts Officer joined AIBDPA and addressed. After adoption of report and accounts, the conference elected the office bearers unanimously with Com.(Smt) N B Solanki (President) Com.A K Hindocha (District Secretary) and Com.(Smt) L D Savlita (Treasurer)._


Kerala Circle Executive Committee meeting has been held online on 19-12-2021. Com. K R R Varma, Vice President presided over the meeting. Com.N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary welcomed all and presented the report. Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the CEC with a brief speech focusing on important issues. Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary in his address dealt on main issues of pension revision, denial of medical benefits, struggles of CoC and organisational matters. Com. P V Chandrasekharan, Patron spoke elaborately on our functioning and stressed the importance of strengthening the organisation with effective campaign. All the District Secretaries and most of the office bearers participated in the discussion. General Secretary and Circle Secretary replied to the issues raised in the discussion. The CEC decided to hold the 6th biennial Circle Conference at Palakkad on 12,13 February, 2022. With vote of thanks by Com. P R Mohanan, ACS the meeting came to an end.


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May be an image of 1 person, standing and sitting

Junagadh District Conference was held with good participation at Porbandar on 19-12-2021 jointly with BSNLEU, Junagadh. Com.Rampal , President presided over the conference. Com. K M Joshi, District Secretary welcomed the participants. Com.M B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary and CHQ Organising Secretary inaugurated the conference and explained the issues. Com.D K Bakutra, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU delivered the keynote address. Coms. Dilip Tilavat, President, BSNLEU, A H Rathod, District Secretary, BSNLEU and B N Parmar, Treasurer, BSNLEU also addressed. The report and accounts presented by the District Secretary and Treasurer were adopted after discussion. The following are the important functionaries elected unanimously; Com.D R Vachhani (President) Com.K B Vyas (District Secretary) and Com.N K Rathod (Treasurer).


May be an image of 8 people, people standing and people sitting
May be an image of 11 people, people sitting, people standing, indoor and text that says "REDM NOTE 5 PRO MI DUAL CAMERA"

The Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF has held the Circle level convention at the New P&T House, Guwahati on 19-12-2021. Coms. B K Kakoti and K C Medhi were in the presidium. Com.Bijoy Deka, Circle Secretary welcomed all and delivered the introductory speech. Com. M R Das, AGS, AIBDPA in his inaugural address explained various anti-people measures of Modi government, including the NMP. Coms. G Takukder, Joint Convenor,JCTU and S N Sarma, Circle Secretary, AIBDPA also addressed the convention. The convention appealed to the employees to participate in the two days strike on 23, 24 February, 2022 called by the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations.


May be an image of 10 people and people standing
May be an image of 8 people and people standing

Com. Muddaiah, Circle Secretary inaugurated the biennial District Conference of Bellary on 19-12-2021 with a detailed speech covering the important issues of pension revision and denial of medical benefits. Coms.H C Prakash, AGS and Eranna, Circle President also addressed the conference. Com.Rama Rao, District President was in chair. After adoption of the report and accounts, office bearers were elected unanimously with Com. C G Annigeri (President) Com.H Sushilkumar (District Secretary) and Com. Haribabu (Treasurer)


.Dear Comrades

,It is very much encouraging to note that National Pensioners Day on 17-12-2021 has been celebrated through out the country by AIBDPA units. In some Circles it was organised jointly with other Pensioners Organisations like AIPRPA, CGPA & NCCPA by hoisting flags, holding meetings, felicitating the super seniors, distrbuting sweets etc. The Great services of Shri. D S Nakara and others who fought relentlessly to get the historical judgement from the Supreme Court were remembered. So also saluted the Judges of the Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court headed by Chief Justice Y V Chandrachood of the Supreme Court who delivered the landmark judgement.

AIPRPA organised a well attended Webinar in the evening. Ms.Swapna Jha, Senior Counsel, Common Cause, New Delhi delivered the key note address. Com. D K Rahate, President, AIPRPA presided. Com.K Ragavendran, General Secretary, AIPRPA welcomed all and delivered the introductory speech. Coms. K K N Kutty Secretary General NCCPA, K G Jayaraj General Secretary AIBDPA and C C Pillai, former Secretary General, NFPE also addressed.

CHQ heartily congratulate all the Comrades for making the celebration of National Pensioners Day a grand success.

With warm greetings,

K G Jayaraj

General Secretary.


May be an image of 3 people
May be an image of 5 people, people sitting and indoor

Bharuch District in Gujarat has held its biennial Conference on 17-12-2021. Com. J B Mangnadia, District President presided over the conference.Com.N S Vsava, District Secretary welcomed all. Com.M K Dave, Circle Convenor, Coordination Committee, inaugurated with an inspiring speech covering almost all the issues. The voice message of Circle Secretary Com.M B Chaniyara on Pensioners Day was presented in the conference.Com.S D Parmer, District President, BSNLEU greeted the conference. The biennial report and accounts presented by the District Secretary and Treasurer were adopted after discussion. Thereafter office bearers with Com.J B Mangnadia (President) N S Vsava (District Secretary) and D B Vsava (Treasurer) were elected unanimously.


May be an image of 4 people and people standing
May be an image of 7 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor

Hassan District in Karnataka has held its 5th biennial Conference on 16-12-2021. Com. Bommaigowda, District President controlled the proceedings. Com. Muddaiah, Circle Secretary inaugurated the conference and explained the current status on important issues like Pension Revision and denial of Medical benefits. Coms. H C Prakash, AGS and Earanna, Circle President also addressed. Office bearers were elected unanimously with Com. S A Ramachandra (President), Com.S Nagaraj (District Secretary) and Com. Chandra Shetty (Treasurer)