The two days GENERAL STRIKE of 23,24 February, 2022 called against the anti-people policies of Modi government by the Central Trade Unions and Independent Federations has been postponed to 28,29 March, 2022. The decision of the Central Trade Unions is in view of the elections to the five state legislatures and the scheduled budget session of the Parliament. Naturally, the Solidarity action also stands postponed.

Press Release

The following statement was issued to the press by the joint platform of Central Trade Unions and Independent Sectoral Federations/Associations today – 29 th January 2022


The online meeting of the Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions and Sectoral Federations/ Associations held on 28.01.2022 has changed the dates for Two Days’ Countrywide General Strike Against the Anti-worker, Anti-people, Anti-national Policies of the Govt. to 28-29 March, 2022 from the earlier dates of 23-24 February, 2022. The meeting recalled the decision of the National Convention of Workers held on 11th November 2021 to organize two days countrywide General Strike during the Budget Session of Parliament in 2022 and accordingly the dates of the strike on 23-24th February 2022 were decided in the joint meeting of the Platform held on 3rd December 2021. The meeting noted that preparations for the strike have taken-off in several states and sectors, with joint state level conventions and even district level conventions having taken place in some states. However several states have also reported severe constraints placed on strike preparations due to rising third wave of Omicron pandemic. Besides, several factors such as one phase of state assembly elections in UP falling on 23rd February, local body elections in Tamilnadu, Odisha, West Bengal etc. close to 23-24 February were taken note of. Therefore the Joint Platform of the CTUs and Sectoral Federations/ Associations have decided to defer the General Strike dates to 28-29 March, 2022, when the second phase of the Budget Session of Parliament will actually be in session. The Joint Platform of CTUs calls upon the working people and their unions irrespective of affiliations to intensify the ongoing preparatory campaign and activities to make the Two Days Countrywide General Strike on 28-29 March 2022 a massive success to assert their pledge to Save the People and Save the Nation from the destructive, anti-national policy regime. The Joint Platform also calls upon the workers and their trade unions in the election-bound states to vigorously campaign for defeating the BJP Govt. whose policies have forced the National Convention of Workers to give a call for two days countrywide strike.

INTUC AITUC HMS CITU AIUTUC TUCC SEWA AICCTU LPF UTUC And Independent Sectoral Federations/Associations.


USB: Public Health Strike and National Mobilization Day Friday, January 28 to fight the Covid and get out of the economic crisis

26 Jan 2022

The Draghi government has decided that we must “learn” to live with Covid. The indiscriminate reopening of all production activities has in fact put the virus back into circulation in an overbearing way, with the complicity of companies that have lowered the threshold of protection and prevention measures. Choosing to put in first place the GDP rather than the health of the population, returns the alarm of a new collapse of the national health system, with the saturation of hospitals and sick people of all kinds left without care and assistance.
In the budget maneuver, most of the funding is diverted to support businesses and workers are left without economic support tools. No funding for emergency income or for the Covid redundancy fund, while hundreds of companies (especially in crisis sectors) threaten mass layoffs. No support for “fragile” workers or those who are quarantined in case of close contact with a positive.

In addition to the pandemic crisis, there has also been a resounding increase in the prices of raw materials and energy products, with heavy repercussions on utility bills and basic necessities, and with the inevitable effect of further increasing disparity and inequality, especially for the weakest sectors of the population.

After almost two years of health emergency and faced with continuous evolution of the virus and an increasing number of infections, it is even more urgent that:

– Essential health personnel be hired to ensure continuity of service and relieve those who are subjected to grueling shifts;
– The creation of healthcare facilities and intensive therapies capable of eliminating the risk of running out of available places or having to reduce assistance for other pathologies;
– Hiring of personnel in the school system and the creation of all those facilities necessary to reduce crowding and ensure the continuation of teaching in attendance but in safe conditions;
– To strengthen urban and interregional public transport, increasing the number of vehicles in circulation, to prevent the achievement of maximum capacity;
– Distribute free Ffp2 masks and encourage free plugging for all workers and students of all grades;
– We return to finance both the extraordinary redundancy fund for the affected sectors and the emergency income as well as refreshments for activities forced to periods of suspension or slowdown (tourism, catering, sports and cultural activities, etc.);
– We return to finance the quarantine and the equalization of illness for fragile workers who can not operate in smart working, thus averting the risk of being forced not to report contact with “positive”, just not to lose part of the salary.

The vaccination of a large part of the population has unfortunately already proved to be an insufficient measure to protect us from the unpredictable evolutions of the virus, also in view of the fact that most of the world’s population has not yet been vaccinated, nor will they be for a long time yet. Instead of continuing to favor the profits of big pharmaceutical companies, it is time to eliminate patents on vaccines.

USB calls for Friday, January 28 – coinciding with the strike of public health – a day of national mobilization throughout Italy

The health of citizens comes before the economic interests of companies and banks

At work, at school, in hospitals, on public transport



Top 10 Republic Day 2022 Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages

Our great country is celebrating the 73rd Republic Day on 26-01-2022. It was on 26-01-1950, the Nation adopted its Constitution and declared as a Republic. Let us remember the heros who fought for the freedom and sacrificed their valuable lives for the country. We are also indebited to the entire team of the constitution assembly, particularly, Dr. B R Ambedkar, the main architect of the constitution. We have to take note of the serious challenges being faced by the country. Attempts are being made to scuttle the very fundamental principles of the constitution. Unity in diversity is the main aspect of secularism and serious threats are there to divide the people in the name of caste and religion. The neo-liberal economic policies being pursued by the government has widened the gap between the poor and rich. The nation’s asstets including the public sector units are being handed over to the corporate at throwaway prices. Therefore when we celebrate the Republic Day, let us take the pledge to continue our fight to safeguard the constitution, protect our hard earned freedom and against all the injustices being meted out to the majority of the people.


May be an image of 10 people, people standing and indoor

The 17th District Branch in Gujarat Circle has been formed in Amreli. The formation convention of BSNL and DoT pensioners was held on 23-01-2022. Com.M L Kherani, District Co-ordinator welcomed one and all and explained the necessity of an AIBDPA District Branch in Amreli. Com. M B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary and CHQ Organising Secretary inaugurated the convention and delivered the inaugural address explaining the issues of the pensioners and the recent dvelopments. Thereafter, office bearers were elected unanimously with the following important functionaries; Com. D R Ramani (President) Com.(Ms) Ashaben J Dave (District Secretary) and Com.Kirti A Joshi (Treasurer). Com. Ashaben J Dave may be the first and only woman District Secretary of AIBDPA and CHQ heartily congratulate the new office bearers of Amreli led by Com. Ashaben J Dave.


CHQ is saddened to report the sad demise of Smt. Hardei Devi (92), mother of Com.Kuldeep Singh, Circle Secretary, Haryana on 21-01-2022. CHQ pays homage to the departed mother, share the grief of the family and conveys heartfelt condolences to Com.Kuldeep Singh and other family members.


The Co-ordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNL CCWF had given a call for Black Badge wearing Demonstration and submission of Memorandum to the GMs and CGMs on 25-01-2022. The issues raised for the protest action are; (1) Immediate payment of IDA arrears (2) Immediate payment of medical benefits to BSNL retirees (3) Timely holding of LICEs and (4) Immediate payment of wage arrears to the contract workers. However, the situation all over the country is not condusive for conducting the programme due to alarmingly spreading the Omicron variant of Covid-19. Therefore, the Co-ordination Committee has decided to defer the Demonstration on 25-01-2022. The next date of the programme will be announced by the COC in due course based on the positive change of the pandemic situation.


NCCPA Solidarity to February strike of Working Class!



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021


13.c Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi. 110 001

Website:                                                                     E mail:

PRESIDENT:                COM.SHIV GOPAL MISHRA.(97176 47594)

SECRETARY GENERAL:          COM.K.K.N.KUTTY. (98110 483030)

Dated: 15th January, 2022.

Dear comrades,

The National Secretariat of NCCPA met on 9th January 2022 over virtual platform under the chairmanship of Com S.G. Misra, President.  While welcoming the participants at the meeting and greeting them for a very prosperous year ahead, he detailed the efforts of staff-side in getting the 18 months DA/DR arrears.  The Government did not either commit the payment or rejected it.  The official side had however, promised to work for a positive outcome but did not indicate any time schedule. To a specific query raised by some members, he clarified that the Government has not appropriated the arrears and the rumour that it had been transferred to the PM care fund or any other fund has no substance.  He wanted the house to discuss the issue and take appropriate decision.  He also wanted the members to take serious note of the decision of the Central Trade Unions to go on yet another strike action for two days in Feb. 2022 and decide upon the manner and method the Pensioners Association could support the action. 

Initiating the discussion on the agenda viz. the support action for the workers strike on 23rd and 24th Feb. 2022,  Com. Kutty indicated the difficulties in organising  physical support action in view of the third phase of the pandemic.   He wanted the NCCPA to undertake an intensive campaign to reach out to the members to make them realise the seriousness of the strike demands and the need for extensive support action.  He said that the pernicious impact of the neo-liberal policies pursued by the Government , which have become visible in all walks of common man’s life and living  must be brought to the notice of the members.  In the discussions that were held thereafter, almost all Sectt. members took part.  The conclusions and consensus arrived at the meeting are as under:

1.       A National Webinar will be held to explain the general demands and pensioner specific issues in which all NE member of NCCPA, NE members of all the affiliates and office bearers of COCs or CGPA would be requested to take part.

2.       All affiliates will organise such webinars to highlight some of the issues specific to those organisations;

3.       The CGPA or COCs will take initiative to organise webinars with the assistance and participation of the members of the State Units of NCCPA in the respective vernacular.

4.       Dharna programme will be organised at all State capitals eliciting physical participation of members if situation permits on 22nd Feb. 2022.  If physical participation become difficult due to continuing covid situation, a virtual meeting of the pensioners of the concerned state will be organised and pass a resolution supporting the strike and the same would be sent to the Cabinet Secretary, Government of India. 

5.       On the day of the commencement of the strike and the following day, the pensioners all over the country will wear badges stating the support to the striking workers even at home.  A specimen copy of the badge to be designed and printed will be placed on NCCPA website. 

6.       The draft of the resolution which the meeting has decided to adopt to express support to the strike action along with the NCCPA charter of demands is enclosed.  The Sectt. members will immediately on receipt of this letter write to the undersigned whether any addition/alteration is required in the charter. The resolution will be sent to the Cabinet Secretary on 31st January, 2022.  In case it becomes necessary for the Central Trade Unions to alter the date of strike action due to the pandemic, our action programmes to be held on 22nd Feb. 2022 will also be accordingly changed. 

7.       The meeting discussed various pensioner specific issues, which has not found any resolution despite taking up the matter with the Government on various occasion.  It was, therefore, decided that the National Executive must meet after the strike action and chalk out a series of programmes to create the requisite sanctions.  The affiliates in the meantime, will indicate the issues to be taken up for inclusion in the charter of demands by end of Feb 2022.  There was a suggestion at the meeting that the NCCPA must take up some of the social issues also along with the economic demands.  Many comrades spoke about the deteriorating situation in respect of medical facilities.

Agenda Item No. 2.

To pursue the DR arrears through litigation.

On the basis of the discussions and suggestions put forth by the members, the following decisions were taken:

(a)    To file a writ petition either at the Supreme Court or any of the High Courts under the original jurisdiction of the respective Courts challenging the denial of the dearness relief.

(b)    The NCCPA will present a report of the financial implication of filing such a case, its feasibility and the method to collect funds.

(c)     The Government’s final stand in the matter as and when it is conveyed to the staff side will be considered before finally filing the case.

(d)    The final decision in the matter will be taken by the end of March, 2022.

The meeting was concluded at 5.30 PM .

With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty,

Secretary General.

Enc: Draft resolution and charter of demands


The National Secretariat of NCCPA which met today, the 9th January, 2022. after deliberations resolved to convey to the Government, the following conclusions reached at the meeting and appeal to the Government to redress the grievances of the Pensioners and senior citizens and retired personnel.

A.      Ever since the advent of the new economic policies, the senior citizens, pensioners and other retired personnel are struggling to make the both ends meet as there had been heavy erosion in their income;

B.      While on the one hand,  the lowering of interest rates, the non-revision of pension benefits; meagre return on investments and many other steps taken by the Government had reduced their income, on the other, inflation, the rising prices, the cascading impact of the constant increase of the  prices of petroleum products, withdrawal of the Government from welfare activities, increasing the user charges for the facilities provided  due to the privatisation of public services have made it impossible for them to survive.

C.       The disinvestment, outright sale of public utility services to the private parties, the proposed leasing out of the infra-structural facilities, privatisation, outsourcing, closure of government and public sector enterprises all have added to their agony.

D.      The high rate of indirect taxation, unhindered price rise of essential commodities, dismantling of the administrative price mechanism of petroleum products, abandoning the public distribution system, not only caused immense distress to the common people but also to the fixed wage/pension earners in the society;

E.       While the bail out packages announced in the covid period did immensely help the entrepreneurs at small, medium and high levels, there had been nothing worthwhile to help out the poor people and especially the fixed income earners in the society. 

F.       The Government’s decision to deny the dearness relief to the Pensioners and freeze the DR dues for 18 months had been sans any logic or reason and had hurt the senior citizens including the pensioners very harshly.

G.      The Govt. unfortunately did not choose to extend a helping hand to the poor and senior citizens of the country during the covid period even after the national economy nose- dived to a negative growth rate.

H.      While the pension revision in the case of BSNL pensioners has been denied, or delayed indefinitely despite positive response, the reimbursement of medical expenses or medical allowance for them have not been sanctioned in the last several years making the pensioners to suffer bitterly in the covid period.

I.         In the case of Bank pensioners, especially of the PNB, not only the pension revision has been delayed/denied indefinitely, the representative of the pensioners associations are not even taken into confidence, while the exercise for revision of pension is taken up for discussion. This is despite the fact that the pension fund has been accumulating and is of sizeable quantum to absorb the financial outlay that might be caused due to the proposed revision.

J.        The meeting has noted that the Government had been pursuing the anti-labour attitude and enacted the new labour code disregarding the objections raised by the workers collectively. The meeting has come to the conclusion that the brazen anti worker enactment was clearly to please the corporates and other entrepreneurs.

K.       The meeting congratulates the Kisan organisations in the country for their victory, the result of a firm determination and belief in the path of struggle which forced the Government to withdraw the farm enactments. 

L.       The meeting ultimately came to the conclusion that the path of struggles treaded by the Workers in the country has been forced upon them and has become inevitable given the attitude of the Government and must be supported by all right-thinking persons and organisations.

The NCCPA, its affiliates, its units and branches all over the country will organise solidarity action in support of the striking workers on 22nd Feb. 2022 by organising mass dharna and such other programmes of action. 

The meeting has decided to appeal to the Government to consider and settle the issues mentioned in the enclosed charter of demands. 

Shiv Gopal Misra,

President , NCCPA.


1.       Implement Option No. 1 as  one of the  pension fitment formulae as recommended by the 7th   CPC.

2.        Revise the Pension of BSNL absorbed retirees immediately with 15% fitment; recommended by the 3rd PRC and approved by the government from 01-01-2017, delinking the wage revision in BSNL. Clear all pending medical bills and medical allowance;

3.       Evolve a policy for automatic grant of pension and other pensioner’s benefits to the pensioners and retirees of the autonomous bodies on par with the Central Govt. Pensioners. 

4.       Provide (a) notional fixation of pension under Option No. 3 on the basis of the pay scale/pay

level of the cadre or grade from which the pensioner retired. (b) Provide fixation of pension in the case of all pre 2006 pensioners on the basis of the grade pay/pay level or pay scale of

the post or cadre from which one has retired as per the judgments of Courts.

5.        Extend the benefit of CS(MA) Rules  to all pensioners who are not covered by CGHS.

6.        Increase the FMA to Rs. 2000 as has been granted to PF Pensioners.

7.        Raise the minimum pension to 60% of the Minimum wage. i.e. Rs. 10,800 p.m.

8.       Restore the commutation portion of pension after 10 years.

9.       Provide increased rates of pension on attainment of 65 years onwards as recommended by the Parliamentary panel.

10.   Scrap the New Contributory pension scheme and restore the defined benefit pension

11.   Revise the pension of the  Bank pensioners on  line  with Govt/RBI/Military  and settle the anomalies in pension and other benefits arising out of the amalgamation of Banks. 

12.   Provide the  benefits arising from the court judgements to all similarly placed pensioners.   Viz. the court order for the grant of one notional increment for those who retire on 30th June  and 31st December

13.   Introduce medical insurance scheme for all  pensioners  including the Bank pensioners whoever opts for such a scheme.

14.   Restore the train fare concession to senior citizens withdrawn by the Govt. during the covid period.

15.   To create a welfare fund for all retired personnel on par with the working emplloyees

16.   Equalise the DA payment for all bank employees without distinction between pre and post 1.11.2002.

17.   To increase the ex gratia payment to bank employees retired prior to 1986.