Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor and Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary went to BSNL Corporate Office on 25-04-2022 to meet the CMD and other officers . Unfortunately CMD and Director(HR) happened to be in a meeting. However they could meet Shri. Saurab Tyagi, PGM (Estt) and discussed the issue of denial of pension and other retirement benefits to more than 300 VRS retirees of Maharashtra belonging to ST category due to non-revalidation of caste certificate. The delegation pointed out that inspite of definite and clear cut orders issued by DOP&PW vide OM dated 30-11-2021, the issue was not settled by BSNL. The PGM stated that necessary orders has been issued by BSNL on 25-04-2022 and assured that the issue will be settled based on this order. But the delegation raised their concern as there is no specific mention about the VRS retirees of Maharashtra in the order. However, the PGM assured that he will personally monitor the progress of its implementation.


Com. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary has joined CHQ on 25-04-2022. He was unable to be at the head quarters for the last two years due to serious health problems and the acute corona pandemic situation. Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor also has come to New Delhi on the same date. They will utilize the opportunity to meet the top officers of DoT and BSNL as well on important issues like pension revision and delay in payment of medical benefits to BSNL pensioners by the management. Tele Pensioner is being printed this time and will be sent to all the subscribers.

“Issues of the working class cannot be settled by doing “chamchagiri” to the ministers.. ” P Abhimanyu, GS, BSNLEU.


It is reported that, one of the Pensioners’ Associations has met Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw, Hon’ble Minister of Communications, last month and has discussed about the pension revision issue.  A message has belatedly been brought to our notice, wherein this meeting with the Minister has been described as a major break-through in the settlement of pension revision. It is also reported that, the pension revision file has now started moving in the Sanchar Bhawan, for which the Minister has been praised lavishly. In the same message, sarcastic remarks have been made about the AUAB, for demanding Wage Revision with zero percent fitment. We know who is behind this circular.

It is known to all that, the AUAB  has organised at least 3 strikes and many other  struggles, including two massive marches to the Sanchar Bhawan, wherein the pension revision has figured as a major demand. The AUAB has demanded that, pension revision should be delinked from pay revision. It is also important to mention that, in the meeting held with the AUAB on 03-12-2018, the then Minister of State for Communications, Shri Manoj Sinha, declared that, the government has decided to de-link Pension Revision from Pay Revision. However, this was not implemented.

Further, it is also important to mention that, it is the AUAB which broke the 60% ceiling set by the government, as it’s liability to pay pension to BSNL pensioners. This 60% ceiling was hanging as a sword on the heads of the pensioners. This was achieved by the AUAB, by going on a two-day strike in May 2016. Under the banner of the AUAB, the entire serving employees of BSNL have valiantly fought for the pension of their retired comrades.  

The friends who have issued this message have hidden all these facts and have ridiculed the AUAB. Let these friends find pleasure in their newfound patronage with the Minister. At the same time, let them not belittle the AUAB and it’s valiant struggles, waged on the pension issue. Let them also understand that, issues of the working class cannot be settled by doing “chamchagiri” to the minister



Central Government Health Scheme ( CGHS ) was introduced by the Central Government with an aim to extend quality and hassle free medical facilities to the Central Government Employees and Central Government Pensioners. Unfortunately, based on the health policy being pursued by the Central Government, privatisation of health sector, there has been no significant progress in the functioning of CGHS, considering the vast number of CGHS beneficiaries spread over every part of the country.

Though BSNL was formed in 2000, initially BSNL absorbed retirees were not allowed to become CGHS members. It is also a fact that BSNL retirees were not that much eager to switch over to CGHS as the BSNL MRS was considered to be better. However, some of the BSNL retirees of metro cities raised a demand of switching over to CGHS and Pensioners Organisations, including AIBDPA took up the issue with Department of Telecommunications and the government. We argued that BSNL absorbed pensioners are drawing their pension from civil estimates of the Central Government as in the case of central government pensioners and hence they are also eligible for CGHS. After much pressure and Struggles the government agreed to the demand and orders in this regard was issued in 2016

.Still most of the BSNL absorbed pensioners preferred to continue in BSNL MRS for obvious reasons. However, there has been a change among the pensioners, when their medical benefits remaining unpaid for years together and the BSNL administration persuading the retirees to switch over to CGHS.CGHS has its advantages and disadvantages as well. The CGHS card holder is entitled to get outdoor treatment from any Wellness Centre of CGHS and cashless indoor treatment from any empanelled hospital in the country. BSNL absorbed pensioners with CGHS card and residing at CGHS uncovered area have also the option to avail monthly medical allowance of Rs.1000 in lieu of outdoor treatment.

A good number of BSNL absorbed pensioners have already switched over to CGHS. But the hesitation among the vast number of BSNL absorbed pensioners is due to the following disadvantages. (1) CGHS Wellness Centers are available in a limited number of cities in the country and the government is least interested in widening the functioning of CGHS. (2) There are no adequate number of doctors and para medical staff in many Wellness Centers and the pensioners have to wait hours to avail the services.(3) There are no sufficient number of empanelled hospitals under CGHS. For example, it is reported that there is not a single empanelled hospital in Mumbai. It is mainly due to the delay in payment of hospital dues by the government and the lower CGHS rates

.Further many of the absorbed BSNL pensioners find it unaffordable to pay one-time life membership to CGHS. AIBDPA had asked the BSNL management to pay the one-time membership amount of the willing retirees directly to CGHS. Though BSNL management was positive in this regard, may be due to some technical snag, this has not been implemented. Instead, the BSNL management has agreed to reimburse the amount paid to CGHS within one month.

In these circumstances, as an organisation, we can’t compel any pensioner to switch over to CGHS. On the other hand they may take a decision based on their medical requirements and the factors clarified here.

The Central Government is ought to provide better medical facilities to its employees and pensioners. First of all, the government should have a comprehensive scheme to identify the short comings and to take effective steps to resolve. Wellness centes have to be started in all the districts, regular doctors and para medical staff are to be posted and all medicines procured for OP treatment, prominent and speciality hospitals are to be empanelled, to attract such hospitals, the government should ensure periodical revision of CGHS rates and prompt payment of the hospital dues. After all, the government is not extending CGHS services free of cost to the Central Government Employees and pensioners. Huge amounts are being collected as subscription from the beneficiaries and therefore they are entitled to get quality and hassle free medical facilities.

Government should also implement the positive court judgments without limiting these to the particular individuals.We shall definitely continue our fight for allotment of sufficient funds for clearing the pending medical benefits. So also we are committed to fight for the improvement in the functioning of CGHS, particularly in the wake of the recommendations of the 110th Parliamentary Standing Committee.


May be an image of 3 people, people sitting and people standing
May be an image of one or more people, people standing and people sitting

Bihar Circle Conference has been held with good participation of delegates from all the districts at Jehanabad in Gaya District on 13-04-2022. Com. Sanjib Banerjee, AGS inaugurated the conference with an elaborate and inspiring speech. All the important issues of the pensioners, including pension revision, denial of medical benefits were explained in the inaugural address. Com.R N Singh, Circle President presided over the conference. Com.N K Srivastava, Circle Secretary welcomed all and presented the report and accounts. Com. B P Singh, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU addressed the conference and gave a good account of recent developments in BSNL.

New set of office bearers were elected with Com. R N Singh (President) Com. N K Srivastava (Circle Secretary) and Com. B N Rai (Treasurer).


AIBDPA has been continuously making efforts and conducting struggles for payment of pending medical bills of the BSNL retirees since 01-04-2019 and without voucher medical allowance pending from 2018. BSNLEU and COC also intervened repeatedly and held struggles, including Black badged demonstration on 10-03-2022. Now, Corporate Office has released some fund for payment of pending medical bills upto 31-12-2020. Circle Secretaries and District Secretaries are requested to get in touch with their respective CGM/GM to ensure prompt payment.


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Let us remember the great Dr. B R Ambedkar , the main architect of the Indian Constitution, on the occasion of his 131st Birth Anniversary on 14-04-2022. Dr. Ambedkar throughout his life fought for the eqality of the people, particularly for the rights of the marginalised backward and Dalits, and against the discrimination on the basis of caste and religion. It was due to his vision and insistence that we got a great constitution which ensure equality, democracy and secularism. Today, the very principles of the constitution are under big threat from none other than the ruling combine. It is part of the game plan of the ruling class to incite communal violences to divert the attention of the people from their real issues. This nefarious attempts have to be resisted with the alround support of the people. So let us reaffirm to continue our fight against the attacks on the constitution and the divisive policies of the ruling class.