54th Anniversary of the Glorious One Day Strike of 19th September,1968.

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54 years are over after the historical One Day Token Strike of the Central Government employees which took place on 19th September 1968.

It was not a simple strike, but a strike which shook the foundations of the central government and ruling class. More than 30 lakhs CG employees participated in the strike putting the country to a standstill. The CG employees with their strategical position in the Communications, Defence, and Railways ensured that the entire machinery of the central government was paralysed.

It was a struggle for the dignity of labour and right of the workers for a reasonable wage. The 15th Indian Labour Conference had approved the Need Based Minimum Wage on the basis of Dr.Akroyd Formula in 1957, but the government did not implement it. Prices of essential commodities were rising sky high, but full neutralisation through Dearness Allowance was denied. The II Central Pay Commission was completely retrograde and the central government employees were compelled to go on an Indefinite Strike in July 1960 which continued for five days. Then Prime Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru suppressed the strike using Essential Service Maintenance Ordinance (ESMO) and other draconic measures. Tens of thousands were arrested jailed, suspended, terminated and punished mercilessly.

It took years to heal the wounds inflicted on the workers. The government introduced Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) with the assurance that issues will be discussed and settled. There was a condition that the unions should abjure strike if JCM is to be introduced. The unions bluntly refused and the government was compelled to withdraw the anti-worker condition.

The JCM was a failure from the start. The Staff Side in the National Council raised the demands of need based minimum Wage and DA according to the cost of living index. The government not only did not agree to concede the demands, but refused to refer the issues to compulsory arbitration as per the JCM rules.

There was no other course before the workers, but to adopt the struggle path. The Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, National Federation of  P and T Employees, All India Railwaymen’s Federation and All India Defence Employees Federation, Central Secretariat Association and other organisations met in a  National Convention on 13th July 1968 and issued a call for a one day strike on 19th September 1968 on the following main demands;

  1. Need Based Minimum Wage.
  2. DA according to increase in cost of living
  3. Merger of DA in Pay.
  4. No Reduction in Retirement Age
  5. Vacationof Victimisation.
  6. End Casual and Contract Exploitive System

The leaders went on tour throughout the country for organising the strike successfully. The central government was not sitting idle. Not only no fruitful discussion was held, but all repressive machinery of the government was made ready to suppress the strike.

The strike started at the midnight of 18th / 19th of September 1968. The entire central services came to a halt. Trains did not run. Communications service stopped completely. The central secretariat, the nerve centre of the government, was deserted. Strike was a complete success.

Indira Gandhi Government used the hated Essential Service Maintenance Act and other such anti-worker ordinances to suppress the struggle, instead of conceding the just demands of the workers. The workers did not flinch; they had the bitter experience of the 1960 strike which was treated as ‘Civil Rebellion’ and tried to be suppressed by then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. The workers had understood the real policy of the government, which was only to support the rich and ignore the justified demands of the workers

In Pathankot, 4 Railway workers and the son of a railway worker became martyrs in police firing. In Bikaner another railway worker was shot dead and 25 workers including family members seriously injured. In Assam, where the strike was almost 100%, police firing took place at Mariyani, Bongaigaon and Lumding and 2 railway workers killed on the spot. Many, including family members of railway workers were brutally lathicharged. Firing and lathi  charge took place in many more places. In IndraprasthaBhawan, Delhi, a worker was beaten to death by police. Although it is reported that 17 persons have been killed.

The main demand of the Strike, Need based Minimum Wage ,still remains unresolved. Not only that, the attacks on workers , their wages and pension have become more severe in the current scenario of neo-liberal policies. We are facing a situation where the rights of the workers are curtailed , peasants are being subjected to utter exploitation by the corporates, national assets are handed over to the corporates. And it is time to raise to the occasion and fight against these onslaughts.

On this 54th Anniversary of the strike, the entire CG employees and pensioners salute these martyrs who gave their precious life on the altar of the workers’ demands .


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May be an image of one or more people, people sitting and people standing

The 10th Belagavi Distrct conference has been held on 16-09-2022 with large participation of pensioners. Com.S V Patil, District President presided over the conference. Com.S S Sarapure, District Secretary welcomed the gathering and presented the report and audited accounts. Com.Muddaiah, Circle Secretary delivered the inauguaral address and explained the issues and the struggles waged by AIBDPA by which settlement of medical claims settled. Com.H C Prakash, AGS and Com.G G Patil, veteral leader and former AGS focused on the ensuing AIC at Mysuru and appealed for all out efforts for the success of the AIC.Com.R B Tatapati, Circle President stressed to stregthen the organisation further to meet the challenges ahead including pension revision. Shri. Jayakar, GMTD, Belagavi greeted the conference. Thereafter the report and accounts were adopted after discussion. Office bearers were elected unanimously with Com. M C Chinchani (President) Com. S V Patil (District Secretary) and Com. S S Sarapure (Treasurer) . The conference came to end with vote of thanks by Com.B B Pathar,ACS.


.AIBSNLPWA has forged another opportunistic alliance with certain BSNL and mostly MTNL pensioners organisations. Well and good. But this is nothing new. Earlier also they had formed such coordination but didn’t last even for the honeymoon period.

When the former MOC, Shri.Ravi Shankar Prasad took an adamant stand that no pension revision before wage revision, all these organizations got frustrated and lost all hopes. They decided to resort to legal recourse. But they could not reach to a consensus for formulating the fitment formula and this has naturally reflected in the affidavits filed by these organisations in separate cases at PCAT, New Delhi. Now, some of these organisations have started to admit the futility of approaching the court.

There are hundreds of pensioners organisations claiming representatives of BSNL and MTNL pensioners. But very few have the pan India status. Some are for a section or cadres, some other confined to a particular district or state. So the numbers of such organisations are of no significance.

The new alliance partners have given a letter to the Secretary, DoT with the same demand of the dominant partner, Pension revision with 7th CPC fitment. Some of the alliance partners have made Great sacrifice by conveniently changing their earlier stand. We don’t question their rights for changing the stand every now and then.

We are of the strong opinion that the demand of CPC fitment is illogical and unrealistic. It is applicable only to the central government pensioners drawing pension on CDA pay scales. We are the only PSU pensioners getting pension from the central government by virtue of Rule 37A of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 on IDA pay scales. Accordingly our pension was revised as per 2nd PRC fitment from 01-01-2007. So there is full justification for the pension revision from 01-01-2017 with 3rd PRC fitment.

It is a fact that the earlier pension revision was only after wage revision of the employees. But this time the wage revision is being denied / delayed citing affordability conditions stipulated by the PRC. However, the same PRC has given a provision to waive the affordability conditions in the case of CPSEs which implement the government projects. This is very much applicable to BSNL as it is the only telecm PSU providing telecom facilities to rural areas based on the National Telecom Policy incurring huge loss and to remote defense establishments. The former CMD, Anupam Shrivastava had put forward his arguments to the government for pay revision in BSNL with 15% fitment highlighting this provision. But this was not considered by the government for obvious reasons.

Now , the full liability of payment of pension and pensionary benefits lies with the Central government. particularly in the wake of annulment of 60:40 condition. More over the pension contribution of BSNL absorbed pensioners has been levied by the government at the maximum of their pay scales. Therefore pension revision of BSNL absorbed pensioners are no way connected with the affordability conditions or bad financial position of BSNL.

Then Comrades, there should be pay scales for fixing the pension. Those who demand pension revision with CPC fitment has to clarify on which pay scales the pension is to be fixed. Whether on CDA pay scales of 7th CPC.? Or on 3rd PRC IDA pay scales. It is nothing but ridiculous if the demand is for CPC fitment on 3rd PRC scales. The 3rd PRC has specified the pay scales of the executives only and the pay scales of the non-executives are yet to be finalised by the BSNL management through bilateral discussions with the recognised unions. So our principled and right demand of 15% fitment is based on Rule 37A of CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 and the precedence.

Then, these people say that the DoT has proposed for zero percent fitment which is yet to be confirmed. It is true that there is no such zero percent fitment proposal by the 3rd PRC.We strongly protest and condemn if such a proposal is made by the DoT. However the proposal to delink pension revision from wage revision by DoT is a welcome development.

We are committed to continue our efforts and struggles to achieve pension revision with 15% fitment from 01-01-2017. This is the logical and practical way to settle pension revision. It means continuing the same method as adopted at the time of II PRC which was agreed to by all employees and pensioners organisations, including those who now demanding pension revision on 7th CPC fitment.


The Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF had given a call to organise human chain on 14-09-2022 against handing over of national assets at throw away prices to the corporates in the name of National Monetisation Pipeline and against the road blocks being created by the government on launching 4G in BSNL. 14,917 mobile towers and the most valuable optical fibre of BSNL are also being handed over to the private telecom companies. The employees, pensioners and casual contrat workers enthusiastically and massively participated in the human organised at district level throughout the country. CHQ heartily congratulate and salute the participants for making the programme a grand success and giving a strong message to the Modi government against the injustice. Some of the photos are given hereunder;

May be an image of 7 people, people standing and road
May be an image of 8 people, people standing and outdoors



May be an image of 1 person, standing and indoor
May be an image of 7 people, people sitting and people standing

The 3rd biennial district conference of Silchar was held with good participation of pensioners on 12th September, 2022. Com. S N Sarma, Circle Secretary inaugurated the confernce explaining the important issues of the pensioners, the struggles launched by AIBDPA and the achievements, particularly settlement of medical benefits pending for the last four years. After the adoption of the report and audited accounts, a new set of 17 office bearers with Com.Dipak Chakraborty (President) and Com. Sujit Choudhury (District Secretary) were elected unanimously.


The 4th triennial All India Conference of AIBDPA is scheduled to be held at Mysuru, Karnataka on 20th&21st December, 2022. The Reception Committee has been formed in a largely attended meeting at Bangalore on 08-11-2022. The following comrades were elected to the Reception Committee;

Advisors: (1) Com.G G Patil, Former AGS. (2) Com.C K Gundanna (AGS & Circle President, BSNLEU) (3) Com.H V Sudharashan (Circle Secretary, BSNLEU) (4) Com.H C Prakash (AGS,AIBDPA) (5) Com. Irfan Pasha, All India Treasurer,BSNLEU)

Chairman: Com.R B Tatapati (Circle President, AIBDPA)

Vice Chairmen: (1) Com. Basavaraj (District Secretary,AIBDPA) (2) Com.Puttaswamy, District Secretary, BSNLEU)

General Secretary: Com. Muddaiah ( Circle Secretary, AIBDPA) Mobile No. 9448344162.

Treasurer: Com.Annigeri (Circle Treasurer, AIBDPA) Mobile No.9448415770


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May be an image of 5 people, people sitting and people standing

The 4th biennial Conference of Nalgonda District, Telangana was held at BSNL Bhawan, Nalgonda on 11-09-2022. Coms. D Shankar, CHQ Vice President and Ramachandradu, Circle Secretary addressed the conference and explained the issues and the just concluded agitational programme. The biennial report and audited accounts presented by the District Secretary and Treasurer were approved after discussion. Coms. K Ramachandram (President) N Sudharshan Reddy (District Secretary) V Chandra Reddy(Treasurer) are the important functionaries elected unanimously.


It has come to our notice an open letter floated by AIBSNLPWA inviting other pensioners organisations for a joint online meeting on 12th September, 2022 on pension revision issue.

Is this organisation sincere and serious of the joint efforts for the settlement of this vital issue.?

We don’t think so.

Primarily this is not the proper way to invite other organisations.Are the other organisations not known to them and are these organisations address less to call them through an open letter? This type of treatment amounts to nothing but insult.

AIBDPA has also tried for a joint struggle earlier in 2020 for the settlement of the important issue by writing to all the important organisations individually. So the intention of this organisation is not actually for unity of all the pensioners organisations but only to save their skin from utter embarrassment.

They claimed that their proposal for pension revision with CPC fitment has been agreed to by the MOC. DoT also approved it and sent to DOP&PW. It was published in their website under the name of the General Secretary on 25-08-2022. The date of the posting is important that it was on the previous day AIBDPA staged an historic and massive Sanchar Bhawan March participated by more than 2000 pensioners in culmination of the three phased agitation started with the Demands Day on 22-06-2022 and followed by Mass Dharna at SSA level on 20th July. Perhaps the biggest agitation in the history of any pensioners movement in India. Naturally, this has put the Government to tremendous pressure and compelled to do something positive. The struggle got support and solidarity from all central government employees and pensioners organisations led by Confederation and NCCPA, AIPRPA, Trade Union International ( Pensioners & Retirees) and main Service union in BSNL , BSNLEU which is also a significant factor for positive result. BSNL management had to allot necessary funds for clearing medical bills and allowance pending for the last four years. Also the management has now issued orders for regulating the payment of Medical benefits at par with the employees.

After the General Secretary, their President again wrote in their website glorifying the “Great Achievement” and praising and thanking the General Secretary, Vice President etc as if orders are issued. He also claimed the sole authority and proprietorship of the achievement.The very next day, their General Secretary vide his posting had to state that according to another pensioners organisation, the DoT proposal is reported to be for zero percent fitment and complained that DoT is not transparent. All these have thoroughly exposed the hollowness of their tall and fake claims even among their own members. And that is why we say that the open letter is nothing but another gimmick to save their skin.

We are not in the habit of spreading speculations and rumours and it is unbecoming of any genuine organisation

.Regarding Pension Revision, basically it is only the Central Government to take a decision and once a positive decision is taken by the government, no buerocracy can scuttle it. So there is no point in accusing the buerocracy alone. The stand of the government is based on its neoliberal policy being implemented aggressively. It is not because one minister culture less and another minister cultured. So pressure has to be exerted through struggles to change the stand of the government and that is what exactly AIBDPA is doing.

We don’t belittle the efforts of any pensioners organisation on the issue of pension revision. We have the firm opinion that we want the support of the employees organisations also for the settlement of pension revision as in the case of pension revision in 2007, 78.2% IDA fitment and annulment of 60:40 condition etc. It is also to be remembered that in 2018, in the wake of the two days strike by AUAB, the then Minister had to state that pension revision will be delinked from wage revision

So the need of the hour is to build broad unity not only among the pensioners organisations but also that of the employees organisations. It is also important that mere lip service will not serve the purpose but further powerful agitations may be warranted for a reasonable settlement of pension revision.We shall wholeheartedly welcome any initiative from any organisation in this direction.