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The 7th biennial District Conference of D K District ( Mangalore) was held successfully on 10-12-2022. Com.V C Naik, District President was in chair. Com.B P Narayan, District Secretary welcomed and presented the report and accounts. Com.Muddaiah, Circle Secretary inaugurated the conference and gave full accounts of developments in the recent past in respect of pensioners issues. Com.R B Tatapati, Circle President spoke about the AIC being held at Mysuru on 20-21 December, 2022 and appealed to cooperate to hold the AIC successfully. The conference elected the office bearers with Com. V C Naik (President) Com.B P Narayan (District Secretary) and Com. B K Krishna (Treasurer). Com.Herald Crasta proposed vote of thanks.


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May be an image of 1 person, sitting and standing

The 3rd biennial Circle Conference of Chennai Telephones was held befittingly at Maharashtra Mahal, Chennai on 07-12-2022. Com.K Arumugam, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com. C Thiruvettai (CITU), Chairman, Reception Committee delivered the welcome address. The open session was inaugurated by veteran leader and Advisor, Com. V A N Nambbodiri. Com. V A N explained the militant functioning of the organisation, the struggles and the acheivemnts. He also thoroughly exposed the pro-corporate neo liberal policies of Modi government and handing over of national assets in the name of National Monetisation Pipeline. Coms.R Muraleedharan Nair, AGS, S Chellappa, AGS, BSNLEU, Sridarsubramanian, CIrcle Secretary, BSNLEU, T Kasi, Circle Secretary, BSNLCCWF, R Rajasekar, Circle Secretary, Tamil Nadu and Basha Begham, Jt Convenor, BSNL Working Womens Coordination Committee addressed the conference. Shri. Chitharanjan Pradhan, CCA greeted the conference and appreciated the efforts of the Circle branch in settling the problems of pensioners. Com.K Govindaraj, ACS proposed vote of thanks.

The subject session held after the lunch break adopted the report and accounts presented by Coms.V Kuppan, Circle Secretary after discussion. The office bearers were elected unanimously with Com.V Kuppan (President) Com.K Govindaraj (Circle Secretary) and Com. N Panchatcharam (Treasurer). Resolutions on important issues were adopted. With the enthusiastic concluding speech by Com.R Muraleedharan Nair, the conference came to an end.


May be an image of 1 person and text that says "CONSTITUTION CLUB"

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May be an image of 6 people, people standing and indoor

We lost a great leader of the Central Government Employees and Pensioners on 08-12-2022. Com.K K N Kutty, Secretary General, NCCPA, Vice President, Confederation of Central Goverenment Employees & Workers and General Secretary Income Tax Pensioners Association breathed his last due to post covid complications at Meitri Hospiatal, Kozhikode at 0930 AM on 08-12-2022. He was 74 and leaves behind his wife, son and daughter.

Com. KKN came into prominence after he was elected General Secretary of Income Tax Employees Federation. He very soon became active in the central government employees movement and later served the movement in several capacities including Secreatry General and President of Confederation of Central Govwrnment Employees and Workers, Member of the Naional JCM etc. He was a close associate of Com.S K Vyas and contributed immensely in preparing the memorandum to the 5th,6th and 7th Central Pay Commissions and played pivotal role in securing 40% fitment in the 5th CPC. He had vast experiences in dealing the issues of the employees and pensioners with the authorities and the government. Com.Kutty retired from service in 2008 and became active in building the pensioners movement . He was elected Secretary General of NCCPA after the sad demise of Com.S K Vyas. He took up several issues of the pensioners and organised struggles for the settlement. Com.Kutty maintained very cordial relationship with AIBDPA and included our main demands of pension revision and denial of medical benefits in the common charter of demands for struggles. Com.K K N Kutty also served the international Pensioners movement in the capacity of Member, Financial Control Commission of TUI(P&R). The passing away of Com.K K N Kutty is a great and irrepairable loss to the central government employees, pensioners and the progressive movement in the country.

Com. K K N Kutty was laid to rest at his family cremotorium in Tirur, Kerala on 09-12-2022. Coms.V A N Namboodiri, Advisor and K G Jayaraj, General Secretary paid last respects to the departed leader at his home and consoled his wife and children. A condolence meeting was also held after the funeral and several leaders of various organisations including Com.V A N Namboodiri spoke. Red Salute Com. K K N Kutty.!


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May be an image of one or more people, people sitting and people standing

The second Andhra Circle Conference was held at M B Vignana Kendram, Vijayawada on 05-12-2022. Com.M Yacob, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary in his inaugural address explained the issues, the interventions and struggles conducted for the settlement. He also explained the great tradition of the P&T Trade Union Movement and the unique style of functioning of AIBDPA as the fighting organisation all these 13 years. Coms. P Asokababu, CHQ Vice President, D Shankar, CHQ VIce President, K Rama Devi, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, K Prabhakara Rao, General Secretary, BSNLCCWF, A Chandrasekhar, Circle Coordinator, SNPWA, B Veeraswamy and Ramachandradu, Circle President and Secretary, Telangana addressed the open session. In the subject session held in the afternoon, Com.K S C Bose, Circle Secretary presented the report and Com.M S N Reddy, Treasurer submitted the audited accounts. All the District Secretaries and some of the delegates participated in the discussion after which both the report and accounts were adopted. A new set of office bearers were elected and the following are the important functionaries; Com.M Yacob- President, Com.K S C Bose (Circle Secretary) and Com.M S N Reddy (Treasurer).


May be an image of 9 people, people standing and text that says "आखल भारताय राज्य सरकारा कमचारा महासध નફ दિलા 1 सषक छ.ग. शासन द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त पं. 6424 प्रांतीय कार्यालय:- कर्मचारी भवन, सप्रे शाला परिसर बुढ़ापारा, रायपुर छ.ग. चन्द्रशेखर तिवारी ल इंडिया बीएसएनएल- डीओटी पेशनर्स एसोसिएशन छत्तीसगढ़ परिमंडल, रायपुर (छ.ग.) 5वॉँ परिमंडल अधिवेशन कॉ. पी. व्ही. चन्द्रशेखरन् सभा स्थल परिमंडल अधिवेशन दिनांक- 27 नवंबर 2022"
May be an image of 2 people, people sitting and people standing

Chhattisgarh Circle has held its 5th biennial Conference at Com.PVC Nagar, Raipur on 27-11-2022. Com.R P Atmapoojya, Circle Secretary welcomed all and presented the biennial report and audited accounts. Com.P C Tiwary, Circle President presided. Com.S C Bhattacharjee, Circle Advisor inaugurated with an elaborate speech explaining the the functioning of AIBDPA, the issues and the struggles conducted. Leaders of the sister organisations greeted the conference. The report and accounts were passed after an active discussion.

Office berares with Com. S C Bhattacharjee (Advisor) Com. P C Tiwary (President) Com.R P Atmapoojya (Circle Secretary) Com. Lala Dhani (Treasurer) were elected unanimously. Resolutions on important demands were also adopted.


There are lot of confusion being created on the letter of DoT dated 17-11-2022.

The letter was issued in the wake of the claims by certain pensioners associations after the meeting held with all the pensioners organisations on 17-10-2022, that their demand for 7th CPC fitment is not rejected by DoT and their subsequent letters reiterating the demand of 7th CPC fitment. Almost all the contents of the letter is the same in the record of discussion, released earlier.

It is a fact known to all the participants in the meeting held on 17th October,2022 that the proposal of zero percent fitment was rejected by all the pensioners associations in one voice. Thereafter,Member (Services) in his concluding speech assured to modify the proposal considering the demand for 15% fitment as the entire liability is of the Central Government.

Member(Services) has reassured the same later to the General Secretary AIBDPA on 14-11-2022 also.

Therefore, the need of the hour is the united efforts to achieve 15% fitment for pension revision. AIBDPA request all the pensioners organisations to join together for achieving our common cause.

We are also confident that the support of AUAB would be extended to our efforts as the demand of 15% fitment, delinking wage revision for pension revision is one of the demands of AUAB on which several struggles including strikes were waged in the past.


May be an image of 3 people, people sitting and text that says "AIBOPA GUJARAT CIRCIE BRANCH CWC MEETING AT DABAD Dt.09-11-20"
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75 th Independence Day celebration was held in connection with the Circle Executive Committee meeting of Gujarat . The programme was held at Ahmedabad on 09-11-2022. Com. N N Patel, Circle President inaugurated. The importance of Azadika Amrit Mahotsav was explained by Com.M B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary in his welcome address. Coms. J G Nayak, Circle Patron, Sunil J Thakar, Joint Convenot, CoC, V K Pandya, Circle Vice President, M G Thumar, Circle Org Secretary and A K Hindocha, District Secretary, Rajkot spoke on the occasion.

The CEC meeting was held at 12 noon under the presidentship of Com. N N Patel, Circle President. Com.M B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary and Com.R U Anjariya, Tresurer presented the report and accounts, respectively. The CEC discussed the report and the agenda items, including AIC Mysuru, Donation to AIC, Delegates to AIC, complaints on medical benefits and timely payment of quota to the higher bodies. All districts were represented except Valsad.


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May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

The second Telangana Circle Conference was held at Hyderabad on 22-11-2023. Com.S R Veeraswamy, Circle President was in chair. Com.M N Reddy, veteran leader and General Secretary, All Pensioners & Retirees Association delivered the keynote address and gave a good account of international, national situations and the issues confronting the workers and pensioners. Com. Prabhakar Nair, Deputy Secretary General, NCCPA,Com.D Shankar CHQ Vice President, Com. G Sambasiva Rao, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Com. Venkatesh, State Secretary, CITU, G Ramesh, Circle President, SNPWA addressed.

Inaugurating the subject session, Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary spoke elaborately on the issues of the pensioners, the militant functioning, struggles conducted including the historic Sanchar Bhawan March and the acheivements were explained. He also focussed on strengthening the organisation ensuring democratic functioning. Com.Ramachandradu, Circle Secretary presented the report and Com. K Narasimha Rao, Treasurer submitted the audited accounts. Office bearers were elected with Com.S R Veeraswamy (President) and Com.Ramachandradu (Circle Secretary.


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May be an image of 2 people, people sitting and people standing

The 6th biennial Conference of Assam Circle has been held very successfully at Guwahati on 19th & 20th November, 2022. Com.Manabendra Saha, Circle President controlled the proceedings. Inaugurating the subject session on 19th and the open session on 20th , Com K G Jayaraj, General Secretary dealt on almost all the issues including the current dvelopments on medical benefits and pension revision after the historic Sanchar Bhawan March on 24-08-2022 . He also appealed to make the 4th triennial All India Conference being held on 20th & 21st, December, 2022 at Mysuru. Shri.A K Pahi, CGMT, Assam, Com.Garga Talukdar, Convenor, JCTU, Assam, Com.M R Das, AGS, Com.Bejoy Deka, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, Com. Prasanta Baruah (CHQ Org Secretary, BSNLEU) and Shri. Giridhar Taung, AO(Pension), CCA Office addressed. Com.K C Medhi, Chairman, Reception Committee welcomed one and all. There was very active discussion on the report presented by Com.S N Sarma Circle Secretary after which both report and audited accounts were adopted.

Office bearers with Com.P C Das (President) Com.S N Sarma (Circle Secretary ) Com.P C Dawka (Treasurer) were elected unanimously.