Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary had a telephonic discussion with Dr. Mahesh Shukla, Member ( Services) on today, the 31st January,2023.

At the outset,General Secretary extended all the best Wishes to Dr. Mahesh Shukla who is retiring on superannuation on today.Regarding pension revision, Member (Services) stated that the calculation sought on 5% .10,% and 15% fitment has been received from the Controller General of Communication Accounts. Now, the Hon’ble MOC has to take a decision on the fitment and he will be meeting the MOC today itself. He also stated that he is only glad to extend his services on pension revision even after his retirement.

General Secretary, on behalf of AIBDPA, extended our gratitude to the Member (Services) for his initiative and continuing efforts for the settlement of pension revision pending for the last six years.


26 January 2022 : Republic Day wishes, images, quotes, and Greetings

India is celebrating the 74 th Republic Day on 26-01-2023. AIBDPA extends very warm greetings to all of you on this happy occasion. While we are all proud of the progress India has made during all these 76 years of Independence, we are equally concerned about the attacks on the very foundation of the constitution. It is not a secret that there are concerted efforts from the ruling class themselves to change the basic structure of the constitution. We are witnessing handing over of national assets to the corporate in the name of National Monetisation Pipeline. Gautham Adani has jumped in to the second richest in the world. At the same time the gap between the rich and poor has widened alarmingly. Challenges are plenty before us and we have to affirm to continue the fight for the protection of the constitution and against the attacks on the people, workers and pensioners.


May be an image of 11 people and people standing
May be an image of 4 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor
May be an image of 11 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor

The 2nd Circle Conference of Maharashtra was held at the conference hall of CGMT office, Mumbai on 21-01-2023. Com. P G Suryavanshi, Circle President presided. All the leaders and distinguished guests were honoured with bouquets and shawls by the Reception Committee. ComV A N Namboodiri Advisor inaugurated the conference explaining the great fighting tradition of the P& T Trade Union movement, the issues of pensioners, the struggles and achievements.

Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary delivered the key note address. He gave a good account of the developments in the recent past including the positive results of the historic Sanchar Bhawan March, CGHS issues, rejection of Parliamentary Standing Committee recommendations by the government, formation of Joint Forum of 8 BSNL/ MTNL Pensioners organisations for pension revision, Mysuru AIC decisions etc. Shri.A Pradeepan, DGM(HR), CGMT office, Coms. Pushpa Sadanand Pharate, AGS, Santosh A Soni, CHQ Organising Secretary, Nagesh Kumar Nalawade, Vice President, BSNLEU CHQ, Ganesg Hinge, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and Yusuf Hussain, General Secretary, BSNL CCWF addressed the conference.

In the subject session Com.R N Patil Circle Secretary presented the report on activities. Com.Arun Ingale, Circle Treasurer submitted the audited Accounts. Both the report and Accounts were adopted after discussion and reply by the Circle Secretary.Office bearers were elected unanimously with Com. R N Patil ( President), Com.M I Jakati ( Circle Secretary) and Com.Arun Ingale ( Treaurer). With the concluding speech of Com.V A N Namboodiri for strengthening the organisation and singing of National Anthem, the conference came to the end at 9PM.The Reception Committee headed by Coms. Ramesh Gadigaonkar made excellent arrangements for the conference


 NCCPA Emails to Honourable Minister of Communications & IT, New Delhi

Secretary Department of Telecommunications, New Delhi

On Up dation of Pension from 01.01.2017



(Registered undder the T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021


13C – Feroze Shah Road, New Delhi -110 001


Shiva Gopal Mishra  , President              K.Ragavendran, Secretary General                               

NCCPA / BSNL Pension / 2023                                                                      Dated 19th January, 2023


1.      Shri.AshwiniVaishnaw,

 Minister of Communications & IT

 Sanchar Bhawan,

 New Delhi – 110001

2.      Shri. K.Rajaraman

 Secretary, DoT

       Sanchar Bhawan

New Delhi – 110001


Sub: Pension Revision of BSNL absorbed pensioners from 01.01.2017 – regarding.

The All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association (AIBDPA) is our affiliate and hence the NCCPA is writing this letter on behalf of BSNL absorbed Pensioners requesting their updation of pension which is overdue from 01.01.2017.

The BSNL absorbed Pensioners should get their pension revision from 01.01.2017 irrespective of the wage revision from the same date for the serving employees of BSNL. This is clear from the agreement entered by the Government that the old arrangement of 60:40 sharing the expenditure of quantum of pension between the BSNL and the Central Government was replaced by full expenditure to be borne by the Consolidated Fund of India under the Central Government. As the total expenditure of pension head is to be granted by the Government, neither the profit loss account of the BSNL nor the wage agreement allowing enhancement for the serving employees shall come in the way of postponing the pension revision for the Pensioners. Moreover, the pension contribution of these absorbed pensioners has been paid at the maximum of their respective pay scales for the combined service. Since the date of revision of pension happens to be 01.01.2017 (i.e., 10 years from the earlier pension revision), any up dation of pension should be from that date only. Therefore, the pension revision has to be delinked from the wage revision, and this factor was agreed by the Department of Telecommunications also but it is only a question of fitment percentage of revision that has to be decided.

The third PRC has recommended a maximum fitment of 15% and the BSNL pensioners fully deserved to get the same fitment as the last pension revision was implemented with 30% fitment, the maximum recommended by 2nd PRC from 01.01.2007. Further, their counterparts, the central Government pensioners have got their pension revision with 2.57 multiple factor from 01-01-2016. So, any other percentage of fitment lower than 15% will be mockery of pension updation.

The absorbed Pensioners of BSNL are much anguished over the inordinate delay of pension revision for the past six years and there was a big march of BSNL Pensioners in New Delhi on 24-08.2022 at the call of the affiliate of our NCCPA viz., All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association, in which thousands of Pensioners participated to show their resolve. It is a fact that after that only the DoT started to move the files for pension revision of absorbed BSNL Pensioners.

The National Coordination Committee comprising of many Central Government All India Associations and State level CGPA affiliates as well as the Public Sector Pensioners Associations including the AIBDPA expects that the issue of upward revision of pension to the absorbed pensioners of BSNL will be taken up by Telecom Ministry without any further loss of time, without forcing this Apex Body of Pensioners Association to resort to big agitations along with the AIBDPA.

A line in reply will receive our high appreciation.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


( K Ragavendran)

Secretary General


A meeting of the following BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Association was held online at 15.30hrs on 18-01-2023 to discuss about the issue of pension revision of BSNL-MTNL pensioners which is due from 01-01-2017.

  1. All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association
  2. BSNL DOT Pensioners Association (India)
  3. Sanchar Nigam Pensioners Welfare Association
  4. All India Central Government Pensioners Association HQ Pune
  5. MTNL Retired Executives Welfare Association

6  MTNL DOT Pensioners Welfare Association

7  MTNL Senior Executives Pensioners Association

8 MTNL Retired Executives Welfare Association, Mumbai

Com. V.A.N.Namboodiri, Advisor, AIBDPA presided.

Com.K.G.Jayaraj, General  Secretary, AIBDPA who issued the notice for the meeting explained in brief the present situation with regard to the pension revision of BSNL MTNL Pensioners and the need to have  united efforts by the pensioners associations to achieve pension revision with 15% fitment as per the recommendations of the III PRC, which is fully justified.

Comrades D.D.Mistri, GS, BDPA(I), G.L.Jogi, GS, SNPWA, R.F.Chaudhary, GS AICGPA HQ Pune, R.K.Mudgal, GS MREWA, Susheel Mudgal ( MDPA), Rajender Prasad, GS,  MSEPA, V.P.Prajapati, GS,MREWA, Mumbai and Thomas John, President, BDPA(I) spoke and expressed their opinion in the matter. All speakers were strongly of the opinion that we should peruse the demand of  Pension Revision with 15% fitment as recommended by the III PRC. It was pointed out that this is the logical demand with the precedence in 2007 and 2000. During the meeting with the Associations on 17th October 2022 called by the Member (Services)DOT, the latter has clearly ruled out any pension revision on the basis of the VII CPC. The 0% offered by the DOT on the basis of 3rd PRC is not acceptable. Since the demand of the Associations for the delinking of pension revision from pay revision has been accepted by the DOT and since the full pension contribution at the maximum of the pay scales has been paid to the government, there is absolutely no justification for the government to deny 15% fitment and revise pension accordingly.


  1. We should strongly continue with our demand for Pension Revision with 15% fitment as per III PRC.
  2. Formation of Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners’ Associations with all the associations which are present in the meeting today. A Memorandum with our demands and justifications to be prepared for submission to the  Minister of Communications and Secretary, DoT.
  3. Meeting Secretary DOT and Minister of Communications by the Joint Forum for early settlement of the pension revision.
  4. In case the issue is not favourably settled by 20th February, 2023, Joint Forum will meet and chalk out Agitational programmes.

With vote of thanks by Com. K G Jayaraj the meeting came to an end at 17.30hrs.


The national executive of NCCPA was held from 3PM to 5PM on 15-01-2023 virtually in Zoom platform. Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra, President controlled the proceedings. The main agenda was filling up the posts of Secretary General and Working Prsedent due to the sad demises of Coms.K K N Kutty and S S Roy. The National Executive unanimously agreed to the proposal of Com. Shivgopal Mishra to nominate Coms. K Ragavendran , presently Deputy Secretary General as Secretary General and Com.S K Sharma (Jaipur) now Vice President to Working President.

Representing AIBDPA, Coms. V A N Namboodiri, S Mohandoss and S S Maurya participated. Com.K G Jayaraj could not participate as he happened to be in a journey. Com.V A N Namboodiri in his address explained the present situation about the pension revision of BSNL pensioners, Rejection of Parliamentary Standing Committee recommendations, solidarity action to be organised on the programmes of NJCA and Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers and All India State Government Employees and Teachers Federation against NPS and restoration of OPS.

The National Executive after elaborate discussion took the following decisions. (1) Total support and solidarity to all the programmes of National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) against NPS. (2) To convene the National Executive to decisde on further course of action on important issues.