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NCCPA / Agitational Programme Dated 23.03.2023

Dear Comrades,
Charter of Demands and the 4-staged Programme of Action of NCCPA
Dear NE Members of NCCPA! The CHQ had earlier circulated the draft Charter of Demands and the draft programme of action to be undertaken by all of us to dovetail the same with the March to Parliament Programme of N-JCA on 27.07.2023 at the time of Monsoon session of Parliament. The CHQ had received emails suggesting some modifications to the Charter and the Programme from three organizations viz., the AIBDPA; the AIPRPA and the West Bengal COC. The suggestions are incorporated and the final Charter and Programme of Action by the NCCPA is released as under:

Charter of Demands

1.Abolish NPS to all Central, State Government and PSU Employees and bring them under CCS (Pension) Rules,2021 and out of PFRDA Act.

2.Constitute 8th CPC immediately to all CG Employees and CG Pensioners.

3.Release the impounded DA/DR Arrears for 18 months from 1.1.2020 to all CG Employees and Pensioners and arrears of 3 IDA installments to BSNL/MTNL Pensioners.

4.Revise the pension of BSNL/ MTNL absorbed pensioners from 01-01-2017 with 15% fitment, delinking wage revision.

5.Allow Updating of Pension to all Bank Pensioners.

6.Accept and implement all recommendations of Parliament Standing Committee including additional pension from 65th year of age, FMA enhancement to 3000/- per month etc.,

7.Improve CGHS functioning at all places – Grant higher ward entitlement to all retirees prior to 1.1.2006 also – Open Wellness Centers in all Districts – Merge CGHS – ECHS – RELHS as per 7th CPC recommendation – Implement Medical Insurance Scheme to Pensioners without delay – Do not delay fixing higher rates for treatment and pathological tests and empanel more private hospitals in the CGHS list -Ensure linking of CGHS with ABHA purely optional to beneficiaries.

8.Restore commutation after 12 years instead of 15 years.

9.Grant Option 1 as recommended by 7th CPC and also grant higher pay scales as granted to serving employees by each CPC to pensioners also who were retired from the same post.

10.Grant Notional Increment to all 30th June Retirees from 1.1.2006.

11.Modify MACP date of implementation from 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008 to all Civilian Employees by giving individual option to opt beneficial upgradation and refix the Pension accordingly, similar to Defense.

12.Grant MACP by discounting competitiveness-based examinations to all based on Court Judgments by amending the MACP Rules.

13.Grant of MACP to MTS, MailGuard, Postmen and Postal Assistants who were retired without MACP due to non- incorporation of any Bench Mark (very good etc.) in APAR.

14.Restore Travel Concession to Senior Citizens in Indian Railways that were removed during corona.

15.Enact Rules of Recognition for Pensioners Associations like CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 to recognize all India and State CGPA organizations of pensioners.

Programme of Action by NCCPA

1.Dharna at all District Headquarters on 21.04.2023

2.Dharna at all State Headquarters on 23.05.2023

3.Mass Signature Campaign to be launched for two months from 21.05.2023 on the Charter of Demands of the NCCPA and handing over to Honorable Prime Minister of India on 21.07.2023 at the time of March to Parliament on 21.07.2023.

4.March to Parliament (Delhi) and Solidarity to N-JCA Programme on 21-07.2023 by mobilizing all Affiliates of NCCPA.

(AIBDPA = 1000; AIPRPA = 1000; ITPF = 100; Audit & Accounts =100; Ground Water = 50; West Bengal COC: 200; Jaipur CGPA = 200; Nagpur CGPA: 100; Hyderabad CGPA: 100; Kerala CGPA = 200; Karnataka P&T Pensioners Association: 100 and other Affiliates each 50 – These are the tentative figures to be organized by NCCPA Affiliates to Delhi March to Parliament on 21.07.2023)
[Accommodation for stay in Delhi for participants shall be arranged by respective Affiliates in Delhi]

Give wide Publicity and coverage among the members of your organization.

Conduct the Programme of Dharna on 21.04.2023 and 25.05.2023 at Divisional / District level as well as at Circle level very effectively.

Conduct the two months signature campaign to the Honorable Prime Minister from 21.05.2023 and bring them to Delhi while coming to Parliament March on 21.07.2023.

Start enrolling comrades to Delhi Parliament March from now itself and start booking the train reservation to reach Delhi 20.07.2023 and return ticket on 21.07.2023 (on opening of counters)

Give feed back to NCCPA CHQ through emails ( of the nature of action taken by every affiliated organization.

With Greetings.
Fraternally Yours.

Secretary General


CHQ is happy to report that Com.A A Ashraf, our Organising Secretary has been nominated to the Permanent Lok Adalat for Public Utility Services Visakhapatnam by the government of Andhra Pradesh. Com.Ashraf is a practicing lawer in Visakhapatnam and the nomination is for 5 years. It is a great recognition for his excellent record as a lawyer and selfless social services. CHQ heartily and proudly congratulates Com. A A Ashraf .


**Com.K G Jayaraj General Secretary and Com M G S Kurup Treasurer has a successful meeting with Shri. V L.Kantha Rao, Additional Secretary, Department of Telecommunications on 23-03-2023.It is Shri. V. L Kantha Rao who took special efforts to settle the family pension case of Smt.A. Rajeswari widow of the missing employee of Visakhapatnam in a record time.

An identical case was referred to CHQ by our AP Circle Secretary Com.K S C Bose when General Secretary attended AP Circle Conference at Vijayawada. The widow of the missing Regular Mazdoor, Shri Pandu Raju , Vijayawada ,Smt. K. Vijayalakshmi also came to the conference venue and handed over a big file of correspondences she made with various authorities for retirement benefits and family pension

.CHQ took up the issue and wrote a detailed letter to the Additional Secretary with all the details and sent through email on 9th February,2023. The representives met him on 23-03-2023 in person at Sanchar Bhawan and handed over the copy of the letter. He appreciated the efforts of AIBDPA for taking up such genuine issues of the poor families of the employees in distress and assured early action


The Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNL CCWF has already decided to participate in the Mazdoor Kisan Sangharsh Rally in Delhi on 5th April, 2023. In this connection CoC has given call for campaign programmes in support of the Rally. We have completed the the first three phases successfully. The fourth phase, Street corner meetings are more important as it covers the general public also. These meetings are to be organised from 27th to 31st March at places of public importance so as to reach the message to the maximum people.


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May be an image of 10 people and people standing


*Joint Forum leaders had fruitful meetings with Member (Finance) and Member( Services) on today,the 21st March, 2023*

*Meeting with Shri. Manish Sinha, Member (Finance)*

The representatives of Joint Forum met M( F) and handed over a letter justifying 15% fitment, the concern about the huge delay in processing the issue of pension revision and *pleaded with him very strongly to consider incorporating a mechanism in the present Cabinet note that ensures haslefree Pension Revision in future. On our part, we suggested that in the Cabibet note it may kindly be mentioned that as a special dispensation for BSNL/ MTNL Pensioners, a provision may kindly be incorporated in the Cabinet note that future pension Revision of BSNL/ MTNL Pensioners should be contained in the terms of reference of next PRC.

M( F) advised us to send a note on this stating that under provisions of Rule 37(A), since provision for Payment of pension to BSNL/ MTNL by the Govt., as a special dispensation, exists already, referring future Pension Revision to next PRC for CPSUs may be incorporated in this Cabinet note**Joint Forum shall be submitting note to Secy/ DOT exclusively for future Pension Revision within a couple of days on these lines and thereby will vigorously pursue it*

Regarding the current status of the pension revision, M( F) mentioned that the file with calculations regarding financial implications has already been sent to the Establishment section.The delegation asked about the pay scales of the Non- Executives and Member ( Finance) replied that the calculations are made with the new pay scales. Finally the delegation requested him to recommend for 15% fitment and he responded positively and stated that the final decision has to be taken by the MOC and that he is personally trying his level best. The meeting was extremely cordial and lasted for about 45 minutes.*

Meeting with Shri. Uma Shankar Pandey, Member (Services)*

The copy of letter also was handed over to the Member ( Services). *He assured that effective and assertive efforts are being taken to settle the issue at the earliest* He further stated that already three meetings have been held with Secretary, DoT, by Member( Finance) and Member (Services) and now the Hon MoC has to take final decision on fitment. M( S) informed that Hon MOC is extremely preoccupied till 1st April and that a meeting with Hon MOC is expected in the first week of April, 2023. The meeting with M(S) lasted for about half an hour. *

The Joint Forum met briefly after the the discussions and felt satisfied with the the outcome of the discussions


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May be an image of 9 people, people sitting and people standing

A meeting of the pensioners in Bulandshahr was held on 20-03-2023 and formed the new district Branch. The meeting was presided by Com.Narendra Singh. Com. Nareshpal, Circle Secretary inaugurated the meeting with a detailed speech explaining the effective functioning of AIBDPA and the efforts and struggles to settle the issues of pensioners including pension revision. Coms. Sukhvir Singh, CHQ Vice President, BSNLEU, Ramswaroop, CHQ Organising Secretary and Upender Singh Tiotia, District Secretary, Ghaziabad also addressed. Office bearers were elected with Com. Chandpal Singh (President) Jugedra Singh Ratti (District Secretary) and Com. Veerpal Singh (Treasurer).


May be an image of 6 people, people standing and text that says "vivo V23"
May be an image of 9 people, people standing and indoor

The meeting of the Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations was held at Kidwai Bhawan New Delhi on 19-03-2023. The following leaders participated;

AIBDPA – Com.K G Jayaraj ,General Secretary and Com.M G S Kurup ,Treasurer

BDPA(I)- Com.D D Mistry, General Secretary and Com. A N Patel, Executive President.

SNPWA- Com.G L Jogi General Secretary and Com.D C Sharma, Vice President.

AICGPA HQ PUNE – Com.H F Chaudhari, General Secretary and Com.A S Kulkarni, AGS

MREWA, DELHI- Com.R K Mudgal General Secretary

MREWA, MUMBAI- Com.V P Prajapati, General Secretary.

Coms. Rajender Prasad, General Secretary, MTNL Senior Executives Pensioners Association, New Delhi and Com. V P Sharma, President, MTNL DOT Pensioners Association New Delhi informed their inability to participate being out of station and assured to abide by the decisions of the meeting

.Com.H F Chaudhari presided over the meeting. Com.K G Jayaraj welcomed all the participants and briefed on the recent developments regarding pension revision. Com.G L Jogi gave the latest information received from the DoT officers. Coms. D D Mistry, H F Chaudhari,A S Kulkarni and D C Sharma actively participated in the discussion.The meeting decided to have another meeting after the discussion with DoT officers on 21-03-2023 after ascertaining the exact position of the issue.


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CHQ is much saddened to report the sad demise of Com.R Aravindakshan Nair former Treasurer and a senior leader of the P&T Trade Union movement at 1100 AM on 19-03-2023.
He was under treatment for sometime long for multiple ailments, particularly post Covid complications.

Com.R A Nair was a sincere and committed leader and served the movement in many capacities from the very beginning of his service, including District Secretary, BSNLEU,Kollam, Kerala Circle President of AIBDPA. He was elected CHQ Treasurer in the 2nd AIC held at Tirupati in 2016 and reelected in the 3rd Kolkata AIC in 2019. He was also closely associated with the progressive movements, particularly CPI( M) after his retirement in 2006.

AIBDPA dips it’s banner in respect of Com.R A Nair and pays respectful homage to him. We share the grief of the entire family, wife Suseelamma, son Gireesh ( 24 Channel) daughter Gayathri ( SBI) and convey heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family and comrades.

Red Salute Com.R A Nair.