Joint Forum of Non- Executive Unions and Associations to launch Agitational Program demanding settlement of Wage Revision etc.
AIBDPA is committed to support the agitation and CHQ calls upon all its units to extend support and solidarity by participating in huge numbers so that the agitation is made a grand success.

May be an image of poster, magazine and text

Memorandum to be submitted to the Honourable Prime Minister of India on 21.07.2023 by the Pensioners of NCCPA

We, the undersigned Pensioners belonging to different Pensioners Associations affiliated to the National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations submit the following memorandum containing our main demands for redressal from the Government of India headed by Your goodself Sir.

 As decided by the National Executive Meeting of NCCPA held on 06.03.2023, we are submitting this memrandum containing 15 point charter of Demands. To focus attention on the Charter of Demands, we have observed dharnas on 21.04.2023 at all District levels and on 23.05.2023 at State levels to culminate in this March to Parliament on 21-07-2023 along with the N-JCM for submitting this memorandum.

  1. Continued stand of GOI to defend NPS:

The National Pension System is nothing but a hoax wherein only the Central Government Employees and others are recovered 10% of their pay and DA without any guarantee to even the minimum pension guaranteed under CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. The argument of the Central Government that only after a longer term the NPS will start yielding fruits is not based on facts as NPS was legally implemented for 18 long years! Even after many State Governments declaring that they are opting out of NPS and will implement only OPS for its employees, the Central Government and some of its agencies held out open threats against those State Governments. Not even a single world country is paying better pension than the Pay – As-You-Go Old Pension. Therefore it is not our fears but our experience to life that NPS is not going to pay pension at our old age as assured. We therefore request that the Central Government take back the PFRDA for the Central Government and Public Sector Employees and bring all work force under the CCS Pension Rules, 1972 now renamed as CCS (Pension) Rules, 2021.

  • Constitution of 8th CPC

The Central Government Employees and Pensioners are getting their wages and pension revision only after 10 years recently through Central Pay Commissions. The 7th CPC recommendations were implemented from 1.1.2016 and therefore by this standard the 8th CPC should have been formed by this time and its recommendations should be implemented from 1.1.2026. The intermittent talk that there may not be any CPCs in future is acting like a shock to the senior citizens, whose life is fully dependent on the pension revision. We also hear that the Government is considering the issue that aged pensioners above 75 or 80 will not be given any Dearness Relief compensation in future. Such attacks on the senior citizens are fully unjustified. Therefore, we request that the wage and pension revision through 8th CPC is appropriate and the Pay Commission may be constituted by the GOI immediately.

  • Payment of impounded DA/DR arrears:

It is observed that repeatedly the Government is answering that the arrears of DA/DR from Central Government Employees and Pensioners impounded during the months of 1.1.2020 to 30.06.2021 cannot be paid due to the enormous expenditure spent by the Government to fight the menace of corona in the country. The claim by the Central Government is hallow as during this time of corona, the corporates of India were multiplying their wealth without any hindrance. Many Governments of the world nations have spent huge amount of their GDP to fight the menace of corona but ironically the Indian Government had spent only a fraction of that amount spent by different world countries. Therefore, we request for reconsideration and payment of entire arrears of DA/DR continued to be impounded.

So also three instalments of IDA of BSNL/MTNL pensioners were impounded rather illegally, without any specific order which has to be refunded early. 

  • Revision of Pension of BSNL / MTNL absorbed Pensioners from 1.1.2017:

The pension revision of BSNL/MTNL pensioners is due from 01-01-2017. The Central Government had annulled the 60:40 condition for pension payment to BSNL/MTNL pensioners and as such the entire liability is to borne by the Government.  The Telecom Ministry initially had taken a negative stand linking the pension revision with wage revision of BSNL/MTNL employees.  Though the Government had to change its stand and agreed to delink pension revision from wage revision, the issue is unjustifiably and unnecessarily being delayed by the DoT. Therefore, we request your early intervention for the resolution of the issue by revising the pension with 15% fitment recommended byn 3rd PRC from 01-01-2017. Non-revision of pension after 1.1.2007 had left the BSNL / MTNL Pensioners without any upward revision for more than 16 years and naturally become restive.

  • Updation of Pension for Bank Retirees and including them in CGHS Scheme;

It is ironical that the Bank Retirees who were fixed with 50% of the LPD as Pension at the time or retirement are never granted any up dation of pension after their retirement decades back. The faulty argument raised by the GOI and IBA are not to be held for continued denial of updation of pension. The fact that huge sum is allowed to accumulate in pension fund in banks are pointed out by the Pensioners Associations of Banks are not denied by the IBA or any other agency. The agreements entered at the time of introduction of OPS to Bank retirees are continued to be violated in the name of court prejudices. NCCPA requests for reconsideration and updation of pension periodically at the same percentage along with the wage agreements to the Bank Employees.

Similarly, the Bank Pensioners are given out medical insurance scheme only after parting with a huge sum every year towards premium while the Bank Employees are given the medical treatment free of cost. This is in contrast with the treatment of CG Pensioners who are asked to part with subscription only once in the life time and issued with a life time card for treatment. The step motherly treatment to the Bank Pensioners is causing large number of Pensioners to opt out of the Medical Insurance Scheme. We request that the Medical Insurance scheme to bank Pensioners to be like CGHS Payment or reconsider inclusion in the CGHS itself where the rate of subscription is not as high as in the present Bank Pensioners Medical Insurance Scheme.

  • Implementation of Parliament Standing Committee recommendations:

It is brought to your kind notice that the Parliament Standing Committee of Pension Ministry in its 110th Report had recommended many issues including grant of additional Pension from the age of 65 and grant of FMA at the rate of 3000/- per month. But the same Parliament Standing Committee in its subsequent report expressed satisfaction over the stand of the GOI to deny several of its recommendations due to financial crunch except the question of FMA, which is still under the consideration. Many recommendations of the Parliament Standing Committee are not new but already recommended by the CPC or pronounced judgments by the Courts of the land only. We therefore request the GOI to reconsider and implement the recommendations of the Parliament Standing Committee.

  • Improving the CGHS:

The recommendations of Parliament Standing Committee include some items already recommended by the 7th CPC for merging different health systems under the GOI like the CGHS – RELHS – ECHS etc and for opening at least one wellness centre of CGHS in all revenue districts. The allotment of shrinking budgetary allocation to health sector by the Government in the recent budget shows once again that the Government is not worried about the health hazards of senior citizens all over the country suffering from lack of wellness centre for the CG Pensioners in their districts. The earlier assurances in some quarters that the rates of hospital charges etc will be shortly revised to attract many hospitals went out of empanelled lists are also now reportedly denied by the GOI in the name of Finance Ministry objections.  This will not bring any remedy to the senior citizens who are denied treatment in many of the hospitals in a cashless way and cause innumerable hardships. The denial of CGHS facility to Pensioners of Autonomous bodies is also not reasonable. We request that the GOI should reconsider its stand and open (1) wellness centres in all revenue districts; (2) enhance the hospital rates fixed as far back as in 2014; (3) Increase the number of empanelled hospitals; (4) Ensure supply of medicines to all beneficiaries without delay; (5) Augment necessary doctors and para medical staff in all wellness centres; (6) take action to merge CGHS – RELHS – ECHS systems into one system for the benefit of CG Employees and Pensioners; (7) Extend the CGHS facilities to Pensioners of Autonomous bodies.

  • Restoration of Commutation after 12 years:

The commutation of pension amount is recovered for 15 years and despite the pointing out that despite the life longevity of pensioners had increased and that rate of interest in FD and many other items in Banks have come down drastically, the period of recovery of commutation has not been reduced. The irony is that the total amount and its interest is being recovered by Government in less than 10 years but from every senior citizen a huge sum is being recovered in the name of recovery of commutation. It is not out of place that State Governments like Kerala and Gujarat had already reduced the period of commutation recovery to 12 and 13 years respectively. While the State Governments can reduce the period of recovery of commutation with their minimum resources in comparison with the Central Government, the continued recovery for 15 years by the GOI is not at all justified. We request that the period of restoration of commutation of pension should be ordered as 12 years by the GOI immediately and excess recovery from the senior citizens be returned.

  • Grant of fixation of pension in higher scales granted to same cadres:

The Pension revision is granted only at par with the scale of pay in which the pensioner had retired and not on the scale of pay implemented to the same cadre or post by the Central Pay Commissions. The CPC admits and grants higher pay scale only because of justification by the service of the cadre in the past. Therefore, denial of that higher pay for pension fixation to the retired pensioners of the same cadre or post is not at all justified. Moreover, the pensioners who go to courts and wins their prayers are extended the benefit but denied the same benefit to all other similarly placed pensioners. For example the recommended scale of 7450-11500 was implemented to all HSG-I prospectively from 1.1.2006 but all same cadre retired before 1.1.2006 were granted pension revision only on 6500-10500 scales. The stand of the GOI is not justified. The standpoint adopted by the GOI is to be changed and we request that the same scale of pay granted to serving employees by a pay commission be grated to retirees also for refixation of their pension.

  1. Grant of notional increment to 30th June Retirees:

After 1.1.2006 the date of increment was changed to a system of granting the increment to all from 1st January. This has prevented many pensioners retired on 30th June without availing the due increment even after performing the service for one whole year. The issue was settled for the pensioners who went to court and the prayer was upheld by Honorable High Courts and Supreme Court for the litigants only. It is not out of place to mention that the SLP and review petition filed by the Government against the pensioners were rejected but the stand of the Government that the judgment was no In-Rem in character and therefore cannot be implemented for all similarly placed is acting against the interests of several senior citizens. We, therefore request the GOI to grant the notional increment for all pensioners who retired after 1.1.2006 without getting the benefit of increment even after working for one whole year before their superannuation.

  1. Advance the date of MACP to 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008:

Denial of MACP implementation from 1.1.2006 to civilian employees while accepting the same for the Défense Employees, shows the clear discrimination against the Civilian Employees by the Government of India. The argument of the Government advocate in the Supreme Court and its acceptance by the Judge lacks justification on the face of the fact that the same benefit was extended by the same court to Defence employees and accepted and implemented by the GOI. The argument of the Advocate that any such advancement will act adversely on the ACP granted officials during that period is well managed in the Défense! Then how it can adversely affect the other civilian employees during the same period. Therefore, the GOI should come forward to extend the same benefit of implementation of MACP from 1.1.2006 to Civilians also.

  1. Grant of MACP to Promotees of Competitive Examinations:

The MACP is built on the analogy of granting upgradation to those who are not granted promotions in the same cadre. There are two types of promotions in vogue. One is in-situ type of promotions grated by the Government. Other is the competitive exam based promotions earned by the efforts of the employees. Many Courts have ruled that the competitiveness based promotions are to be discounted against the number of MACP upgradations granted to the officials. But the Government is not ready to change its stand on the issue. The promotions of in-situ and competitiveness are treated as same by the GOI and MACP upgradations are adjusted against both. We request that necessary change in the MACP rules may be effected to exclude the competitiveness based exams from the number of MACP granted to them.

  1. Grant of MACP to MTS, MailGuard, Postmen and Postal Assistants who were retired without MACP due to non- incorporation of any Bench Mark in APAR.

Many MTS, MailGuard, Postmen and Postal Assistant staff were retired without any MACP due to the new norm that APAR Benchmark is needed as “Very Good”. The retired staff cannot be expected to perform now to earn any such benchmark in their APAR. Therefore, the change is to be made non-applicable to the retired staff who already retired from service after 1.9.2008 who could not get their MACP upgradations due to absence of their APAR Benchmarks.

  1. Restoring the Senior Citizen Train Ticket Concessions:

During Corona time, the Government declared that it is withdrawing the travel concessions available to all Senior Citizens in the Railways. But even after the Covid-19 is under control and the Railways have started its full operations long back, the Senior Citizen Concessions have not been restored so far. Even after Railways started earning in full swing, not giving back the concessions to the Senior Citizens and making the profit increase to the tune of concessions is not in good taste. The Railways cannot be run in profit only by snatching a concession granted to the senior citizens. The action to continue to deny the existing concession to senior citizens is being looked into by many as the part of action plan of the Government to hand over the Railways to Private Players with more profit including the portion of accrued due to the snatching of a concession to senior citizens. Hence, we request for early restoration of the concession to senior citizens.

  1. Enacting Rules of Recognition to Pensioners Associations:

There are presently no rules of recognition available to recognize the Associations of Pensioners in India. SCOVA admission and admission into the Pensioners Portal is being done at the whims of the Government and not based on any strength granted as per recognition rules. The Central Government Employees are recognised based on certain Rules of Recognition called the CCS RSA Rules, 1993. The representatives of those Federations / Associations are selected by the respective recognized Federations / Associations to all the forums like JCM National Council or Departmental Councils. We request that necessary rules of recognition be framed to recognise All India Organisations and State CGPA Organizations after discussions with the stakeholders. This is very important as to ensure the functioning of Pensioners Associations in a democratic way and to address the genuine problems of all Pensioners of Central Government running into several lakhs.


The National Coordination Committee appeals that the above justified issues of Central Government and Public Sector Pensioners be settled by the Central Government and bring relief to lakhs of Pensioners and Family Pensioners community. We request that a fresh look be given to the above demands and fresh action be initiated to sort out the above burning issues.

Thanking you Sir,

Yours sincerely

Sl No.     Name                                            Department                            Signature

CHQ CIRCULAR No.4/2023 dt. 15th May, 2023.


Dear Comrades,

                 The second phase of the NCCPA agitational program on the 15 point charter of demands, including Pension Revision of BSNL absorbed pensioners with 15% fitment from 01-01-2017, delinking wage revision, is the Mass Dharna at state capitals on 23-05-2023. All the AIBDPA units, particularly each Circle branch and the district branch at the state capitals, are requested to mobilize maximum pensioners jointly with other constituents of NCCPA for the Mass Dharna so that the program is made a grand success.


                      A memorandum seeking settlement of the genuine demands is decided to be submitted to the Hon’ble Prime Minister during the Parliament March on 21-07-2023 signed by thousands of pensioners. The memorandum has already been prepared by NCCPA and will be forwarded to all the Circle Secretaries shortly. Arrangements have to be made to send it to all the district/ area Secretaries to get it signed by maximum pensioners. The signed memorandum may please be sent to; Com.K Ragavendran, Secretary General, NCCPA, 13-C, Feroz Shah Road, New Delhi -110001 so as to reach before 15-07-2021.


                  The quota of participation from each Circle in the Parliament March on 21st July, 2023 was intimated well in advance through the CHQ chit dated.12-04-2023 . It was also requested to send the arrival/departure details of participants from far away circles to arrange accommodation by CHQ for one day. So it is once again requested to all for ensuring maximum participation of pensioners in the Parliament March. The list of participants from far away circles who want accommodation should reach CHQ before 15-06-2023.

Let us take up these important tasks seriously to make the agitational program a resounding success.


A meeting of the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations was held virtually on 13-05-2023. Com.D D Mistry , General Secretary, BDPA(I) presided over the meeting.Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary, AIBDPA welcomed all and briefed on the circumstances under which the meeting is convened. Coms. H F Chaudhari, General Secretary, AICGPA HQ Pune, V A N Namboodiri Advisor, AIBDPA, G L Jogi, General Secretary SNPWA, Dinesh Sharma, Vice President, SNPWA and D D Mistry actively participated in the discussion that followed.

The meeting finally decided to write to the MOC expressing strong protest against the undue and unjustified delay in processing the pension revision at DoT level and seeking his immediate intervention. It was also decided to hold another meeting of the Joint Forum on 27-05-2023 to review the progress,if any, and to take appropriate decision on the issue.14 representatives of the 8 constituent organisations participated in the meeting.


May be an image of 8 people and text that says "AIBDPA കൺവൻഷൻ കോട്ടയം മാവിലെ മണിക്ക് ജില്ലാ സ:K K.G ഇയരാജിനും M.G.S കുറുപ്പിനും സ്വീകരണം"
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Kottayam District Branch organised a convention with good participation at Tarapada Bhawan, Kottayam on 10-05-2023. Com.P R Ajayakumar, District President controlled the proceedings. Com.P S Nandappan, District Secretary welcomed one and all. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary inaugurated the convention and explained the current status on important issues and the agitational programme being launched by the NCCPA on the 15 point charter of demands. Thereafter, a rousing reception was accorded to the General Secretary and Com.M G S Kurup, CHQ Treasurer. Com.M G S Kurup spoke briefly and thanked for the reception. Com. N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary spoke on the threatening situation prevailing in the country and appealed to strengthen the organisation. A host of leaders, including Coms. P N Sojan, District Secretary, BSNLEU, V S Thankappan (CGPA) N S S Nair, K P Pankajakshan, K E Abraham, Circle Vice President, V Karthikeyan, ACS, Purushothaman (AIPRPA) etc addressed. Com.Mohan Panicker proposed vote of thanks.


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Odisha Circle Conference was held at Conference Hall of GMTD, Bhubaneswar on 07-05-2023. The conference was held in the absence of Com.Sahdeb Biiswal, Circle President and Com. S R Das, Circle Secretary both being ill for sometime long. Com.A Dhupal, veteran leader and CHQ Vice President took all out efforts to convene the conference and organised it in a befitting manner. Com.Sk Hoshen, Working President controlled the proceedings. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary inaugurated the conference and explained the issues of the pensioners including the status of pension revision, medical benefits and the efforts taken by CHQ to get a good clarification from the Corporate office on submission of option, CGHS issues and the agitational programme of NCCPA. General Secretary cautioned the delegates against the concerted attempts of sanghparivars to divide the people in the name of caste and religion and the attacks against the minorities and dalits. Com.A Dhupal presented a brief report orally and well prepared accounts for the period under review. 13 comrades participated in the discussion and the iuues raised were replied appropriately by Com.A Dhupal and General Secretary.

Com. Santosh Kumar Ray, Assistant Circle Secretary, BSNLEU greeted the conference. Shri. P K Mohapatra, General Manager (HR) who participated on behalf of the CGMT assured all the cooperation in settling the issues of the pensioners. Thereafter a new set of 25 office bearers were elected unanimously with Com. P K Nayak (President) Com. P K Panigrahy (Circle Secretary) and Dhaneswar Nayak (Treasurer). 110 delegates from all the districts enthusiastically participated in the conference and decided to strengthen the organisation further.


May be an image of 2 people, people smiling, hospital and text that says "realme Shot on realme C21Y"

Com.K G Jayaraj General Secretary and Com.A Dhupal, CHQ Vice President visited ComSahdeb Biswal, veteran leader of the Telecom Union of Odisha and founder Circle Secretary, AIBDPA , Odisha on 7th May, 2023 at his residence in Telecom Colony, Bhubaneswar. Com.S.Biswal is unwell for sometime long and confined to his home. General Secretary honoured him with a bouquet and shawl. We shared the latest status of pension revision and the proceedings of the Circle Conference held today.