Coms. V A N Namboodiri Advisor, K G Jayaraj, General Secretary and M G S Kurup, Treasurer have met Shri. Uma Shankar Pandey, Member (Services) , Department of Telecommunications on 20-07-2023 and discussed the issue of pension revision.

The representatives pointed out that the issue is held up at DoT for the last four months and the pensioners have become much agitated on the unjustified delay. The Member( Services) stated that as already been stated earlier, consultations within DoT on the issue was completed and now final decision is to be taken by the competent authority and he is unable to specify any time frame.

The delegation then conveyed to the Member(S) that the pensioners associations are compelled to resort to agitational program against the lukewarm attitude of the government. A mammoth rally of pensioners by NCCPA in culmination of the four phased agitational program is being held on 21-07-2023 at Jantar Mantar,New Delhi on the 15 point charter of demands including Pension Revision. Furthermore, agitational program of Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations are also underway with the final 5 days Dharna at Jantar Mantar from 21-25 August,2023 demanding settlement of pension revision with 15 percent fitment




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Shiva Gopal Mishra                                       K.Ragavendran                                              H.L.Sidhu

President                                                         Secretary General                                         Treasurer

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The respected Editors of Press / Electronic Media

Respected Sir,

The National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations (NCCPA) which is the apex body of Pensioners having affiliation from various organizations representing the pensioners belonging to Indian Railways, Posts, Telecom including BSNL, Income Tax, Audit & Accounts, Ground Water, Coffee BoardBanks and State level Central Government Pensioners Associations in many states including West Bengal, Kerala, Andhra, Telangana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka etc is organizing a Rally in Jantar Mantar on 21.07.2023 from 12.00 Noon to 3.00 P.M.

The purpose of the Rally is to highlight the 15 Point Charter of Demands of Pensioners as attached. The first and foremost demand being abrogation of NPS (National Pension System) so that Old Pension Scheme is implemented to all workers. The Rally is organized in support of the N-JCA (National Joint Council of Action) of Central Government Employees also to oppose the NPS Scheme which is practically depriving the CG Workers without any adequate means of livelihood when they retire after long service.

Other demands include, Constitution of 8th Central Pay Commission to revise our pension from 1.1.2026; Grant of impounded DA/DR for 18 months from 1.1.2020; Grant of higher FMA and grant of notional increment for the 30th June / 31st December retirees (1.1.2006 and 1.1.2016 respectively) as recommended by Parliament Standing Committee; Grant of Additional Pension from the age of 65; MACP upgradation from 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008; Improving CGHS functioning and medical treatment facilities; Implementation of   Parliament Standing Committee recommendations; Restoration of travel concession to senior citizens in train journey again; Grant of Pension Revision to BSNL Pensioners from 1.1.2017; and Revision of pension and medical facilities to all Bank Pensioners etc.

The Rally will be presided over by Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra President of NCCPA & JCM National Council Staff Side Secretary. The inauguration will be done by Comrade Tapan Sen General Secretary of CITU and Comrade S.B.Yadhav Secretary General of Confederation of CG Employees and Workers will address the rally besides many other leaders.

A detailed memorandum on the 15 Point Charter with the Signatures of thousands of pensioners and others will be handed over to the Honourable Prime Minister also at the end of the rally with a view that the Central Government solves the issues pending for long.

We earnestly request you to give wide publicity to the Rally by the senior citizen pensioners and also, we request you to kindly cover the rally on 21.07.2023 at 12 to 3.00 P.M. We shall remain grateful to your act.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully.



Secretary General – NCCPA

NCCPA Charter of Demands

1.     Abolish NPS to all Central, State Government and PSU Employees and bring them under CCS (Pension) Rules,2021 and out of PFRDA Act.

2.     Constitute 8th CPC immediately to all CG Employees and CG Pensioners.

3.     Release the impounded DA/DR Arrears for 18 months from 1.1.2020 to all CG Employees and Pensioners and arrears of 3 IDA installments to BSNL/MTNL Pensioners.

4.     Revise the pension of BSNL/ MTNL absorbed pensioners from 01-01-2017 with 15% fitment, delinking wage revision.

5.     Allow Updating of Pension to all Bank Pensioners.

6.     Accept and implement all recommendations of Parliament Standing Committee including additional pension from 65th year of age, FMA enhancement to 3000/- per month etc.,

7.     Improve CGHS functioning at all places – Grant higher ward entitlement to all retirees prior to 1.1.2006 also – Open Wellness Centers in all Districts – Merge CGHS – ECHS – RELHS as per 7th CPC recommendation – Implement Medical Insurance Scheme to Pensioners without delay – Do not delay fixing higher rates for treatment and pathological tests and empanel more private hospitals in the CGHS list -Ensure linking of CGHS with ABHA purely optional to beneficiaries.

8.     Restore commutation after 12 years instead of 15 years.

9.     Grant Option 1 as recommended by 7th CPC and also grant higher pay scales as granted to serving employees by each CPC to pensioners also who were retired from the same post.

10.  Grant Notional Increment to all 30th June Retirees from 1.1.2006.

11.       Modify MACP date of implementation from 1.1.2006 instead of 1.9.2008 to all Civilian Employees by giving individual option to opt beneficial upgradation and refix the Pension.

12.  Grant MACP by discounting competitiveness-based examinations to all based on Court Judgments by amending the MACP Rules.

13.  Grant of MACP to MTS, MailGuard, Postmen and Postal Assistants who were retired without MACP due to non- incorporation of any Bench Mark (very good etc.) in APAR.

14.  Restore Travel Concession to Senior Citizens in Indian Railways that were removed during corona.

15.  Enact Rules of Recognition for Pensioners Associations like CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 to recognize all India and State CGPA organizations of pensioners.

WFTU solidarity campaign with the people of Cuba

18 Jul 2023 

In accordance with the 2023 Presidential Council’s unanimous decision the World Federation of Trade Unions is organizing a solidarity campaign with the people of Cuba, on the occasion of the 26th of July, the anniversary of the attack on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, spreading the strong internationalist message that Cuba is not alone.

The 26th of July marks the beginning of the revolutionary attempt to overthrow the dictator, Fulgencio Batista, which gave hope to workers all over the world and showed that the people can defeat the exploiters and can create a society free from exploitation. For decades now the Cuban people have been leading and remain a militant example in the struggle against imperialism.

On this day we commemorate the revolutionaries who fought to expel the enemies of the peoples, building for decades an ironclad proof that another society is possible. Their sacrifices should be always remembered and should light nowadays struggles of the working class all over the world against capitalist barbarity.

Decades have passed since the triumph of the Cuban revolution, and the people of Cuba are still fighting against imperialism and its interventions, blockades, and sanctions. The capitalists are raging against revolutionary Cuba which proves that the workers can fight and win them, proves that the working class can accomplish its historic cause and can build a human-centered society free of man-by-man exploitation. A society that, regardless of the sanctions and the embargos, sends help, solidarity, doctors, and medicines to other nations instead of troops and bombs. A society whose growth and development are serving people’s needs and not multinationals’ speculation.  The heroic people of Cuba have overcome all adversities, difficulties, and attacks over the years and will continue to resist.

WFTU denounces the new unacceptable attack of the European Parliament against Cuba. The new resolution of the European Parliament escalates the EU’s attempt to attack and undermine the achievements of the Cuban people, a people that for more than 6 decades has been suffering from the criminal blockade of the USA imperialism and its allies.

At the same time and while the class-oriented trade unions clearly and strongly condemn the murderous blockade, standing on the side of the Cuban people and expressing their unconditional support and solidarity, ITUC and ETUC although they hypocritically speak of human rights and freedoms, with their actions or silence, they are aligned in practice with the imperialist interventions of USA and EU against the unbowed Cuban people.

The WFTU and its millions of workers join their voices with Cuba, demanding an immediate and unconditional end to the embargo and the return of Guantanamo to the Cuban people. The international class-oriented trade union movement unequivocally condemns the current suffocating embargo and the interventionist maneuvers of the USA since the very beginning of the Cuban socialist revolution. We support the Cuban People in their struggle against these unacceptable actions with all our strength and energy, with every means we have at our disposal.

We demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the criminal blockade that for 6 decades has been creating serious problems for the economy and the lives of the Cuban people. We support the right of the Cuban People to decide for themselves, freely and democratically, about their present and future, without the intervention of the imperialists.

We call on our affiliates all over the world to express their solidarity and support, by organizing protests and demonstrations in front of American embassies and consulates, under the slogans of the World Federation of Trade Unions:

Stop the blockade now!


.Com.P Abhimanyu, General Secretary has given the following statement calling upon the members of BSNLEU to massively participate in the agitations of Joint Forum.

*Agitational programmes of the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations – BSNLEU calls upon the circle and district unions to massively participate in the programme.*

The Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Associations has written to BSNLEU, seeking it’s solidarity and support for the issue of settlement of revision of pension. In it’s letter dated 10.07.2023, the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Association has informed that it has already conducted a Black Day on 06.07.2023, demanding immediate settlement of Pension Revision. Further, it is informed that, the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Association is organising the following programmes:

*31.07.2023* – Mass Dharnas at district level and before the CCA offices.

*21st to 25th August, 2023 * – 5 days dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi

The CHQ of BSNLEU calls upon all the circle and district unions to massively participate in both the above mentioned programmes and express our solidarity and support to the agitational programmes of the Joint Forum of BSNL-MTNL Pensioners Association. *-P.Abhimanyu, GS.


,All the arrangements are being made for the Great Rally of pensioners called by NCCPA on 21-07-2023. The 15 point charter of demands including Pension Revision of BSNL MTNL Pensioners, scrap PFRDA act and Restore Old Pension Scheme, Refund the arrears of the impounded three instalments of IDA/DR , Restore Railway concession to senior citizens etc are of paramount importance.

The Rally will be held from 12 to 3PM at Jantar Mantar on 21-07-2023. All the participants are requested to reach Jantar Mantar directly by 1130AM so that the program is held at the correct time

.Arrangements for accommodation to comrades coming from far away circles have already been made and intimated to all the respective Circle Secretaries. Let us complete this important program in a disciplined manner. Circle Secretaries of Delhi NTR ALTTC, Haryana,Punjab, Rajasthan UP (W) UP (E)and MP are requested to ensure maximum participation but not less than the quota decided.CHQ is sorry to state that it is not feasible and possible to arrange food etc to such a large gathering and all the comrades are requested to have the food before reaching Jantar Mantar.

Those who have not sent the memorandum to Hon’ble PM signed by the pensioners may bring it to Jantar Mantar and hand over to the General Secretary.Please bring banners, flags, placards, festoons etc to make the program colourful and successful

.Com.Tapan Sen, General Secretary,CITU has consented to inaugurate the Rally. Com.Shiv Gopal Mishra, President, NCCPA and Secretary, JCM Staff Side will preside. Prominent leaders including Coms. V A N Namboodiri,Patron, K Ragavendran Secretary General NCCPA will address the Rally.Comrades,



Com.K G Jayaraj General Secretary had a very fruitful meeting with the new CGCA, Ms. Anuradha Joshi Durgapal at her office in New Delhi on 12-07-2023.

CHQ had given a detailed letter to her predecessor, Shri. Dilip Padhye on the continuing harrassment and humiliation meted out to the VRS ST retirees of Maharashtra by denying their retirement benefits and pension in the name of caste revalidation. It was pointed out in the letter that CCA, Maharashtra is also collaborating with the BSNL management by denying the due terminal benefits and continuing Provisional Pension indefinitely in violation of the relevant rules. Certain cases of conversion of regular pension granted to provisional pension illegally were also mentioned in the letter. General Secretary handed over a copy of letter and discussed issue in detail with the CGCA. She had a very patient hearing and responded positively and called the CCA , Maharashtra in my presence. The Principal CCA was not available and spoke to one of the Joint CCAs. I could hear the Jt CCA stating that barring a few cases all other cases are settled. I immediately intervened to say that the report is not correct and even favourable judgments by CAT are not being implemented. CGCA stated that she will immediately call for a detailed report on total cases of ST VRS retirees, number of cases settled by paying the terminal benefits and regular pension and the pending cases.

General Secretary then drew her attention to the delay in granting family pension in certain Circles despite repeated instructions issued by DOP&PW and CGCA. CGCA was equally concerned about the delay in some cases and assured to intervene if brought to her notice. The difficulties being faced by the pensioners due to migration were also discussed. She stated that everything possible is being done to have a hassle free retirement life to the pensioners. Migration of pensioners drawing pension from postal department is underway and facing difficulties to reach out to all the pensioners as a good number of pensioners are not having the mobile number and asked the association to extend maximum cooperation in this regard. General Secretary replied that all our units are undertaking such responsibility in an effective manner and shall continue the same.

CGCA then appreciated AIBDPA for taking up the issues of the pensioners and fighting relentlessly for their cause even at this old age. She also stated that any suggestion intended for better service to the pensioners are welcomed.General Secretary also reciprocated by thanking her for the kind gesture extended to us.


May be an image of 3 people, microphone, temple and text that says "ALLINDIA PENSIONER'S PEI' BSNL DOT TAMIL NADU CIRCLE தமிழ்நாடு 11.07.2023 மாநிலச்செயற்குழு ஈரோடு மாநிலச் செயற்குழு"
May be an image of 5 people, people studying and crowd

Com. V A N Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the Circle Executive Committee meeting of Tamil Nadu at Erode on 11-07-2023. In his elaborate inaugural address Com.VAN dealt on all the important issues with special focus on the agitational programmes of NCCPA and Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations. Com.C K Narasimhan, Circle President presided over the meeting. Com.R Rajasekhar, Circle Secretary welcomed and presented the report. Coms. S Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President, V Venkitaraman, CHQ Organsing Secretary, V Seethalakshmi, CHQ Asst. Treasurer addressed.


May be an image of 6 people, flag, dais and text
May be an image of 13 people, banner, dais, office and text

The book, My Life and Struggles written by Com.S Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President was released by Com.V A N Namboodiri during the CEC meeting.


*Com.K G Jayaraj General Secretary has met Shri. Mahesh Sinha, Member ( Finance) DoT on 12-07-2023 to enquire about the pension revision issue. Member (F) stated that the file has not yet received back and not aware of any progress on the issue.General Secretary could not meet Member (Services) and DDG( Estt) as both happened to be in a meeting.


*Com. K G Jayaraj General Secretary has met Shri. S P Singh, Sr GM (Admn) on 11-07-2023. At the outset, General Secretary conveyed our profound thanks for issuing the clarification letter dated 02-05-2023 on our request regarding insisting yearly submission of option to avail without voucher medical allowance by certain officers and the resultant denial of medical allowance to many eligible BSNL retirees. The clarification has helped to settle almost all the pending cases.

Furthermore, General Secretary drew his attention towards the difficulties being faced by the retirees for revalidation of medical card every year. He also brought to his notice that in the case of CGHS Card, renewal is required only when there is some change in respect of the beneficiaries. The GM responded positively and called the DGM and two concerned AGMs to his chamber and had a detailed discussion. The AGM concerned with MRS rules stated that this specific guidelines are issued based on the MRS rules. The other AGM stated that provision is being made in the BSNL portal to get the medical card revalidated online to mitigate the difficulties of the Retirees. General Secretary then argued that the MRS rules were framed some twenty years ago and needs to be amended according to the ground realities. GM finally stated that let us wait for the experience with the provision in BSNL portal and have a review later.

MEETING WITH GM (CBB) and GM ( Taxation and BFCI).

General Secretary also had meetings with Sri. Y N Singh, GM( Taxation & BFCI) and Sri. P C Bhat, GM (CBB) regarding delay in payment of indoor medical bill of Com.Subrata Misra of Asansol for Rs.1,94,097 pending since January,2023 at the Corporate Office. General Secretary was guided rather misguided to meet various officers and finally the DGM, attached to GM ( Taxation & BFCI) helped and found out that West Bengal Circle Office, although entered the amount in the system, have not sent the demand for the fund allocation which is mandatory. DGM then called the AGM and asked him to contact the concerned officer at the West Bengal Circle office to send the demand for allocation of fund in the prescribed format which was done in my presence. DGM assured to do the needful on the receipt of the same.

Comrades, I have narrated all these elaborately to have a clear understanding of the necessary formalities which are necessary to settle the payment at the Corporate Office.

Then, three complaints from Udaipur, Rajasthan of non- payment of medical allowance due to wrong feeding of bank account details in the vendor were also discussed with Shri. Kataria , AGM( CSC) . He immediately verified and stated that in all the three cases payment has been made on 29-03-2023. When I pointed out that they have not yet received the amount , the AGM asked me to get the copy of their bank account pass book.Accordingly they have been asked to send me the pass book details early for further action.