AIBDPA, the mighty organisation is completing 14 years and moving on to the 15th year with pride . Yes, it was on 21st October, 2009, All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association was formed in the Convention held in New Delhi, as per the decision of BSNLEU.

The formation of the organisation and its vibrant functioning by conducting countless struggles to achieve the demands had positive impact on other class conscious pensioners organisations also. This has naturally resulted in strengthening the main stream of Pensioners movement in the country.

AIBDPA continues to be one of the important affiliates of both NCCPA and Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees). NCCPA included pension revision also in the 15 point charter of demands and launched agitations, the last one being the four phased agitational programme culminated in the Parliament March on 21st July, 2023. We are the dominant participant in the struggles of the Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF. AIBDPA took the leading role in successfully holding the 2nd Asia Regional Conference of TUI (P&R) at Thiruvananthapuram on 1st October, 2023.

When we celebrate the 15th Foundation Day, there are serious concerns about the settlement of the most burning issue of pension revision consequent to the Delhi CAT judgment. Actually, DoT had almost completed the process with a new proposal based on the calculations of financial implications of 5,10, and 15 per cent of fitment. However, final decision was deferred when the cases filed by certain pensioners Associations moved to the final stage. Now, the DoT, according to some of the petitioner organisations, has decided to file appeal in the High Court against CAT judgment. So uncertainty looms large while some people are busy in glorifying the CAT judgment, as if the order is being issued by DoT.

So let us explain the situation to the general members while to be proud of the significant achievements made during these 14 years.As far as, AIBDPA is concerned, we are committed to continue the struggle until pension revision is achieved both to the pre 2017 and post 2017 retirees without any anomaly . We will definitely discuss it with all the seriousness and take appropriate decision in the ensuing Central Executive Committee meeting being held at Pune on 19-20 November, 2023.

CHQ calls upon to observe the 15th foundation day on 21-10-2023 in a befitting manner by hoisting the flag, holding meeting/seminar and distributing food and clothes to the needy.Please send the reports and photos to CHQ.


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May be an illustration of 1 person, newspaper, poster, banner, magazine and text that says "പി വി സി സമരചരിത്രത്തിലെ സൂര്യതേജസ്"

The book on Com.PVC named “PVC,the Celestial Glory in the History of Struggle ” was formally released on 11th October, 2023 by Com.Pinarayi Vijayan, Chief Minister of Kerala by handing over a copy of the book to Com.Shaini Sekhar, daughter of Com.PVC. Coms.V A N Namboodiri, Advisor, K G Jayaraj, General Secretary, R Muraleedharan Nair, AGS & Convenor, Memoir Committee , M G S Kurup, CHQ Treasurer, C Santhoshkumar, ACS,Kerala, S Prathapkumar, Ms.Athira Chandran (Grand daughter of PVC) were present on the occasion. The book contains memoirs of several leaders and those close to Com.PVC, rare photographs and some of the important articles by PVC. The contents are both in Malayalam and English.


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Com. P V Chandrasekharan, fondly called PVC , left this world on 09-10-2022. He was our Patron and was closely associated with the functioning of our mighty organisation. Com.PVC was a legendary leader of the P&T Trade Union movement , especially of the telecom and later BSNL . The life of Com. PVC was fully dedicated to the cause of the employees and pensioners as well. The first death anniversary was observed on 9th October, 2023 in the auspices of various organisations , AIBDPA, BSNLEU, NFPE, CGPA, AIPRPA , Confederation etc. A well attended meeting was held at the Press Club Hall, Thiruvananthapuram which was inaugurated by Com.E P .Jayarajan, LDF State Convenor. Com.V A N Namboodiri presided over the meeting. Coms. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary, C C Pillai, Former Secretary General, NFPE, M Vijayakumar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, R Muraleedharan Nair (CGPA), Vinod (NFPE), Amaravila Ramakrishnan (SCFWA), N A Abraham (SNPWA),C P Raveendran (ISROPA), Poochakkad Chandran(Son in law of PVC) etc spoke about the exemplary leadership qualities of Com PVC and paid rich tributes. Com. N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary welcomed and Com.K Mohanan, Circle President proposed vote of thanks.


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CEC Meeting of Kerala was held at P&T House on 09-10-2023. Com.K Mohanan, Circle President presided. Initially, the meeting paid respectful homages to the beloved leader Com.PVC, the day being the first death anniversary of the legendary leader. Com. N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary welcomed one and all and presented the report for the intervening period.

Com.V A N Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the CEC meeting. He started the inaugural address by remembering Com.PVC and dealt on the 2nd Asia Regional Conference of TUI(P&R) held at Thiruvananthapuram on 1st October, 2023, CAT judgment on pension revision and the most important task of strengthening the organisation. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary spoke elaborately on the successful conduct of the Asia Regional Conference of TUI(P&R), the implications of the CAT judgment on pension revision, CGHS issues, ensuing CEC meeting at Pune and AIC of NCCPA at Chennai. He appealed to observe the 15th Foundation Day of our mighty organisation on 21st October, 2023 befittingly. Coms.M Vijayakumar, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU, R Muraledharan Nair, AGS and M G S Kurup, CHQ Treasurer also addressed.

Com. N Vikraman Nair presented the accounts. All the District Secretaries and Circle Office bearers participated in the discusioin.The meeting decided to hold the Circle Conference at Alappuzha in February, 2024 and to complete the district conferences by December, 2023. The CEC came to an end at 0515PM with the concluding remarks and vote of thanks by Com.K Mohanan.


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It was on 9th October, 2022 Com. PVC left us all due to the post Covid ailments

.Com. PVC was a legendary and visionary leader who served the movements of the employees and pensioners in various capacities.He came to limelight after leading the local struggle and the historic Strike of 19th September, 1968 at Kannur. He became the Circle Secretary of AITEEU Cl III, Kerala in 1981 and continued in the post for the eventful 20 years. He led many struggles during this period and his pleasant nature and effective dealings of the issues made him dear to all.

Com. PVC played a crucial role in the fight against revisionism of Com. O P Gupta along with other progressive leaders which finally resulted in the defeat of Com. O P Gupta in the 1991 Bhopal Conference. The next E3 AIC was held at Thiruvananthapuram in 1994 with Com. PVC as General Convenor and effectively thwarted the gimmicks of OPG group. He was also one of the main architects in uniting the erstwhile telecom unions and formation of BSNL Employees Union in 2001

.After retirement in 2004, Com. PVC continued his valuable services to the employees and pensioners as well. He played a pivotal role in formulating the Constitution, charter of demands and policy and programme of AIBDPA in 2009. He was guiding our mighty organisation in the capacity of Patron and helped us to organise the struggles on important issues of Medical benefits and pension revision at the appropriate time.

The passing away of Com. PVC has created a vacuum and we have to overcome it by streghtheing our AIBDPA to greater heights. Let us remember him on the occasion of his first death anniversary on 09-10-2023.

Respectful homage and Red Salute to Com. PVC.!



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Jamnagar biennial District Conference was held at Dayashankar Bramapuri Hall, Jamnagar on 01-10-2023 along with the observance of International Day of Pensioners and Retirees. Com. H D Jadeja, District President presided over the conference.Com.M B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary and CHQ Vice President inaugurated the conference. He gave good account of the developments in the recent past on important issues like pension revision and the struggles sperheaded by CHQ and Joint Forum. He also highlighted the importance of the International Day of Pensioners and Retirees. A host of leaders including Coms. R U Anjariya, Circle Treasurer, V D Dhamsaniya, Circle Asst Treasurer, S S Dubey, District Secretary, BSNLEU and A A Ansari, Circle Vice President addressed the conference.

Com.N N Kaneria, District Secretary presented the detailed report and audited accounts and were adopted after discussion. Thereafter the conference elected the office bearers unanimously with Com. J H Pandya (Patron) Com.H D Jadeja (President) Com.N N Kaneria (District Secretary) and R K Punjani (Treasure). The conference was concluded with vote of thanks by Com.N N Koringa.


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May be an image of 1 person, dais, temple and text

The 2nd Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees) was held at Boban Residency, Thiruvanathapuram on 1.10.2023, A presidium of Comrades VAN Namboodiri a(Patron NCCPA); D.K.Debnath (GS AIPRPA); and A.K.Ghosh (Member Finance Commission TUI(P&R) controlled the proceedings.

Comrade K.G.Jayaraj GS Reception Committee & GS AIBDPA welcomed all and felicitated the foreign Delegates with mementos. The Reception Committee needs to be showered praises for its excellent exhibition of work for all arrangements.Comrade V.Joy M.L.A., delivered the Chairman’s address. Comrade M.A.Baby former Education Minister of Kerala Government & Polit Bureau Member of CPI(M) inaugurated the Regional Conference with an informative speech .Comrades Shiva Gopal Mishra President NCCPA & JCM Staff Side Secretary; C.Srikumar Deputy GS WFTU & SG AIDEF; and K.Ragavendran Asia CoordinatorTUI(P&R) & Secretary General NCCPA addressed the inaugural session.

Subjects Committee commenced with the playing of video speeches in the giant screen from Comrade Pambis Kyritsis General Secretary WFTU; and Comrade Quim Boix General Secretary TUI (P & R). The video speeches were heard with rapt attention.

Comrade K.Ragavendran TUI (P&R) Asia Coordinator presented the report of the Regional Conference. *71 Delegates participated in the Conference including 5 Delegates from Nepal and Srilanka. 4 women Delegates attended*. Almost All organisations participated in the intervention of report and Thiruvananthapuram Declaration. After the summing up of interventions by comrade K. Ragavendran, the Report and Thiruvananthapuram Declaration read out by comrade Swastika Dasgupta Member TUI(P&R) Women Commission were unanimously adopted by the conference.

The Conference selected a Committee to effectively implement the programs called by TUI(P&R) with India, Nepal and Srilanka representatives and representatives of other countries in consultation with the leaders of respective countries in the Region later. The Regional Conference ended at 6.00 P.M with the delivery of vote of thanks by Comrade V.A.Mohanan State Secretary of AIPRPA and with effective sloganeering.