Category Archives: News


The 3rd biennial District Conference of Kolkata South Branch under Kolkata Telephones Circle was held at the Kalighat Telephone Exchange premises on 30-012017. Com.Dipak Datta  presided. Com.A.K.Bhattacharjee, CHQ President inaugurated the conference with an inspiring speech. Coms. D.Basu, CHQ AGS, Swastika Dasgupta, CHQ Org Secretary, Sanjib Banerjee, Circle President, Supriya Mitra, CHQ Vice President & Circle President and Sunil Datta, Org Secretary, CORTO addressed. The biennial report presented by Com.N.N.Das, Acting District Secretary was adopted after discussion.

The following are the important office bearers elected unanimously.

President : Com.Dipak Datta, District Secretary : Com.N.N.Das and Treasurer : Com. Sourindra Nath Ghosh.

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Homage to the Father of the Nation

Today, 30th january 2017, is the 69th Death Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation. It was in the evening on 30th January 1948 that Nathuram Vinayak Godse, a Hindu fanatic and RSS worker, shot Gandhiji dead at the prayer meeting in Delhi.

Our Homage to Father of the Nation!



7th Central Pay Commission has quoted in para – 1.29 of ” Foreword ” , the following observations of the Supreme Court in the case of Bhupendranath Hazarika and another Vs State of Assam and others (reported in 2013 (2) Sec 516).

“It should always be borne in mind that legitimate aspirations of the employees are not guillotined and a situation is not created where hopes end in despair………. A sense of calm sensibility and concerned sincerity should be reflected in every step. An atmosphere of trust has to prevail and when the employees are absolutely sure that their trust shall not be betrayed and they shall be treated with dignified fairness ; then only the concept of good governance can be concretized. We say no more.”

Unfortunately, the NDA Government and the Group of Ministers consisting of Sri Rajnath Singh, Hon’ble Home Minister, Sri Arun Jaitley, Hon’ble Finance Minister, Sri Suresh Prabhu, Hon’ble Railway Minister who gave assurance on 30th June 2016 that Minimum wage and Fitment formula will be increased and a High Level Committee will be Constituted with a time – frame of four months , have given least concern for the above observations of the Apex Court. Now seven months are almost over. Further there is no guarantee that Allowance Committee will increase the percentage of HRA recommended by 7th CPC. Instead there is every chance, to deny retrospective effect from 01.01.2016 to the revised allowances and it may be implemented prospectively from 01.01.2017 or 01.04.2017, thus denying the eligible arrears for one year or more. It has become certain that the Option – 1 for pensioners recommended by 7th CPC, which is the one and only favourable recommendation, stands rejected. Orders on abolition of Advances including Festival advance and imposing “very good ” condition for MACP are issued unilaterally .

Request of the JCM National Council Staff side Secretary to give one more opportunity to present it’s case before the Allowance Committee is not conceded by the Finance Secretary, who is the Chairman of the Committee. The request of the JCM Staff side to modify the Terms of Reference of Anomaly Committee is also not yet considered by the Department of Personnel and Training. The Committee constituted for New Pension Scheme is only for streamlining the NPS by making some cosmetic changes as recommended by 7th CPC and not for considering the demand of the JCM Staff side to scrap NPS. Not even a single demand of the staff side submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015, requesting modifications in the recommendations of 7th CPC is settled by the Government. The so-called group of senior officer’s committee had, in fact, ridiculed and humiliated the JCM Staff Side standing committee.

The All India Conference of the Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers held in August 2016 at Chennai had taken a decision to request all constituents of NJCA to revive the indefinite strike , if Government is not ready to honour it’s commitment before 30th October 2016.  The AIC had further decided that, in case NJCA is not ready to revive the deferred indefinite strike, then Confederation should organise independent trade union action including strike. Confederation strongly feels that there in no meaning in waiting indefinittely for Government’s decision. We cannot cheat the employees like NDA Government. As no consensus decision could be taken in NJCA, Confederation had decided to  go for one day strike and organised country wide demonstrations, mass dharnas and massive Parliament March. Strike notice for one day strike on 15th February 2017 was served on 28th December 2016. Due to announcement of assembly elections in five states by Election Commission of India and 15th February being a polling day, the strike was postponed to 16th March 2017.

Intensive campaign and mobilisation is going on in full swing all over the country. About 13 to 15 lakhs Central Government employees will participate in the strike, with the full support and solidarity of about 34 lakhs pensioners, Central Trade Unions, independent Federations of State Government employees, Bank and Insurance employees and other public sector employees.

After reviewing the participation of employees in the one day strike, Confederation shall explore the possibility of declaring higher form of trade union action including indefinite strike .


Secretary General


WFTU on the plundering of the Employees Provident Fund in Sri Lanka

On 19th January, 2017 , the Inter Company Employees Union held a giant Protest in Colombo, the Capital city of Sri Lanka, against the Ranil- Mithree bourgeois government for putting the Employees Provident Fund, the largest Social Security Fund in Sri Lanka, to danger and allowing the culprits to loot the money from the Fund. The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is the Trustee of this Fund but it has neglected its duty to protect the Money belong to People.

During last several months, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka has directed to buy treasury bonds from third party and the lost made by this irrational investment was nearly Rs. 15 000 millions. The EPF money had used to buy Treasury Bonds from the secondary market even there are provisions to buy bonds directly from the Central Bank.

The Union urged the government to take immediate steps to recover the lost from the culprits.

The World Federation of Trade Unions, representing 92 million workers, supports the struggles for the protection of the right of Social Security and the safeguarding of the Employees Provident Fund in order to be utilized in favor of the workers.


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The spacious Recreation Club hall at Mahadji Sindhey Telephone Exchange ,Pune was jam packed with pensioners from all the districts of Maharashtra on 15-01-2017. The occasion was the Circle Conference of AIBDPA, Maharashtra. Com.Nagesh Nalawade, Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and the main architect of the organising committee welcomed all and controlled the proceedings. Com.Subhas Bartakke, Circle President presided over the conference.

Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the conference with an elaborate and inspiring speech, covering almost all the issues of the pensioners. Com.K.G.Jayaraj, General Secretary, in his address dealt the organisational issues and exhorted to strengthen the AIBDPA at all levels to meet the challenges. Coms. Appa Saheb Ghagre, Circle President, BSNLEU, Gulab Kale, Assistant Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and S.S.Amre also addressed the conference. Com.B.P.Petkar presented the report and accounts and were adopted after active discussion.

Office bearers were elected unanimously and the following are the important functionaries.

Advisors : Coms. B.P.Petkar, S.N.Barkulabi

Patrons : Coms. S.S.Amre, B.R.Hiwarkar

Circle President : Com. P.G.Suryavanshi

Circle Secretary : Com.R.N.Patil

Treasurer. : Com. A.S.Ingale.


A good seminar, participated by hundreds of pensioners,  was organised on 08-01-2017 by the Reception Committee of the ensuing West Bengal Circle Conference. It was held at the Karmachari Bhawan, Midnapore and Com. Anupam Saha, District Secretary and General Secretary, Reception Committee welcomed the gathering. Com.Susanta Ghosh, CHQ Vice President and Circle Secretary presented the subject, “Save Pension & Pension for All” effectively. The main speaker was Com.Pranab Chattopadhyay, Veteran leader of the State Goverenment employees in particular and the entire middle class employees and retirees in general.

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