(Registered under the T.U. Act RTU-01/2021)NCCPA /

Decisions of Executive

Dated 20th June 2024


All Office Bearers and Affiliated organisations.

A meeting of NCCPA Executive was held at 3.00 P.M on 19th June 2024. As the President Comrade Shiva Gopal Mishra was preoccupied the meeting was presided over by Working President Comrade A.K.Ghosh. Nearly 30 Executive Members participated including the three Patrons.The Executive started with observing a minutes’ silence for the departed.

After the agenda was approved the President called for initiating the first item of agenda by the Secretary General.Comrade K.Ragavendran stated that all appreciated the holding of 5th AIC at Chennai and called for opinions of members. He recalled the Chennai AIC had given the task to form NCCPA COCs in all States; to propagate formation of Confederation of all Pensioners Associations; and to strengthen the functioning of Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retired). He requested that NCCPA COCs be formed in all States so that all calls of NCCPA and TUI(P&R) are implemented effectively.

Thereupon the executive deliberated on the holding of Chennai AIC and the general opinion was that it was a good conference. Some comrades revealed that though NCCPA has not been functioning in their state, all calls are being implemented through the CGPA COCs. However, formation of NCCPA COCs in all States was insisted by the Secretary General so as to implement all calls effectively in the name of NCCPA.

Next item taken up was the TUI(P&R) World Congress held at Athens at Greece, Comrades who participated physically in the Congress Comrades A.K.Ghosh; D.K.Debnath; and K.Ragavendran and also virtually by Comrade K.G.Jayaraj explained the details of the Congress. The Executive congratulated all the Office Bearers and Commission Members elected in the TUI(P&R) World Congress especially from India.

The memorandum prepared by the Secretary General and submitted to the Cabinet Secretary by NCCPA and ‘Affiliates and the future Programme of action is discussed by the Executive. It was pointed out that though the memorandum was written in good shape, certain omissions were pointed out. Suggestions for future Programme of action also were suggested by the members,Ultimately it was decided that two memorandums (Memorandum 1 and 2) will be prepared by NCCPA; one for CGHS / RELHS medical issues and the other for general pension related issues. The respective associations will be consulted while preparing the memorandum so that the issues are correctly focused.

There will be submission of memorandum (1) by NCCPA and all Affiliates on 29.07.2024 to Minister of Health and to Director General CGHS by email.

State level Dharnas on August 6th (06.08.2024) in front of AD CGHS Offices and handing over of the same memorandum (1) to the AD CGHS to press the demands.

Memorandum (2) on Pension related issues to be submitted to the Prime Minister, Pension Minister and to Cabinet Secretary by email by the NCCPA and all Affiliates on September 5.9.2024.

Local (District) level Dharna on 13.09.2024 before a Central Government Office of local choice.

State level dharna in front of any Central Government Office or a place of choice to Circles on 25.09.2024.

Our branches should embark upon the meeting the Members of Parliament during early time of October and enlisting their support on both memorandums.

Dharna in New Delhi by NCCPA and Affiliates during the last week of October 2024. (The date will be shortly announced after fixing the date).

Delhi Dharna will be on all issues covering the CGHS/RELHS/Medicare Insurance and all other Pension related issues. NCCPA and Affiliates should take the initiative to organize a press meet before Delhi Dharna preferably during the third week of October 2024. The Press meet should focus on Health issues and Pension related issues. These decisions were due to the fact that without struggles no advancement to Pensioners could be achieved.

The Executive unanimously elected Comrade Sridhar (AIRRF) as the Vice President of NCCPA and Comrades Aram Singh General Secretary of AIRRF and K.V.Jayaraj General Secretary of National Forum for Atomic Energy Retirees to the executive committee as per the unanimous decision of the Chennai AIC.

Then the Treasurer CHQ Comrade G.Kumar presented the audited accounts of NCCPA for the year 2023 and the same was unanimously approved.Legal action on Pension related issues will be taken up by the next executive


Comrade K.G. Jayaraj raised the issue of support of NCCPA to their joint struggle under any other item with the permission of chair. He requested that the NCCPA should extend support to the struggle of Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations on 2.7.2024 ‘Demands Day’. NCCPA also assured total support to BSNL MTNL Pensioners struggle. The Executive concluded at about 5.45 P.M with the formal vote of thanks.

K.Ragavendran, Secretary General NCCPA