The Circle Executive Committee meeting of Tamil Nadu was held at the Conference Hall of GM office, Pondicherry on 19-06-2024. Com.C K Narasimhan, Circle President presided over the CEC meeting. Com.V Ramakrishnan, District Secretary of the hosting Pondicherry District delivered the welcome address. Com.R Rajasekar, Circle Secretary also welcomed all and presented the report of activities for the intervening period followed with the audited accounts by Com.S Nataraja, Circle Treasurer.

Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary inaugurated the CEC meeting explaining the issues in detail covering the TUI (P&R) 3rd Congress, Parliament election results, NCCPA memorandum on various issues of the pensioners, particularly CGHS issues, BSNL MRS, status of pension revision and the agitational programme by Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations starting with the Demands Day on 02-07-2024. Coms.S Mohandoss, CHQ Vice President, V Venkatraman, CHQ Organising Secretary and V Seethalakshmi, CHQ Assistant Treasurer also addressed.

In the discussion that followed, all the District Secretaries and Circle Office Bearaers actively participated and several issues were raised. Circle Secretary and General Secretary replied to the points raised in the discussion. Resolutions on important issues were adopted unanimously. With concluding speech by Com.C K Narasimhan and vote of thanks by Com.LParameswaran, Circle Assistant Secretary, the meeting was concluded at 6.30 PM.