May be an image of 8 people, dais and text
May be an image of 1 person

Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary inaugurated Thiruvananthapuram biennial District conference held at Bank Employees Union hall, Thiruvanathapuram on 03-02-2024. Com.S Prathapkumar, District President was in chair. Com.C.Ramachandran, District Secretary welcomed one and all. Representing various organisations, Coms.S Ashokkumar (CGPA), Vinodkumar (NFPE), R S Binny (BSNLEU), Jacob Thomas(AIPRPA), S Sreekumar (AKBRF),B Susobhanan (DRPU),K Murukesan Nair (CCLU) and N Ganapathy Krishnan(LICPA) greeted the conference. The subject session was inaugurated by Com.N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary. Coms.R Muraleedharan Nair,AGS and C Santhoshkumar,ACS addressed. The report and audited accounts presented by Coms.C Ramachandran,District Secretary and S Sunilkumar,Treasurer were adopted after detailed discussion and reply. Representing 13 Area Branches, 273 delegates participated including 26 women delegates. Office bearers were elected unanimously with Com.S Pratapkumar (President), C Ramachandran (District Secretary) S Sunilkumar (Treasurer). The conference came to an end with vote of thanks by Com.K P Prathapachandran Nair.