May be an image of 6 people, dais and text that says "COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS ccpa dia Conference Kutty Manch avan, Vepery, Chennai 600 007 -December NCCPP NCCPA UIYF UNITY OF S"
May be an image of 1 person and dais

The 5th All India Conference of NCCPA was held at Com.KKN Kutty Manch, Chennai on 13-14, December, 2023. The inaugural session started with the welcome address by Com.P Mohan, General Secretary, Reception Committee, and the Chairman’s address by Com.C K Narasimhan, Working Chairman.Com.Shiva Gopal Mishra, President presided over. Com.Swadesh Deb Roye, Deputy General Secretary, WFTU inaugurated the conference with an educative speech. He came down heavily on the Modi government for handing over the PSUs and national assets to the corporates. No labour conference has been held since 2015 and the attacks on the rights of workers and pensioners has increased and the appointment of a committee for improvements in NPS is nothing but an eye wash.He exhorted for further joint struggles by all sections of workers , peasants and pensioners. Coms. C Srikumar, Deputy General Secretary, WFTU, V A N Namboodiri, Patron, Janardhan Mazumdar, Secretary General, NFPE, C K Gundanna, AGS, BSNLEU, N L Sridharan,General Secretary ,AISGPF, S Sridhar,President,AIRRF, K G Jayaraj, General Secretary, AIBDPA and K Ragavendran, Secretary General, NCCPA addressed the inaugural session.

Com.S K Sharma, Working President presided in the subject session. Com.K Ragavendran, Secretary General presented the work report and the audited accounts were submitted by the Asst Treasurer,Com.Sadan Banerjee. In the discussion that followed 46 comrades, representing various affiliates enthusiastically participated and raised several issues. Out of the 34 delegates participated from AIBDPA, 4 comrades ,M R Das, President, N Guruprasad, Circle Secretary, Kerala, R Rajasekar, Circle Secretary, Tamil Nadu and Sanjib Banerjee, Circle Secretary, Kolkata Telephones took part in the discussion. The main issues raised by them are BSNL pension Revision, CGHS issues, Attacks on PSUs, wages, pension, appeasement of corporates and threats on secularism and communal harmony. Thereafter the report, audited accounts and the amendments to the constitution were adopted . Resolutions on all the issues, including restoration of OPS, Pension revsion of BSNL/MTNL retirees, Pension udation of bank retirees, implementation of Parliamentary Standing Committee recommendations, CGHS issues, Restoration of commutation after 12 years, appointment 8th CPC were adopted.

The conference elected the following office bearers unanimously.

Patrons: (1) Com.V A N Namboodiri (AIBDPA) (2) Com.Pabithra Chakraborty (3) Com.C L Mathur (4) Com. R P Sharama (5) Com.H N Joshi.

President; Com.Shiva Gopal Mishra.

Working Presidents: Com. S K Sharma (2) Ashok Kanti Ghosh.

Vice Presidents : Com. S Rahman (2) Com.M L Gupta (3) Com.T S Parameswaran (4) Com.D K Dhandre (5) Com.Basudeb Sengupta(6) Com.K B Krishna Rao (6) Com.R Elangovan

Secretary General : Com.K Ragavendran.

Deputy Secretary General : (1) Com.K G Jayaraj (AIBDPA) (2) Com.D K Debnath (3) Com.Basawanand (4) Com.P Lahiri

Assistant Secretary General: (1) Com.M R Das (AIBDPA) (2)Com. S Mohandoss( AIBDPA) (3) Jagmohan Thakur (4) T N Venkateswaran (5) C P Sobhana (6) Radhakrishna (6) Ishwar Singh Dabas (7)P Krishnamurthy.

Treasurer; Com.G Kumar Assistant Treasurer : Com.Sadan Banerjee.

Organising Secretaries : Com.S C Bhattacharya (AIBDPA) (2) Com.Manisha Biswal(AIBDPA) (3) Com.M Suresh (4) Com.B P Ganak(5) S C Pandey (6) Com.Somaiah (7) Nageswara Rao.

Auditor : Com.R Natarajan.

May be an image of 7 people, dais and text that says "COORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS NCCPA AIl India Conference Com Kutty Manch ashtra Bhavan, Vepery, Chennai 600 007 13,14- December 2 NCCP NCCDA"

May be an image of 5 people, dais and text that says "CCPA NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE OF PENSIONERS ASSOCIATIONS rence 5*All India Cor ch Com Κ.Κ.Ν. Kut nai 600 007 Maharashtra Bhavan, Vepery 13,14-Decemb Decemb"
May be an image of 6 people, dais and text
May be an image of 2 people