May be an image of 9 people, hospital and text
May be an image of 8 people and people studying

The extended Circle Executive Committee meeting of Assam was held at Tezpur on 8-9, December, 2023. A presidium of Coms.K C Medhi, Sankar Das, D C Paul and A H Laskar controlled the proceedings.Homage was paid to Com.P C Das, Circle President and others passed away during the period. Com.S N Sarma, Circle Secretary welcomed all and presented the report and Com. P C Dawka the accounts.

Com.M R Das, CHQ President inaugurated the meeting and gave a good account of the developments in respect of the important issues, particularly pension revision. He explained the PBCAT judgment , its impacts and the dcisions of Pune CEC meeting held on 19-20 , November, 2023. 26 comrades including Circle Office bearers and district Secretaries participated in the discussion that followed.Summing up the discussion, Com.S N Sarma effectively replied to all the queries raised. Com.D N Bhishma was nominated as President in place of Com.P C Das. The extended CEC came to an end with the vote of thanks by Com.Dulal Nath on behalf of the Reception Committee.