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The 5th All India Conference of NCCPA (National Coordination Committee of Pensioners Associations) is being held at Chennai on 13-14 December, 2023. Chennai is returning to normalcy after the torrential rain hit the city a few days ago and the venue of the conference and stay are not affected according to the Recepation Committee. The delegates have already started their journey and are reaching Chennai on 12th or early morning on 13th inst.

The venue of the conference is named after Com.K K N Kutty at Maharashtra Bhawan, Vepery, Chennai. The AIC will be inaugurated by Com. Su.Venkatesan MP (Madurai) at 10AM on 13th December and presided over by Com.Shiva Gopal Mishra, President. A host of leaders including Coms. Swadesh Dev Roye(Deputy General Secretary,WFTU), C Srikumar (Deputy General Secretary,WFTU) V A N Namboodiri (President, SCFWA), K G Jayaraj (TUI(P&R)) ,S B Yadav (Confederation) C K Gundanna(BSNLEU), K Ragavendran (SG,NCCPA) will address the inaugural session.

Subject Committee session will be held from 3PM to 8.30PM on 13th and 9AM to 5PM on 14th December. Serious discussion will take place on all the important issues, including restoration of OPS, Rejection of Recommendations of Parliamentary Standing Committee, Pension Revision of BSNL/MTNL retirees, pension revision of Bank retirees, Restoration of Railway concession and concerted efforts of the sangh parivars to divide the people in the name of caste and religion. Not a single issue has been settled by the government despite launching strong struggles by NCCPA and its affiliates and appropriate decisions will be taken by the conference, particularly in the wake of the general elections round the corner.

The Reception Committee headed by Ms.Priya Rajan, Mayor,Chennai (Chairperson) Com.C K Narasimhan (Working Chairman) Com.P Mohan (General Secretary) under the guidance of Com.K Ragavendran, (SG,NCCPA ) is making all out efforts to make the AIC a grand success.