AIBDPA, the mighty organisation is completing 14 years and moving on to the 15th year with pride . Yes, it was on 21st October, 2009, All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association was formed in the Convention held in New Delhi, as per the decision of BSNLEU.

The formation of the organisation and its vibrant functioning by conducting countless struggles to achieve the demands had positive impact on other class conscious pensioners organisations also. This has naturally resulted in strengthening the main stream of Pensioners movement in the country.

AIBDPA continues to be one of the important affiliates of both NCCPA and Trade Union International (Pensioners & Retirees). NCCPA included pension revision also in the 15 point charter of demands and launched agitations, the last one being the four phased agitational programme culminated in the Parliament March on 21st July, 2023. We are the dominant participant in the struggles of the Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA and BSNLCCWF. AIBDPA took the leading role in successfully holding the 2nd Asia Regional Conference of TUI (P&R) at Thiruvananthapuram on 1st October, 2023.

When we celebrate the 15th Foundation Day, there are serious concerns about the settlement of the most burning issue of pension revision consequent to the Delhi CAT judgment. Actually, DoT had almost completed the process with a new proposal based on the calculations of financial implications of 5,10, and 15 per cent of fitment. However, final decision was deferred when the cases filed by certain pensioners Associations moved to the final stage. Now, the DoT, according to some of the petitioner organisations, has decided to file appeal in the High Court against CAT judgment. So uncertainty looms large while some people are busy in glorifying the CAT judgment, as if the order is being issued by DoT.

So let us explain the situation to the general members while to be proud of the significant achievements made during these 14 years.As far as, AIBDPA is concerned, we are committed to continue the struggle until pension revision is achieved both to the pre 2017 and post 2017 retirees without any anomaly . We will definitely discuss it with all the seriousness and take appropriate decision in the ensuing Central Executive Committee meeting being held at Pune on 19-20 November, 2023.

CHQ calls upon to observe the 15th foundation day on 21-10-2023 in a befitting manner by hoisting the flag, holding meeting/seminar and distributing food and clothes to the needy.Please send the reports and photos to CHQ.