May be a selfie of 1 person, smiling, glasses and text

It was on 9th October, 2022 Com. PVC left us all due to the post Covid ailments

.Com. PVC was a legendary and visionary leader who served the movements of the employees and pensioners in various capacities.He came to limelight after leading the local struggle and the historic Strike of 19th September, 1968 at Kannur. He became the Circle Secretary of AITEEU Cl III, Kerala in 1981 and continued in the post for the eventful 20 years. He led many struggles during this period and his pleasant nature and effective dealings of the issues made him dear to all.

Com. PVC played a crucial role in the fight against revisionism of Com. O P Gupta along with other progressive leaders which finally resulted in the defeat of Com. O P Gupta in the 1991 Bhopal Conference. The next E3 AIC was held at Thiruvananthapuram in 1994 with Com. PVC as General Convenor and effectively thwarted the gimmicks of OPG group. He was also one of the main architects in uniting the erstwhile telecom unions and formation of BSNL Employees Union in 2001

.After retirement in 2004, Com. PVC continued his valuable services to the employees and pensioners as well. He played a pivotal role in formulating the Constitution, charter of demands and policy and programme of AIBDPA in 2009. He was guiding our mighty organisation in the capacity of Patron and helped us to organise the struggles on important issues of Medical benefits and pension revision at the appropriate time.

The passing away of Com. PVC has created a vacuum and we have to overcome it by streghtheing our AIBDPA to greater heights. Let us remember him on the occasion of his first death anniversary on 09-10-2023.

Respectful homage and Red Salute to Com. PVC.!
