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Jamnagar biennial District Conference was held at Dayashankar Bramapuri Hall, Jamnagar on 01-10-2023 along with the observance of International Day of Pensioners and Retirees. Com. H D Jadeja, District President presided over the conference.Com.M B Chaniyara, Circle Secretary and CHQ Vice President inaugurated the conference. He gave good account of the developments in the recent past on important issues like pension revision and the struggles sperheaded by CHQ and Joint Forum. He also highlighted the importance of the International Day of Pensioners and Retirees. A host of leaders including Coms. R U Anjariya, Circle Treasurer, V D Dhamsaniya, Circle Asst Treasurer, S S Dubey, District Secretary, BSNLEU and A A Ansari, Circle Vice President addressed the conference.

Com.N N Kaneria, District Secretary presented the detailed report and audited accounts and were adopted after discussion. Thereafter the conference elected the office bearers unanimously with Com. J H Pandya (Patron) Com.H D Jadeja (President) Com.N N Kaneria (District Secretary) and R K Punjani (Treasure). The conference was concluded with vote of thanks by Com.N N Koringa.