Central Executive Committee Meeting was held online on 05-09-2023 under the presidenship of Com.M R Das, President. The meeting observed one minute silence paying homages to the martyrs and condolences to those passed away during the intervening period. Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary welcomed all the participants and presented the agenda items to be discussed in the meeting.

Com.V A N Namboodiri, Advisor inaugurated the CEC and gave a brief account of the developments taken place in the recent past. He severely criticised the attempts of the government sponsored or supported attacks to discriminate and even eliminate a section of the people in various parts of the country, particularly in Manipur , in the name of caste and religion .In all the human development indexes, India stands behind some of the underdeveloped countries. He congratulated all for successfully organising the agitational programmes of NCCPA on the 15 point charter of demands and Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations on pension revision.

The participation of Com.A K Bhattacharjee, veteran beloved leader and Patron despite his poor health condition, inspired one and all . Unfortunately, he could not speak due to technical snag.

Then, General Secretary gave a brief report on the important issues taken place after our Mysuru AIC in December, 2022. Formation of Joint Forum of BSNL MTNL Pensioners Associations which consists 8 organisations, 4 each from BSNL and MTNL, and demanding pension revision on 3rd PRC with 15% fitment from 01-01-2017, delinking wage revision. The decision of the Joint Forum to launch a three phased agiattional programme on pension revision was welcomed by the pensioners with great enthusiasm which resulted in unprecedented participation. The Dharna on 31-07-2023 was held even at Jammu & Kashmir and Uttarakhand.

Though the curtailment of 5 days Delhi Dharna to two days caused confusion and difficulties for cancellation of earlier booked tickets and get further reservation, the participation was good. The refusal of Delhi Police to grant permission for two days and granting permission for only 24th August,2023 for holding the dharna at Jantar Mantar was suitably resented and defeated. The determination and commitment to hold powerful demonstration before the Sanchar Bhawan despite prohibitory orders and resisting the police intervention, compelled the police to allow to hold Dharna at Jantar Mantar on 25th August also. It gave shock waves to the government and bureaucracy.

AIBDPA share of participation in the NCCPA agitational programmes , mainly, the Mass Dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on 21-07-2021, was significant in the success of the program.

The importance of the ensuing 2nd Asia Regional Conference of TUI(P&R) on 1st October, 2023 and the All India Conference of NCCPA at Chennai on 13-14 December, 2023 was also reported by the General Secretary. The financial position after the Mysuru AIC was presented by Com.M G S Kurup, Treasurer.

The CEC took the following decisions

  1. To continue the agitation on pension revision. CEC authorised CHQ to take appropriate decision in consultation with the Joint Forum .
  2. CEC selected the following 10 delegates to represent AIBDPA in the 2nd Asia Regional Conference at Thiruvanathapuram on 01-10-2023. (1) Com. Asis Das, Circle Secretary, West Bengal (2) Com.K R Yadav, Circle Secretary, UP(E) (3) Com.M I Jakati, Circle Secretary, Maharashtra. (4) Com.Ramachandradu , Circle Secretary, Telangana (5) Com.R Rajasekar, Circle Secretary, Tamil Nadu (6) Com.Muddiah, Circle Secretary, Karnataka (7) Com.N Guruprasad (Circle Secretary, Kerala (8) Com.H S Thakur, Circle Secretary, Madhya Pradesh (9) Com.N K Shrivastava, Circle Secretary (Bihar) (10) Com.S C Bhattacharjee, AGS (Chhattisgarh). Besides, Com.V A N Namboodiri, Advisor will participate on behalf of NCCPA and Coms. K G Jayaraj, General Secretary and Swastika Dasgupta being part of TUI(P&R) are ex-officio delegates.
  3. 34 delegates are allotted to AIBDPA for the NCCPA AIC at Chennai on 13-14 December, 2023 and the CEC allocated it as follows; Kerala-04, Tamil Nadu-04, Chennai Telephones-02, West Benagal-02, Kolkata Telephones-02. Karnataka-02, Maharashtra-02, Gujarat-02, Andhra Pradesh -02, Telangana -02, Bihar-01, UP(E)-01, UP(W)-01, Haryana-01, Punjab-01, Rajasthan -01, NTR Delhi-01, Assam-01, Odisha -01, Chhattisgarh -01. Apart from these, Coms.V A N Namboodiri (Patron), K G Jayaraj (Dy Secretary General), S Mohandoss (Assistant Secretary General), H S Thakur (Organising Secretary) and S S Maurya (Organising Secretary) are ex-officio delegates.
  4. The offer of Com.M I Jakati, Circle Secretary, Maharashtra to host the CEC meeting in November, 2023 was accepted by the CEC meeting. The venue and dates of the meeting will be decided shortly.
  5. All the circles should ensure timely payment of quota to both CHQ and Circle by the district branches. Life subscribers of Telepensioner be enrolled .

42 comrades attended the CEC meeting and 21 comrades participated in the discussion. Com. R. Muraleedharan Nair, AGS could not attend due to illness. UP(E), Uttarakhand, Punjab and Jammu& Kashmir circles did not participate.