Com.K G Jayaraj General Secretary had a very fruitful meeting with the new CGCA, Ms. Anuradha Joshi Durgapal at her office in New Delhi on 12-07-2023.

CHQ had given a detailed letter to her predecessor, Shri. Dilip Padhye on the continuing harrassment and humiliation meted out to the VRS ST retirees of Maharashtra by denying their retirement benefits and pension in the name of caste revalidation. It was pointed out in the letter that CCA, Maharashtra is also collaborating with the BSNL management by denying the due terminal benefits and continuing Provisional Pension indefinitely in violation of the relevant rules. Certain cases of conversion of regular pension granted to provisional pension illegally were also mentioned in the letter. General Secretary handed over a copy of letter and discussed issue in detail with the CGCA. She had a very patient hearing and responded positively and called the CCA , Maharashtra in my presence. The Principal CCA was not available and spoke to one of the Joint CCAs. I could hear the Jt CCA stating that barring a few cases all other cases are settled. I immediately intervened to say that the report is not correct and even favourable judgments by CAT are not being implemented. CGCA stated that she will immediately call for a detailed report on total cases of ST VRS retirees, number of cases settled by paying the terminal benefits and regular pension and the pending cases.

General Secretary then drew her attention to the delay in granting family pension in certain Circles despite repeated instructions issued by DOP&PW and CGCA. CGCA was equally concerned about the delay in some cases and assured to intervene if brought to her notice. The difficulties being faced by the pensioners due to migration were also discussed. She stated that everything possible is being done to have a hassle free retirement life to the pensioners. Migration of pensioners drawing pension from postal department is underway and facing difficulties to reach out to all the pensioners as a good number of pensioners are not having the mobile number and asked the association to extend maximum cooperation in this regard. General Secretary replied that all our units are undertaking such responsibility in an effective manner and shall continue the same.

CGCA then appreciated AIBDPA for taking up the issues of the pensioners and fighting relentlessly for their cause even at this old age. She also stated that any suggestion intended for better service to the pensioners are welcomed.General Secretary also reciprocated by thanking her for the kind gesture extended to us.