*Com. K G Jayaraj General Secretary has met Shri. S P Singh, Sr GM (Admn) on 11-07-2023. At the outset, General Secretary conveyed our profound thanks for issuing the clarification letter dated 02-05-2023 on our request regarding insisting yearly submission of option to avail without voucher medical allowance by certain officers and the resultant denial of medical allowance to many eligible BSNL retirees. The clarification has helped to settle almost all the pending cases.

Furthermore, General Secretary drew his attention towards the difficulties being faced by the retirees for revalidation of medical card every year. He also brought to his notice that in the case of CGHS Card, renewal is required only when there is some change in respect of the beneficiaries. The GM responded positively and called the DGM and two concerned AGMs to his chamber and had a detailed discussion. The AGM concerned with MRS rules stated that this specific guidelines are issued based on the MRS rules. The other AGM stated that provision is being made in the BSNL portal to get the medical card revalidated online to mitigate the difficulties of the Retirees. General Secretary then argued that the MRS rules were framed some twenty years ago and needs to be amended according to the ground realities. GM finally stated that let us wait for the experience with the provision in BSNL portal and have a review later.

MEETING WITH GM (CBB) and GM ( Taxation and BFCI).

General Secretary also had meetings with Sri. Y N Singh, GM( Taxation & BFCI) and Sri. P C Bhat, GM (CBB) regarding delay in payment of indoor medical bill of Com.Subrata Misra of Asansol for Rs.1,94,097 pending since January,2023 at the Corporate Office. General Secretary was guided rather misguided to meet various officers and finally the DGM, attached to GM ( Taxation & BFCI) helped and found out that West Bengal Circle Office, although entered the amount in the system, have not sent the demand for the fund allocation which is mandatory. DGM then called the AGM and asked him to contact the concerned officer at the West Bengal Circle office to send the demand for allocation of fund in the prescribed format which was done in my presence. DGM assured to do the needful on the receipt of the same.

Comrades, I have narrated all these elaborately to have a clear understanding of the necessary formalities which are necessary to settle the payment at the Corporate Office.

Then, three complaints from Udaipur, Rajasthan of non- payment of medical allowance due to wrong feeding of bank account details in the vendor were also discussed with Shri. Kataria , AGM( CSC) . He immediately verified and stated that in all the three cases payment has been made on 29-03-2023. When I pointed out that they have not yet received the amount , the AGM asked me to get the copy of their bank account pass book.Accordingly they have been asked to send me the pass book details early for further action.