The Postal Department has withdrawn the recognition of All India Postal Employees Union Class III and National Federation of Postal Employees on flimsy grounds.

This is nothing but a naked attack against the democratic functioning of the most vibrant and strong union in the Postal Department. NFPE and it’s constituent unions which inherit the great tradition of the erstwhile NFPTE, have got the recognition by getting maximum votes of the employees in the verification held by the Department, pushing the government sponsored union to the ignonimous third position.

The reason attributed for withdrawing recognition is that NFPE helped the historic Farmers Struggle by giving donation through Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers. So it is quite evident that the forces behind the attack is none other than the BJP government.

Comrades, it is part of a nefarious game plan of the government to deny democratic functioning of unions and an attempt to scuttle the concept of recognition of unions.This barbaric action of the government has to be fought unitedly by all the sections of the workers, pensioners and people who stand for democracy.

AIBDPA strongly condemn the derecognition of NFPE and declare all the support and solidarity to NFPE. CHQ calls upon all its units to take the initiative for protest actions, jointly with like minded organisations, wherever possible.