May be a selfie of 9 people, phone and text that says "hakem Oscar H... Nelson ΔΗΜΟΣ Juan JuanMa... Ma... Quim You Mirt Mirtha11others 11 others"

A meeting of the Trade Union International ( Pensioners & Retirees) was held on digital platform on 19-04-2023 at 0830 PM .Com.Dimos Koumpouris, President presided over the meeting. Com.Quim Boix, General Secretary had already circulated his report on the recent developments worldwide and the urgent tasks to be undertaken collectively by the comrades. The 3rd Congress is proposed to be held in Greece in early 2024. Some of the Regional Conferences , including Asia, have to be completed in a time bound manner.All the comrades attended the meeting, presented their views.

From India, Com.K G Jayaraj participated and addressed highlighting the great struggle of the French Workers against the pension reform, the historic Worker – Peasant Rally held in New Delhi on 5th April 2023 and the participation of Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF in the rally. He also reported on the ensuing agtational program of NCCPA on the 15 point charter of demands. Com.K G Jayaraj had sent the written response to the General Secretary ‘ s report as required. Com.K.Ragvendran could not attend due to some technical snag.