General Secretary and Com.M I Jakati Circle Secretary, Maharashtra met Shri.Y N Singh, GM( Taxation & BFCI) , BSNL Corporate Office on 06-04-2023 and discussed the issue of delay in the payment of medical benefits to various Circles like Maharashtra, Telangana etc. The GM immediately called the concerned officer to his cabin in our presence and asked the position. The officer stated that whatever bills are cleared and entered by the circles have been cleared and paid fully and nothing is pending.


General Secretary and Com M I Jakati Circle Secretary, Maharashtra also met Shri. S P Singh GM ( Adm) BSNL Corporate Office on 06-04-2023 and discussed the following issues

1. Yearly Option for without voucher, medical allowance.

General Secretary handed over the CHQ letter regarding some confusion/ misinterpretation in some Circles/ SSA/ BAs on yearly Option for those who want to continue with without voucher medical allowance. General Secretary brought to his notice that the order of Corporate Office dated 08-06-2020 is being misinterpreted in certain circles and yearly option insisted. GM stated that the order is very clear and those retirees already given option for 2020-21 need not give fresh option every year. However considering our request,GM agreed to issue necessary clarification

.2. Yearly revalidation of BSNL MRS Card.

The representatives pointed out the difficulties being experienced by the retirees for revalidation of BSNL MRS card every year and requested to limit the revalidation only when there are change in the case of dependents/ Pensioner etc. It is also a fact that no space is provided in the Card to make the entry of renewal every year and in many SSA/ BAs it is not being done.

GM replied that BSNL MRS Card has to be renewed as per rules and can’t be dispensed with. They don’t bother if it is not done in some SSA/ BAs

.3. Opportunity to the Family Pensioners to change the Option as a one time measure.

The representatives requested the BSNL management to consider the issue sympathetically . There are ample justification for giving the Family Pensioners one opportunity to change the medical option. The main factor is that BSNL employees were not having without voucher medical allowance since 2011 and were having no option at all other than with voucher medical benefits. GM stated that he can’t agree to any proposal that may incur additional expenditure to BSNL in the present financial situation of BSNL.