The Mazdoor Kisan Sangarsh Rally organised by the All India Kisan Sabha, CITU, All India Agricultural Workers Union and joined by several other organisations including Central Government, State Government and PSU held on 5th April, 2023. has been made mammoth and historic.Lakhs of workers thronged to the large Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi since early morning and by 11AM it became a Red Ocean of workers. They all came with flags and banners from all parts of the country making the Rally colourful and beautiful.There were a large number of women comrades also. They raised slogans in support of the 14 point charter of demands and condemning the anti -worker, anti- people and divisive policies of Modi government.

Com K Hemalatha, President,CITU, Ashok Dhawle, President, AIKS and A Vijayaraghavan, President, AIAWU were in the presidium. A galaxy of leaders, including Coms. Tapan Sen , General Secretary,CITU, Viju Krishnan, General Secretary, AIKS, B Venkat, General Secretary, AIAWU P Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU, R N Parashar, Secretary General Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers addressed.

As per the decision of the Coordination Committee of BSNLEU, AIBDPA & BSNLCCWF,, AIBDPA also participated. According to initial reports, about 500 comrades from various circles,have participated and CHQ heartily congratulate all of them. It is encouraging to note that in certain places like Coimbatore, Alappuzha etc solidarity demonstration were held on 05-04-2023.

May be an image of 15 people, people standing and text that says "दूर-किसान किसान पਧप जन हितैषी नीतियों के लिए कॉरेपोरेट- ट-सांप्रदायिक गठजोड़ के खिलाफ एकजुट हो Unite Against the Corporate- Communal Nexus for Pro People Policies 5th April 2023, Ramlila Maidan, New Delhi UNIONS (CITU} XISAN SABHA (AIKS) ALL INDIA-AGRICULKO किसान संपर्प रलੀ CITU AIKS AIAWU किसान संघर्ष रैली"
May be an image of standing
May be an image of 4 people and people standing