The 4th Triennial Conference in a resolution adopted heartily congratulated and thanked the Reception Committee for the excellent arrangements made for the most successful conduct of the conference at Mysuru. Karnataka Circle took up the huge responsibility to hold the conference within a short period. The Reception Committee headed by Com.R B Tatapati (Chairman) Com.Muddaiah (General Secretary) Com.C G Annigeri (Treasurer) Com.Basavaraju (District Secretary, Mysuru)and ably guided by Coms. G G Patil (Veteran leader & Ex AGS), H C Prakash (AGS) C K Gundanna, AGS, BSNLEU, H V Sudharashan , Circle Secretary, BSNLEU and Irfan Pasha , Treasurer, BSNLEU made the conference historic and memorable with the all round brilliance with the sincere and hard work of hundred of comrades of various district branches.