May be an image of 6 people, people sitting and people standing
May be an image of 7 people, people sitting, people standing and indoor
May be an image of 8 people, people standing and text that says "4th TRIENNIAL ALL INDIA P.V.CHANDRASEKHARAN CONFERENCE AIBDPA m. AUDITORIUM SESSION & SUBJECT SES ON 022 Jayamma Govindegowda Choultry सय AIBDPA DOT PENSIONERS SNL B INDIA ALL AIBDPA"
May be an image of one or more people, people sitting and indoor

The 4th Triennial All India Conference of the mighty organisation, AIBDPA held at Mysuru on 20-21, December, 2022 has created another milestone in the glittering history of AIBDPA. The conference kickstatrted with the hoisting of National Flag by Com.V A N Namboodiri, Advisor and Association flag by Com.K G Jayaraj, General Secretary at 0930AM on 20th December at Com.P V Chandrasekharan Nagar, (Jayamma Govinda Gowda Auditorium) Mysuru. This was followed by homages to the great martyrs. The Open Session at 10AM was presided over by Com. V A N Namboodiri. Resolution on martyrs was presented by Com. Sanjib Banerjee, AGS and the condolences resolution by Com. R. Muraleedharan Nair, AGS. Com. K G Jayaraj delivered the introductory speech and paid rich tributes to the great visionary leader and Patron, Com.PVC. He explained the growth of AIBDPA during the 13 yeras as a fighting organisation of pensioners by organising numerous struggles for the settlement of genuine demands of the pensioners. He accorded a warm welcome to the distinguished guests and delegates who came from all parts of the country.

Com.R N Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers inauguarated the conference. He recalled the militant and joint functioning of NFPTE till the bifurcation of the P&T Department into postal and telecom in 1986 and formation of BSNL in 2000. He came down heavily on the central government for its aggressive implementation of neoliberism and handing over of national assets to the corporates. Postal sector is also under the process of privatisation with a number of other core sectors. National Pension Scheme has been proved to be a No Pension Scheme and needs to be scrapped and Old Pension Scheme restored. He also explained the decisions of the National Convention of Confederation, All India State govt.employees & Teachers Federation and other independent federations held at New Delhi on 8th December.

Com.V A N Namboodiri in his presidential address rememberd Com.PVC who has been the main pillar of the movement with his immense contributions throughout his life. He highlighted the great tradition of P&T Trade Union Movement. AIBDPA has been following this legacy and some of the important demands of the pensioners through numerous struggles. The great challenge in the form of PFRDA act has to be resisted jointly.

Speaking on the occasion, Com.P Abhimanyu, General Secretary, BSNLEU deplored the anti-BSNL policy of the Modi government by preventing BSNL from launching the 4G services. Pay revision and pension revision are also being denied unjustifiably. He thoroughly exposed the pro-corporate policies of the government and the evil designs to divide the people by purposely inciting communal violences. He thanked AIBDPA comrades for the spectacular victory of BSNLEU in the 9th memebership verification.

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Com.K Ragavendran, President, AIPRPA and Secretary General, NCCPA greeted the conference. He applauded the militant functioning of AIBDPA by organising struggles even during the Covid-19 pandemic. NCCPA has been strengthned after the formation of departmental wise pensioners organisations and its affiliation with NCCPA. The three organisation, NCCPA, AIBDPA & AIPRPA are the only three affiliates of TUI (P&R ) from India and playing an important role in its functioning.

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Com. Animesh Mitra, Secretary General, BSNL CCWF focused on the miserable plight of the BSNL contract workers due to exploitation of the BSNL management. He congratulated AIBDPA for successfully holding the Sanchar Bhawan March. Com. Mahantesh, State General Secretary, CITU also addressed. BSNLEU leaders Coms. C. K Gundanna, AGS, Irfan Pasha CHQ Treasurer , H V Sudharashan, Circle Secretary, Karnataka etc participated. All the leaders were honourd in traditional Karnataka style by Com.R B Tatapati, Reception Committee. The messages from Com.Quim Boix, General Secretary, TUI(P&R), P K Purwar, CMD, BSNL and Com. Ananta Kr Bhattacharjee , President were read out by Com. V A N Namboodiri. With vote of thanks by Com.Muddaiah, General Secretary, Reception Committee, the open session was concluded by 2.30PM.